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Everything posted by 2015

  1. 2015

    Dean Holden

    Yet I keep reading on twitter that Holden 'did ok' during his time here as Manager. It was god awful and we could barely muster a shot on target most weeks after our lucky start to the season. Again, a point I made the other day - he fits the smiley smiley happy go lucky kind of manager a lot of our fans want.
  2. They won't lose fans or support, it will just be a case of the super wealthy attending matches and a load of social media influencers. The average fan will just stay at home, sadly. It's what they've wanted for years.
  3. Very interesting. It's not a popular opinion but I genuinely think Infantino could potentially do more damage to Football than Blatter ever did and comments like we could host a World Cup in North Korea backs that up. The guy is obsessed with being in the spotlight and one of his bonkers plans are bound to happen at some point. Just leave Football alone as it is, it doesn't need any more tournament changes.
  4. Popularity by 30 second videos that went viral mainly during the 2018 world cup by doing his silly 'salt bae' routine. How shallow and sad. Also found the 'organised fun' that FIFA had pretty much arranged for the awards ceremony was corporatism gone mad. Just give them the trophy and let them get on with it, why does it all have to be so organised
  5. We were not a very good side in 1986. Previously England didn't qualify for Euro84 and were abysmal at the Euros in 88. English football in the 80s was still obsessed with physicality and height rather than actual technical ability. We were long ball merchants and a long way behind the rest of the World. I'm glad we lost to a 'little squat man' in 1986 as we were never good enough to win the World Cup back then.
  6. Maradona was an absolute genius as well, probably now only 2nd behind Messi as the best ever. The worst thing about England fans are the ones who still go on about Maradona in 86 and can't appreciate his utter brilliance as a footballer.
  7. The culture of a club is massively important to any club and its success. You only have to watch films on Alex Ferguson, Arsene Wenger and Brian Clough to acknowledge this. It's not just our fans though, it's within the club - the ownership, the board, the media department. It's all been very cushy cushy for a long time and a club which has been alluded to by FBC podcast as 'pleased with itself'. I massively agree with that quote. So now we have a Manager who calls players out, has called things out at the club for what they are and is slated for it. NP has acknowledged that there are things within the club that are going to need to change in order for the club to be successful in the long run. Realistically we were never going to push on this season in terms of our own issues with ffp. However this summer coming will be a huge overhaul of players leaving and potentially being sold. I think sacking NP before all of this takes place after overseeing this group of players for 2 years would be a huge mistake. The reality is this club was a total mess when he took over and stabilising us into a position where we can still be a Championship team once we are in a better place financially is the most important thing. I have no doubt we will survive this season by the way.
  8. The biggest issue for me is when we go a goal behind or are searching for a winner is we bring on Chris Martin and then resort to lumping balls up field. We look a lot worse when we do this and I'm confident every time this happens that we won't score.
  9. I always think they must not have seen many Bristol City games then. There were multiple matches under Holden, LJ, SOD, McInnes, Millen and GJ that are all worse than what I've seen this season from us. Granted, we haven't been great, but by no means have we been absolutely dreadful. Sadly I think it is part of the wider Football community now, win and the manager is the best ever, lose and they're the worst manager ever. I don't actually think we're far away from getting things right, it's individual errors that keep costing the team. We actually can play some very good football at times and there was on Saturday and against Rotherham some great combination play between a few players. Yet again though, poor decisions by some players have cost us
  10. Humble, introverted, nice guy and just lets his football do the talking. I can't think of an individual who deserved the world cup win more than him, considering the amount of magical moments he has gave to Football over the years
  11. Well of course it was about Messi and "his" World Cup. It was effectively his last match in a World Cup, the last chance for him to win the one trophy that has alluded him his whole career. Mbappe was excellent and almost spoiled the perfect story, but the story was about Messi. Mbappe will get another chance, Messi wouldn't have.
  12. They played below par but had a team literally full of winners, compared to Argentina's lack of experience (Messi and Di Maria aside). Mbappe will need to move to La Liga or the Premier League for me and score at least 30 goals every season to be even compared to Ronaldo let alone Messi by the time he gets to their ages. You can spin it no matter however you want about Lionel Messi not being the greatest. The problem is, most of the Football world would disagree with you and most of its legends would too.
  13. When Mr P took over we were barely getting a shot on target in our home matches and our performances had been like this for a good 18 months before his take over in the majority of home games. Has anyone of us said NP has been perfect or not done a thing wrong in his time? No, we haven't. The job he has at hand was just a much bigger job than instant success. We're absolutely ****** on the FFP front and unfortunately stability and survival was his main task of his job here. That's the truth You've wanted him gone the day he signed Danny Simpson so I would class you as reactionary.
  14. 2015


    I'm glad Adam Baker is no longer employed by the club after that Tweet.
  15. Problem is our simple fans like a smiley smiley manager who says cracking jokes after defeats and stupid punchlines to make themselves sound clever. Now we have a Manager who is seriously unhappy after a defeat and says things how he sees fit and it doesn't go down well. How's he supposed to act? All happy about the situation. NP can't win with our fans
  16. Really? France's squad is much more talented than Argentina's was yesterday. Varane (A multiple CL winner), Griezmann, Dembele, Giroud. I am shocked you think the players that Argentina had were better. France also were the current World Champions. Maybe the media's obsession with Messi is because of how great he is and has been for his whole career.
  17. It's annoyed me more than our defeat at the weekend. Our fanbase must be the most reactionary bunch in the Country, or certainly up there. I don't think people realise how big the job was that NP took on in February 2021. The whole culture within the club has to change i'm afraid, none of this getting upset over our manager being rude, none of this bedwetting over a narrow defeat to a club at a similar level to ourselves. The culture needs to change and reading Adam Baker's tweet - I am now glad he has left the building.
  18. On the game on Saturday anyway - Deservedly took the lead. Individual errors from King and O'Leary cost us going in 1-1 at the break, we then start the 2nd half slowly and concede a soft goal. We were by no means awfully bad, it was just a poor result. Been a major overreaction
  19. I might be in the minority but I think there has been a MAJOR overreaction to the BBC interview with NP. No wonder this club has always been a soft touch
  20. I think that puts to bed the Messi and Ronaldo debate once and for all. The right player will be considered the greatest of this generation.
  21. Best ever. Brilliant. Also on balance of the play, Argentina deserved the Win.
  22. Have some of that some of you on here ?
  23. I do remember similar claims after 2018 world cup with it being said it was the best ever. I think World Cup's are probably best to be judged some time after they've taken place to really say how good it was. Of course Infantino would say that though, whilst he's fifa president.
  24. I'd also like to add, when do the changes stop - Is it going to be a 2nd tier World Cup in 2045? Is it going to be a 98 team World Cup by 2060? There seriously needs to be regulations and caps on these sorts of changes to protect to quality and the beauty of the game. It isn't because I don't want there to be a change it's because I love Football for how it is and has been for the last 30 years.
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