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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. Yep, like a mate trying to set you up with someone from work and you’re still in love with you ex. My expectations are very, very low; but if they pulled off a blinder it would at least create some positivity.
  2. No, they jumped the shark with their decision and action on Pearson for me. It could’ve been done in a much better way. If the new person does well, great. But there is no saying Pearson wouldn’t have achieved that either.
  3. Anything Ian Gay rates I am concerned about!
  4. Indeed forgetting how a couple of weeks prior we were 5th.
  5. Oxford fans no clearer on it than we are: https://yellowsforum.co.uk/threads/liam-manning.9227/page-70
  6. A good shout. If there was an announcement today you’d think the media would have been invited.
  7. Indeed Graham. It’s the “one for fans to get excited about” statement for me. I get they will always say positive things about a new manager or coach, just can’t see some of names being linked, particularly Manning, falling into that category.
  8. It’s quite surprising, given it’s supposed to be happening today, it’s not been leaked yet.
  9. Despite all the comments about it being something we will get excited about I am preparing to be underwhelmed.
  10. Ian Gay said on FBC that his “impeccable source” says the appointment is “someone the fans will get really excited about”. That surely rules out Manning, and most of the bookies list?
  11. No, you are probably right in your first point. I’ve accepted he’s gone; along with thinking it’s yet another ridiculous decision from utter incompetence. Maybe Pearson will be back at some point, in the meantime someone with actual proven success at this level would be a start in terms of replacement.
  12. Which is why is feels completely believable. Pearson to Manning, **** me, about as disappointing and underwhelming as you can get.
  13. Indeed two promotions but with parachute money.
  14. Sad he’s gone as well but inevitable with Pearson going. Such a shame the Lansdowns have ripped up the best management team we’ve had in ages.
  15. Exactly this. Found it nice Tony Thorpe referred to himself as a City supporter on Radio Bristol and was like most of us disappointed Pearson was sacked. Gas commentator thinking they can get Williams to replace Barton.
  16. If we ship a few goals I can see it getting pretty toxic. And not against the players.
  17. There is. And he’s done it before at Leicester.
  18. Wow, I feel even more disappointed about him going after reading that, if that were possible. What a manager! He clearly gets us as a fan base and had a clear strategy and plan which the Lansdown’s have shat all over. The reference to YOUR club (twice) is intentional, I wonder if he’s even heard Lansdown say it’s his club himself. He will be remembered fondly, although I do wonder if the door is open for him to return at some point and finish the job, a la Leicester. Maybe lightning can strike twice.
  19. Absolutely which is why it’s probably happening!
  20. Don’t say that Fordy!
  21. Is it Lansdown’s way of taking the eye of Sauron off him and with the media circus that Lampard would bring, onto him?
  22. That’s weird that is exactly what I am drinking now, the Pale Ale!
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