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Midlands Robin

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Everything posted by Midlands Robin

  1. Why the flames on my post? I wasn't having go at Phantom. I absolutely agree with his post. I was just pointing out that some people, and they may be friends of yours, won't call you so it's a reminder to us all that while we are always available to our mates, take a moment to give them a call. I'm sorry if it seems I was negative. I genuinely believe that sometimes it's better to check in rather than wait too long for a call that may not come.
  2. Great post. One thing I'd like to add to this, everyone, it's great to tell people you are always there to lend an ear and talk but please, please make sure if you know anyone who is struggling, has struggled in the past or you have any concerns, pick up the phone and give them a call. I see a lot of people who say "I'm there for you, call me if you need" but a lot of people facing dark times won't do that. They will be too worried they'll be judged, won't want to bother you or are so down they can't even face the effort of picking up the phone. Give your friends a call. Give people you know are on their own a call. Take 5 minutes of your time just to check in and say "Hi mate, how are things?" That could really make the difference to someone's day.
  3. Definitely excited by this, it's clearly a massive improvement for the Sags and a sign they've really turned a corner. What..... Tisdale as their manager? Nope, the fact they've finally managed to take a picture of a new arrival at the club without the Poundland patio furniture in the background.
  4. Well Noddy and the Boyz know a thing or two about the beautiful game. From the lyrics to this Slade classic, they sound like they know more than Garner as well:
  5. That's it, if I see an advert for a Finger of Fudge in BS3 I'm writing to the Advertising Standards people. Also, think of all those teeth rotted by chocolate. Do they not have any morales up their in Sags ville?
  6. To us it's just a car park, to thousands of Sags it's where they stand when locked out. Maybe this is a sign that the UWE stadium is still going ahead after all?
  7. Quiet weekend for the Sags then: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54653118
  8. Hilarious isn't it. Joe never says that it's on a par with NLBR he just says he cried with joy and lists the last two times that he did that. He also says it's the best night of his life. Not the second best or equal best but the best night.
  9. ******* hilarious that they spent the best part of 10 years shitting on Bristol Rugby at every twist and turn including stealing the Mem out from under their feet and then have the audacity to complain when they start doing well after the club had to move to survive. And as for the sad ***** that claim they were Bris through and through until they moved to the Gate, **** them. If they can't look beyond that to see the team then Bris doesn't need their support anyway. Joe Joyce walks on Cider. As usual for the average sag it's a pint of bitter and twisted.
  10. That's Geoff's dad that is. Twentyman senior.
  11. 4 games, 4 defeats and a minus 19 goal difference (with 10 minutes left of this game) It's clear that the City women's team lags badly in the support that other parts of Bristol Sport have enjoyed. A serious overhaul is needed on and off the pitch to keep up with the rest of the WSL. It's almost certain at the moment that the Ladies side will be welcoming the likes of Keynsham and MK Don's to Twerton next season. If crowds come back to football, how many potential fans are going to drive from Bristol to Bath to watch a Women's National League South Game? Not many I'd bet.
  12. I still hate the name but I bloody love the game. Pat Lam is awesome. Bris were great tonight to keep sticking at it and getting the results. How bloody typical to have spent years watching Bris through thick and thin in the sodding championship and we finally taste success and it's in empty (or almost empty stadiums).
  13. But according to this article..... https://www.theleaguepaper.com/latest-news/football-league-division-two/4177/bristol-rovers-taken-over-by-billionaire-jordanians/ ?
  14. Yeah, that's how I read it. It authorises a share issue of up to £495.000 in Bristol Rovers (1883) Limited.
  15. It's the attention to detail that's helped Garner get this award. Things like paying attention to the length of the grass on the pitch. Not because it aids his teams passing but so that he can warn his players how likely they are to hurt themselves as they tumble to the ground all over the pitch.
  16. Lovely picture of Holloway in the directors box at the Mem in that previous post.
  17. I would write a letter about this but I'm too busy writing to the advertising standards authority to complain about Bristol Rovers advertising themselves as a "Football club".
  18. Well to be fair we did purchase him for the top secret release clause of £300000. You know, that top secret release clause that we some how managed to find out about. Yeah, the top secret, highly confidential, release clause that the sags had been discussing, including its exact value, on their forum, weeks before the transfer. See! It must have been deceit.
  19. To be fair to the sags, they could have just solved violence at football matches with the stroke of a pen: Dear Sir. Baz, Midge, Knocker and Titch are writing to inform you that we intend to carry out a very aggressive leaflet campaign in the BS3 area in protest at your recent encroachment onto GHS turf. Should you have any issues with this we would be grateful if you would write to our secretary, Chuckles, who will arrange a meeting where we will hear your formal complaint. Prowed to be a sag Best regards Bazza
  20. Well this is the thing isn't it. He may have capitalised the debt but if he wants his money back he still has to find a value for the club that repays his capital. Also, at the end of the day, he didn't capitalise the debt out of the goodness of his heart. He couldn't find a buyer and the fruit market ground fantasy still grinds on therefore the only way he could get any money back is to keep the debt riddled club going. Without a buyer and at their current loss rate, the Sags would have almost certainly folded and all that would have been left is whatever value assets they could flog off to repay the creditors. That shower of shite are still in the smelly stuff hip deep and sinking.
  21. After this weekend results, could it be said that not having fans in the ground has contributed to teams playing more freely. If you look at the results today and yesterday, the number of goals scored seems a lot higher than usual. There are only a tiny handful of no score draws and in most games there have been 2 or more goals.
  22. Remind me, how long ago did they make that video? ?
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