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Everything posted by richwwtk

  1. I'm late to this thread, but I would certainly agree that if somebody references City, not just here but anywhere, my first thought is Bristol and certainly not Manchester. I have to admit that I didn't look at the timestamp of the OP, so my immediate reaction was "Why on earth are two City coaches sat in the pub watching the match and not at the match itself?"
  2. So long as it is done openly, honestly and legally then I don't see an issue. It would be up to the electorate to decide if they like it or not.
  3. Won about £6K off a £1 bet for 6 draws many years ago. It was pre Internet so the days when you went into the bookies to use the match day coupon
  4. It's big clubs in the Premier League, support is hardly local any more, football isn't what it was 50 years ago any more.
  5. Much better off in a local pub before walking to the ground
  6. You were banned because you were gloating about having had family and friends round for drunken barbeques during lockdown, despite being asked to stop by someone who had lost loved ones to Covid.
  7. You said he was a mysonigist because he is Muslim, sounds pretty bigoted to me
  8. You weren't interested in City announcing their record signing and then that signing falling through? What kind of City related story would it take to interest you during the off season?
  9. Looking on Google Maps the entire Fruit Market is roughly the same size footprint as Ashton Gate, yet they are looking to fit in houses, shops, offices etc before you even begin to look at a Stadium?
  10. I was thinking maybe @Red-Robbo was right and you were maybe not deserving of the reaction you were getting, but then you started offering people out....
  11. So the story from your side is your son left the ground after the Man City match, was making his way to you who was waiting in the car, minding his own business, when the police descended on him and arrested him for swearing, despite not having had a warning of any kind previously. He then passed a breath test so was not drunk, not even over the drink drive limit. He was then accused of trying to headbutt a policewoman, but the bodycam evidence exonerates him. Despite this he was charged and taken to court. His first contact with a solicitor was an hour before entering the court, and said solicitor advised him to plead guilty. He was then obviously convicted on the back of this guilty plea. Your son is now claiming that he was incorrectly advised and is trying to get his conviction overturned via appeal. Please correct me if anything is incorrect there. If it is all totally correct, then of course we should be supporting him as it is an obvious miscarriage of justice, but somehow I'm just not buying it.
  12. Or, slightly longer ago and less tragically, the Bristol City example of Emad Meteb
  13. This had the potential to be one of the all-time great threads, and instead it's descended into yet another thread about @Robbored
  14. Maybe only have the £50 kids ticket available in the Family Area, and £100 or £150 for a kids ST elsewhere
  15. I'm not going to be able to get to AG to collect my Swansea tickets and Supporter Services are closed. I know they sometimes take tickets on the coaches to away games, does this happen automatically and can I just collect them at Swansea tomorrow does anybody know?
  16. I thought it looked like he gave Alex a peck before he got off his back as well.
  17. Perfect, you start and we'll all join in, honest
  18. My 13yo daughter has been to 50+ matches at AG, so has grown up expecting that watching football is, in the most part, a miserable experience She came away last night saying it was the best game she'd ever seen, and wasn't particularly bothered about going beforehand!
  19. Gibson Sweeney Wedlock Carey Bell Murray Gow Newman Walsh Atyeo Taylor Only saw 8/9 of them play, so based on a mixture of reputation and personal favourites.
  20. Is it possible that the club are required to stop ticketless fans getting access to the Fans Village (or Fanzone or whatever they call it) because they would be required to provide accessible toilets if they didn't? If everyone in there has a ticket, then toilets are available on the concourse.
  21. That will be because when the ultras decided to move to Dolman A block a few matches back, they were being told online to photocopy or screenshot tickets for that area to try and show they were entitled to be there.
  22. The check outside the ground makes no sense whatsoever, there MAY be a case for them not wanting away fans getting to the fans village area, but as far as I can see away fans are welcome there! (This would also explain why there are no checks at the Dolman Ashton Road entrance) Maybe it's some sort of weird rule that the SAG have insisted on and the cliub have no choice about? They certainly don't enforce it very thouroughly. Checks inside the ground there is at least a justification for, as occupying somewhere other than your seat for whatever reason is fairly common and whilst it isn't always disruptive, it does have the potential to be.
  23. That's a pretty decent guide normally
  24. Shame to hear "We're Bristol City, we do what we want" being sung around the time of the trouble with the stewards. Usually means people are being dicks because they think they can get away with it.
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