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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. Is being seen at the HPC the new version of being seen at the Avon Gorge Hotel?
  2. He’s been removed from the forum?!
  3. You would think but it’s a job for life for him isn’t it?
  4. Well said Fevs. I’m not sure on Tinnion either, but equally unsure as to whether my love for him as a player and bringing youth through is clouding things. As you say, he’s front and centre now.
  5. Hard to predict isn’t it? If we play well and score some goals it may well be muted to some chants about Pearson. If we lose heavily it could get pretty toxic.
  6. True, I mean Nige hasn’t got the association we have with him. He may well have thought “who the **** are you?”. It’s sad as in the Hen and Chicken session with Gould they seemed a good trio.
  7. The fact he mentions social media says to me he knows exactly what’s being said online. “Dad! Dad! They are saying lots of nasty things about us!”. ”Don’t worry son. Give it a few weeks they will forget all about us sacking Nigel Pearson”. No. We. Won’t. The Lansdowns have jumped the shark in such a disrespectful and dishonest way the majority of fans are done with them.
  8. **** me I hope it’s not Manning, about as uninspiring as you can get as a replacement for Nige.
  9. Wow what a post! Spot on mate. I almost saw a glint in Curtis’s eye of “you don’t know what the **** you’ve done you clowns”. That experience oozing out of him with every word, credibility, knowledge, assurance. All that culture undone by a ******* imbecile in charge of our club. Anyone still supporting Lansdown really needs to wipe the shit out of their eyes.
  10. Agree Graham. Made me even more annoyed NP has gone knowing that this team are no longer together. Curtis is being professional of course but I took that as a clear intent of going as soon as possible and linking up with Nige again.
  11. It’s genius isn’t it? The little laugh. This needs to be the champagne moment of the season. Well unless Lansdown sells.
  12. Got to say Graham you have been absolutely bang on regarding everything to do with this subject with some excellent posts.
  13. That’s how I read it too. I thought it was all bullshit as well until I read the latest post. If it’s a wind up it’s an elaborate one!
  14. Prior to United his record was pretty good though especially at Ajax. Not a chance he’d come here though!
  15. To be fair to @robinforlife2 here that’s a heck of a lot of detail on the subject for it to be a complete fabrication. We shall see of course but that does sound it’s got something to it.
  16. Fair point and yes I do recall that now. Is that right about Lansdown then?
  17. That’s up to them and they certainly have previously: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bristol-city-section-82-fans-4414441.amp
  18. Won his first trophy beating Willem II, it’s written in the stars!
  19. Yes, but I think they will anyone, it was just NP they wouldn’t.
  20. You make a reasonable point TBF. Not sure I really like the idea but you can’t argue his fame and the exposure that would give us.
  21. Yeah sorry Fevs saw that thought I saw something else where someone is mates with Lampard which confirmed it. Not sure I want a rebrand to Frank Lampard’s Bristol City!
  22. Did I read somewhere on this thread someone ITK said he’d approached the club and is being interviewed?
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