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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. - Blackout Shorts There's retro, and then there's retro.
  2. Perhaps Semenyo will get a game once they are confirmed in PL?
  3. The loanback speculation is pure fantasy football isn't it? It might work if your trying to pick up a player really early in his development at a bargain price (and are gambling a lot on his future potential) but surely not at £25m on a player who is ready to play in the PL. PS who's going down early to.orrow to pick up an Alex Scott poster? My money's on @Robbored
  4. Sorry, I dont think it sounds likely. The bunch of keys keys I found were 'bristol city' themed. and found on the metro line just past ashton rise bus stop toward the park and ride at about 7:30 am today.
  5. If I'd known then what I know now then maybe that would have been a better option. But damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Anyway, I'll tag @JerrySLO in, just in case the club get a call.
  6. Right. Keys handed in to police at bridewell Street. They said they only keep them for a week before destroying them. If anyone has access to a local Facebook group (ashton Vale, ashton, bemmy, city related)I'd be grateful if s note could be posted there. Back to my morning walk ...
  7. OMG trying it now. Why didn't I think of this before ?
  8. Yep, I will do. I thought of this as a possible quick win - I'm about an hour away on foot from the nearest police station.
  9. I've just found a bunch of keys on the metroline footpath by Ashton Vale. It's obvious they belong to a city fan and would be easy to identify. Would quite like to reconcile them with the owner. Please pm or reply to thread if they belong to you or you know the owner.
  10. Jesus. Are they going to reimburse fans for travel expenses and holiday days taken? Of course not, they have zero regard for fans. It's all about the $$$. Pathetic if it goes ahead.
  11. That's the silver lining if they go up. I'm hoping we can dig out 'He's the meanest, he ...' for him. Granted he'll probably still go home thinking everyone loves him.
  12. She's probably scimped over some of the detail to protect the innocent. And they do say, what happen's in the HPC, stays in the HPC.
  13. I agree that they're only potentially monetising the podcast. I just assumed 1/3 x twitter followers, rounded down a bit. By the anecdotal evidence, their podcast isn't worth listening to, so hopefully the monetisation reflects that. I almost want to listen so I can rag on it too ..
  14. The Internet thinks a 30 sec ad costs average about $18 per thousand listeners. So, assuming: - three 30 second ads per pod @ £15 cpm (cost per mille, assuming 100% to podcaster, nil to platform) - four pods per month - 25k downloads/listens per pod Gives 3 x £15 x 25 x 4 = £4,500 per month. Possibly too high, and if the get ads supplied by the hosting platform, I guess revenue would be lower. There would also be some hosting charges to come off. Hopefully I've vastly overestimated his income.
  15. If you replay this enough times it will eventually go in.
  16. I'd rather they did nothing than insult our collective intelligence with this sham.
  17. That sounds about right. Would it be more important that the pitch has enough rest days than the number of times its ultimately played on? I'm not a fan of Friday rugby, Saturday football. Certainly a few Friday, Saturday, Sunday streaks would ruin the surface no matter how good it is? It's asking a bit much to factor this in to three organisations fixture planning though, so I guess we'll be upgrading to a more robust pitch, maybe at the sacrifice of a top playing surface though? Any groundstaff willing to shed some light on the subject?
  18. Do the beeb realise they're nailing their own coffin shut?
  19. See the highlights for a class save from Fran Bentley, and a great fourth goal. Fair play to the Charlton players and staff for staying to watch the presentation. I'll just include one photo as they're quite large.
  20. @Robbored was stood by the tunnel handing out p45s as they came off
  21. ? At the time I thought the last one was a pen, but clearly not on seeing the highlights. Was there also a case for our winner being disallowed? I thought Vyner was offside when AW hit the ball, and was impeding the player on the line who might have been able to get in the way of the shot.
  22. Were you there yesterday? They seemed to boost the sound level to 11. Didn't make it any clearer though. 1970s British Rail would be proud.
  23. As long as the clock is there, I'd be up for more useful info being displayed. It would be nice if the could use the entire screen for replays. It would put the size of the picture up to about a 12 inch portable when seen from the dolman.
  24. They could repurpose one of the 'found' shirts they're disposing of on the rewards site. They still might insist he has a rewards balance first ...
  25. Depends on how many they've made But I don't think they'll be 'selling' thousands of these, and anything featuring the infamous 'f#@!, I think I've just hit a window' Robin, should be hard to give away.
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