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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. This thread needs more attention, very interesting indeed. The whole place sounds a total shambles and has been for years. It’s like Nige has been a whistleblower.
  2. Superb post! That’s exactly how it will play out knowing Lansdown. Finger firmly not on the pulse of the fans.
  3. This is one moment when social media can actually do something and get messages through.
  4. I don’t think you will influence people to your way of thinking by calling them “tossers”. It’s not their club either. They are mere custodians. It’s ours. We will be here long after their tenure has ended.
  5. Interesting how many players have come out supporting him: Nahki, Tommy, Benarous, King, Semenyo….
  6. Good for you, then you’ll know there has been plenty of support this season.
  7. Looks like it, yes! As for support from the terraces were you at the game last Wednesday evening?
  8. It says a lot that Gary Owers nailed the situation and how most of us feel. The guests who dialled in didn’t really touch on the Lansdown’s failings and the depth of feeling here and made it about Pearson and his replacement, albeit acknowledging what he achieved. Really missed some of the key points disappointingly. A shame really the likes of @Olé,@Kid in the Riot or @Davefevs weren’t on it.
  9. Bravo! Post of the day for me mate. The point about the rugby fans vs football fans is stark. He’s finished here. All respect gone.
  10. Very well said Rob and thanks for posting the article it’s superb. @Ron W thank you for airing publicly on a key news platform how we are all feeling. The Gould point is a good one. When he, NP and Tinnion did that fans forum in the pub it felt we were finally getting somewhere. I think we’ve all (well a huge majority I would guess) hand enough of this now. The sale can’t come soon enough. Maybe this is NP’s legacy; not just the young players he’s made part of the first team, but exposing the charlatans to all.
  11. Well done to you all, excellent statement and one they can’t ignore, unlike everything else on social media and local radio.
  12. Absolutely shambolic and disrespectful to the fans.
  13. With Bristol Sport has he created a monster that can’t be sold Fevs?
  14. Indeed Harry just thought the same reading it! A classy response from Nige but also some well due digs at the hierarchy and it’s associated bullshit. He will be well regarded and remembered I am sure.
  15. Indeed, don’t see any of them with NP’s quality of CV. Of that bunch Eustace is probably the least worst.
  16. One Team

    The Return

    Thanks for the post Shags and as others have said pretty uninspiring. My thoughts haven’t changed overnight I have to say, still disappointed and angry at the whole situation.
  17. This is the thing isn’t it, we never do. Lansdown could change all the seats to blue and the name to Bristol United and people would still roll over and take it. Even just a banner or two or some chanting would be something, if nothing else to make the feelings known.
  18. If only! Mind you that only works if someone from the club, ideally Steve Lansdown, appears on the programme.
  19. Whoever it is has a huge task on their hands given the feeling of NP’s departure. Normally a new manager is seen as a positive, someone to come in and sort something out; in this case it’s the opposite. They aren’t exactly going to get the usual sort of welcome.
  20. Thanks Pete, much appreciated and needed in terms of mental release after the news. I normally like the Exiled Robin but thought his overly positive view of Lansdown was jarring and certainly not aligned to either my thinking or a lot of this forum. Yes, the ground is great but that doesn’t make him beyond criticism for his clear and continued failings. @Davefevs was brilliant, well said mate. Absolutely bang on with your comments and great challenges back on some of the points. @petehinton you were also great, also very well said. Nailed it. I know he won’t, but would be great for Lansdown to listen to it.
  21. Nailed on appointment for Lansdown then!
  22. How ******* depressing is that? A proven Championship manager to Frank Lampard’s Bristol City.
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