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City Rocker

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Posts posted by City Rocker

  1. Personally I've renewed my season ticket and have had two jabs, but in the current circumstances and the crazy Covid numbers in Bristol, I've no plans to go to any matches anytime soon. Mostly because I don't want to risk infecting my elderly disabled mum, or anyone else for that matter.

    If entry to football stadia does become conditional on showing a Covid passport, I might reconsider those risks though, especially if the numbers are falling at that stage.

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, Banjo Island said:

    I used to wear a donkey jacket 1973 ithink it was maggo ????

    Paraphrasing the Bountyhunter from back in the day, but if I recall correctly, all gasheads believe in Santa and most will be asking 'the big fella' for a donkey jacket this Christmas. 

  3. 12 hours ago, fgrsimon said:

    Astonishing Lansdown meltdown / Playing the victims from user 'gulfofaden' on GasChat

    Akin to terrorism mind!

    Lansdown hasn’t just been a benefactor to city, which he is entitled to do, but he’s also been antagonistic to Rovers on any occasion he can to win favour with his fan base including the Matt Taylor saga which given the fact we got the exact release fee (which was supposed to be confidential) is akin to terrorism in football terms.

    He’s also putting posters on the Glocs road, getting his sponsors to ridicule us through postal campaigns and trying very hard to get a club who for much of his life was a giant firm of bedminster hooligans who regularly smashed up our ground and attacked and threatened our players pegged as some “family club”. They have some normal fans of course but also a giant contingent on cocaine and cider addled specimens which dwarf, and have always dwarfed, ours, even pro rata.

    You think he couldn’t see all that victimisation and violence in the 80s and 90s? Was he blind? Of course he wasn’t my. That’s fine, he can still bankroll the club but to do so, and still pander to those guys and continually harrass and target us knowing full well the asymmetric history between us, is beneath contempt.

    It wasn’t 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. It was grown men targeting families and players in their own homes.

    If he had adopted the attitude of “City is my club,
    Good luck to Rovers but I hope we are always above them” then I would have all the time in the world for him.

    He didn’t, he, like a playground bully, has been sadistic and provocative in swinging his weight around, to a club he knows can’t really fight back.

    And the reason for this? The heinous crime which caused this ire?

    We used to beat them a lot, before. When we were in dire straights and on paper we shouldn’t have.

    That’s it. That’s what all this is about.



    There's enough material there for an entire conference. 


    • Haha 2
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  4. 16 minutes ago, Sixtyseconds said:

    Bit woke.

    Culturally misappropriating working class culture.

    Too much stood outside a highrise trying to act like a gangsta

    Still quite like them.

    "Bit woke". I understand this to mean "cares about social injustice".

    So that would be, on the whole, a good thing, yes? 

    • Like 13
  5. On 19/03/2021 at 00:22, prankerd said:

    I dont see the hate for lee Johnson, he clearly had a passion for Bristol city and football in general, gave us that great cup run, put bristol city in the spotlight as a nice attacking team which in turn got us some great loans and attract some good players.

    To hate him is very strange, you dont know him personally so why be so personal, you could say you didnt rate him as a managed but to be irritated by him as a person seems petty.

    I have met him many times and hes been friendly and always had time for fans..

    He could of slagged us off by now but hes had great things to say about the club and rhe fans 

    I met him a few times years ago in a business context, nothing to do with football. You couldn't meet a nicer person, he came across as warm, friendly and genuinely engaging. Lovely fella. 

    22 hours ago, Davefevs said:


    • that he got given huge resources that others didnt
    • or possibly loyalty to Cotts.

    I think the answer to that one is that he's the only one who earned the right to those resources by taking the team from the brink of the relegation zone to the fringes of the play off places.

    And Cotts, who will always remain a City legend for me, was afforded comparatively rich resources to build the side comprising the best players in league 1. So fair enough I think. 

    • Like 5
  6. 28 minutes ago, CiderJar said:

    Back in the days when they averaged 18 k, cough.


    That is just about where I stood as Martyn Hirst slotted the winner in 1983. I ended up somewhere completely different mind. Best game ever.

    Yeah I used to stand about there during the glory years, when Eastville used to attract decent crowds.

    You can almost hear the roar of the crowd and smell the methanol, getting showered with shail from the track; Crump, Gresham, Langli et al hurtling round the bends on those crazy bikes with no brakes. 

    Happy days. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, RedRock said:

    Talking about pubs..... what was the one out at Filton that had a bit of a City/Sags history?

    What’s the story behind that one? Seemed a bit remote from our heartlands. 

    I believe the City pub you're thinking of is the Fellowship, which was at the Horfield end of Filton Avenue. Now a Tesco Express. I never went to the pub so can't vouch for its 'City-ness', but that was its reputation. And having lived not too far from there for the last 20-odd years, I can tell you there are easily as many City fans as Rovers living in the area, probably more these days.

    3 hours ago, Taz said:

    On the Filton roundabout on the a38? The Air Balloon pub?

    Far as I'm aware that's the closest one, and only know that place as the wife used to live in the student flats above what used to be Blockbusters and Motaman. God knows what's there now, just know they sold all the flats off and did them up to a fairly high spec.

    The Air Balloon is built on the site of what used to be the Anchor Hotel. Neither as far as I know were ever City pubs.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Jerseybean said:

    Right, so the Suspension Bridge is going to be lit blue, you say? 


    Hold up, let me just check this end......................... nope sorry, I've got nothing. 

    tenor (7).gif

    • Like 3
  9. 9 minutes ago, 054123 said:

    Playing the Gas next year in a league game.

    What have we got to show for the last 20 years?

    If I was a gas head, I’d be pissing myself. They know they’ve got **** all and have been to the brink and back.

    All of Steve’s promises and all we’ve done is bounce between div2/3.

    Were getting a conference centre mind!

    Well, not the club as such, but still...

    Right. So we're shit and they're waaaay more shit. Nope, I suspect you'll find they remain as bitter and twisted as they have been for the past twenty years. 

    Rovers win, City lose! Singin the blues! Well it's been a long time, nice for them to have a moment occasionally. 

    • Like 1
  10. 35 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    Wonder if this guy will be reading OTIB tonight?

    For the record, this is what your indifferent, happy to be mediocre,  “we put up with any old shit” support gets you....tents for stands, Basement/Non League football and 6-1 defeats to Accrington Stanley.

    onedaygas83 Avatar
    Reserve Team
    Jan 30, 2021 at 11:00pm
    purdownpoacher1 likes this
    For all the issues we have being a gashead this season it beggars belief to read what those tossers have to say about their current manager/players! Yeah shoot me down for having a nose at their forum but when you read how they feel about their team that's only 3 points off the playoffs it makes my blood boil. They slate their manager and players something rotten and yet their a top 10 championship club now! I think for all the negative things people say on here about our club it's a damn lot less than those inbred ***** south of the river so yes feel free to have a dig but I'm proud to be a gashead who sticks by their club through thick and thin unlike our trashy neighbor's

    And yet, just like at City and every other football club in the world, some of their fans support the management and team through thick and thin, while some offer constructive criticism where needed, and yet others slate their team mercilessly unless they're winning.

    That's the way of the world kid, sorry to break it to you but you're no different from anyone else. 

    Your team, on the other hand, are way more shit than most. 

    • Like 5
  11. 13 minutes ago, BigTone said:

    Thanks to you all for your kind words regarding my situation & especially those who took time to PM me.

    Sadly Mum lost her battle this morning and is now at peace. I managed to speak with her on Friday for about 5 mins which was nice.

    Whilst obviously upset I am also pleased that she is no longer suffering.

    Now having a glass of Champagne in her memory.

    Condolences on your loss. Enjoy that drink and raise a glass to the good times. 

  12. 14 hours ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    Well, @EmissionImpossibleand @JamesBCFC you reacted to my post above with a ‘confused’ emoji so I thought I’d explore that - you obviously don’t identify with, or understand, my thoughts or musings and that is probably because you belong to the X-Factor, Britains’s Got Talent, Strictly Come Dancing, Reality TV shite generation?

    I’m sure you will correct me if i’m incorrect ... but my post highlighted a time when kids could seriously identify with the bands who were high profile at the time - and that was because we knew that they were the same age as us and they had grafted so, so hard to get a record deal - they had rehearsed in their Dad’s garage with their mates and then when they were confident enough they took their songs all over the UK, playing five, six, seven nights a week at horrendous venues just hoping to get spotted.

    They worked harder than any X-Factor winner who wouldn’t know the first thing about honest graft or how to pick up a guitar and learn how to play it from scratch - we loved our heroes because they were just like us - they didn’t get flown out to a Simon Cowell mansion, somewhere exotic to practice an horrendous bubble gum pop song cover version to perform in front of brain dead couch potatoes on a Saturday night ready to vote by pressing the red button .... our heroes were real ... and a great example, like him or love him, is Bryan Adams - his band has been together since they were 14 years old, practising in his Dad’s old barn in the ‘70s and early ‘80s and making it to the top ... proper blokes, proper musicians - and the same goes to legends like The Jam, The Specials, The Clash etc, etc, etc .... 

    I can understand somewhat why you are ‘confused’ but our heroes were real, not manufactured and pampered, and the reality they displayed through their playing and lyrics made us pay homage to them at a time when their outpourings were so refreshing and honest.

    I get the impression your heroes will be forgotten in a matter of years, whereas ours will live forever ... hectic, heady days ... they were just awesome ...

    What he said. 

    • Flames 1
  13. On 12/07/2020 at 13:53, City Rocker said:

    Another great new single here by a Bristol artist, Gavin Thorpe. Some people on here may already know of Southville resident GT, who has written some brilliant songs over the years, but even though he had a major label record deal years ago, has always gone somewhat under the radar. Probably because he doesn't go in for egotistical self-publicity, or maybe he can't be arsed. The antithesis of the X Factor generation anyway.

    Check it though, terrific song...


    Following on from this it turns out BS3 lad Gavin Thorpe is now on the Radio 2 playlist with his latest single. Good tune, this:


  14. 47 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

    Have they kicked off yet about AG being chosen as one of the national vaccination centres (clearly with quality of infrastructure that supports such a critical national programme?)

    Can't wait for their Gaschat to query why the House of Tents was passed over - loads of space, darn cold in those portakabins and tents, very few enclosed spaces et al.....

    So City earn income from providing the facility and the losers in life have to come to AG for life-saving treatment..... Their blood will boil....


    I did see some comments on the news story along the lines of "I'd rather catch the virus than go to Trashton". 

    Which rather begged the obvious riposte "yes we'd rather you caught the virus too", but one doesn't engage with simpletons on social media so I left them to it. 

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  15. 39 minutes ago, BetterRedthenBlue said:

    I wonder if I can get odds on coco the clown to be the new manager he'd fit right in with that circus. 

    Well he has just left Derby, so I think there could be something in that rumour.

    19 minutes ago, luke_bristol said:

    Their unofficial link with Chelsea? Unofficial as in non existent?


    That's the kiddie. There is no link and you can't get much less official than that, so there's your gaslogic-style proof.

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  16. 17 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

    Ever since he left and each time they’ve been looking for a new joker, I get that horrible feeling Cotts will eventually go to that shower. 


    Nah, I suspect Steve's already declined far more attractive offers than the Roverrz. 

    They might have the advantage of being local for him, but that's all. They're hardly compatible with his luxury waterfront lifestyle. Let's be realistic, they're more shithouse than penthouse.

    No offence intended. 

    • Haha 6
  17. 38 minutes ago, phantom said:

    I've often heard and read this, but is it actually documented anywhere or is it a bit urban legend? 

    Never known of any other stand have to be replaced due to age. 

    There must be older stands out there? 

    Yes, I went to the consultation meeting at Ashton Gate during the planning process. It was made clear by the onsite experts that the Dolman structure would reach the end of its life within about 20 years. I've no idea whether it is documented, but they said it to us at the time. 

    I suppose this must have been 6 or 7 years ago. Then again many of our houses in this awesome city are well over 150 years old, so maybe the Dolman can actually go on for ever! 

    • Thanks 1
  18. 9 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

    High rise is no different to anything. It can go wrong. Some of the new “apartments” in the Bedminster Green plans are shockingly small. Like REALLY small. 

    Well of course, it goes without saying any proposed high-rise needs to be high-quality. 

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