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Everything posted by cityexile

  1. If my memory is right, we must be fairly unusual getting to the tenth game with every result bring a draw + or - 1. Think it’s only the Reading game where there has ever been more than one goal between the sides in play. No reason to expect different tonight. So 5-2 us, Smith and Adobe for them just because.
  2. It’s not that old and maybe other reasons not been mentioned but in it’s day I did really enjoy the ‘Johnson says bounce around the ground’ song. The personal favourite of mine will however always be the Tom Thumb song.
  3. You are no longer offside if an opposition player makes a deliberate attempt to play the ball, which then goes to you in what what otherwise have been an offside position…other than if it is the result of a save, which is explicit in the rules.
  4. In the Prem, they do let it go far to far, but in this case the lino just got it wrong. He cannot flag immediately, as if the first shot goes in it is a goal. The moment Palmer touched it, it should have been flagged. He is a good yard offside, so it’s not a close one. That does not mean it was an easy one to spot. The two defenders are coming back quickly, and are at least level by the time of the save. Unless the Lino had taken a mental picture at the time of the shot it will get missed. On this occasion not sure this is a case of letting play go and a late flag, more a case of just getting it wrong.
  5. Whilst in principle what you say is right, the one exception as I always understood it was from a save by the goalie. At the time we deserved the equaliser, as they had a good bit of luck not going down to ten, so I am losing no sleep at all about it…but it was offside. Edit: to add ‘It is also not an offence if the ball was last deliberately played by an opponent (except for a deliberate save)’. As a minor aside, ‘save’ here is defined as by any player, eg a goal line clearance or block.
  6. I don’t think they are being entirely fair. They came out from HT, went up a gear, and scored. We came back in to it well, and got a deserved equaliser. Only then did they go up the gear again and most likely should have won it late on…but that’s 100% on them. At QPR Bents played a blinder, and whilst I loved it it was a real smash and grab. Today, much less so. Don’t really remember Bents making any great saves at all. It was a very enjoyable match all round..
  7. Very good point, very good match. Enjoyed that. Showed a lot of spirit and fight to come back against a decent side, and deserved it when it came. The football is just so much better to watch, almost regardless of the result. Draw your home games, win your away ones…
  8. However good or bad Fulham are does not excuse our final ball when we get the chance…which has simply been shocking.
  9. Moved up a gear since HT Fulham. Just got to hang in their for a bit and stay in the match.
  10. Two HT Fulham subs, including to no ones surprise, Chalobah.
  11. HT. Happy with that overall. Fulham as expected had the possession and more chances, but hardly missed any sitters. We have had our moments with Wells possibly having the best chance of either side in the half. Would still fancy Fulham to nick it, but we are making a game of it and giving ourselves a chance.
  12. They did. Has the opposite kind of match to us…25 shots to 8, hit the post twice as well. Not favourites here, but there is always hope.
  13. Pretty much. They are finding space and creating chances. Might be a long afternoon.
  14. Bizarre. To be frank, if one of my employees acted like that, I would be asking them to go and get tested for substances.
  15. I actually agree with your main point. In the last two matches we got four points, having conceded 44 shots. The law of averages will catch us out if anything like that continues. Equally as a football fan of a club that is rebuilding in difficult times, results like today are huge. They give Nige time, away from the pressure of looking too closely at the bottom.
  16. …because why not. Shows two City attacks…? https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/competitions/championship/12411407/qpr-1-2-bristol-city
  17. Watched this dozens of times…might be a few more to come!
  18. I was looking at the table thinking, lose this late on and we are now only two points above the bottom three…then bam. Thin thin lines.
  19. No idea how we won that, but get in! If you are a QPR fan it’s a ‘of course it was him’ moment. Almost surreal to see that if we had seen out Blackpool or Luton we would be in the top six. Anyhow, it’s just the old saying, ‘draw your home games, win your away ones…’
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