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Midlands Robin

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Everything posted by Midlands Robin

  1. Just be thankful you've never tried one of my half arsed efforts at baking then. However, yes indeed, flakey would be a better choice.
  2. Just said on Sky Sports News that we are playing brilliantly.
  3. Can any of the financial wizz kids on here explain to me how capitalising debt works? I know SL has done it for us so it's industry practice but I don't quite get it. I sort of understand that instead of paying a debt the company pays its loaner the debt value in shares and that due to the two companies being under the same roof its a bit like paying yourself however, what does that do to a clubs value? If the methane snorters were valued at 13.5 million and the share issue was greater than that then surely that would now value the club at the level of the share issue otherwise the share holder will have to wait for the value of his stock to be at that level or greater to make any money. If I have 20 million pounds worth of shares but someone wants to buy me out they have to give me 20 million to buy 13.5 million pounds worth of assets? It's confusing.
  4. Wally cetainly has all his eggs in one basket now. If he can't secure some sort of deal in the next 1 or 2 years there's going to be one giant omlette in the middle of the Gloucester Road.
  5. Here you go: From the Bristol Post: "(Tom Gorringe) said: “ "In terms of the infrastructure we’ve three new bars, a new shop, electronic turnstiles, ten new partners, so all of those have been huge projects really given the amount of time we’ve had. Spurs aside who have built a new stadium this summer, which has been delayed also, there’s probably not another club in the country who has seen the amount of change we have in the summer. The projects I listed earlier, you might see a club attempt one, maybe two of them, not all of them at the same time. All of them work, financially.
  6. Surely not the Actor, Extra and Presenter, Brian Seymour-Smith? (with thanks to Google for answering my question "who the **** is......" )
  7. On the 14th of December the 15ers beat Ipswich 2-1 at Portman Road to move 4th in League 1, two points from second with a game in hand. Since then: Their manager walked out on them for Mansfield in League 2 ? His replacement managed to win just 2 league games in the next 3 months seeing them fall down the table ? The club reveal a 24 million pound debt and a 3.4 million pound loss ? One director resigns and the chairman kicks another off the board leaving Wally to run the club like a dictatorship ? The supporters club and the supporters implode and start fighting each other accusing Wally of not being fit and proper to run the club and not issuing shares to the supporters club. ? All of this in the middle of a viral pandemic which may bring some football clubs to their financial knees. They truly are the gift that keeps on giving.
  8. The trouble the saggys have is that they have no real way of generating further cash out of the Mem unless their gates significantly increase. As it stands (sorry, as it tents) at the moment, in order to generate more revenue Wally needs to spend proportionally more revenue. Let's be honest, without a new ground they are are never going to progress. Whoever owns them is going to find it impossible to close the gap between income and out goings. I would be willing to bet that City make more money on match days from concessions sales, bars, the fanzone and shops than the Sags get from non season ticket match day ticket revenues. Their training ground is dead money hence its a muddy patch of scrub land. There is no way of generating short term cash from it so its going nowhere. The family have tried to spend some cash polishing the turd that is the Mem. A tent here, a TV screen there and that has enabled a few quid to be added to the ticket prices, screen a few more adverts and increase the price of sausage rolls. That 3.4 million pound gap won't be closed unless more people click through the turnstiles. It's all nice and lovely that their nice man with his lovely watch wants to keep the club going but in the long run he has two options, significant investment or sale. The longer he waits, the more he needs to spend to close the financial hole or the more of an asking price he needs to put on the club. In the short term they will keep ticking along but in the long run, with their debt the highest its probably ever been, their gates at what they've always been, no significant value in the team and the ground massively secured through a foreign shell company to enable the owners to have at least some form of financial exit, they are in deep poop. If there is no sign of any big investment in facilities or finance in the next 18 months, I can't see how they can come back. Oh, shame.
  9. I looked into this before Gentle Ben won his first match for them. I couldn't find a record of worst start for manager or longest wait for first win. The only high profile, long running car crash of a managerial career was Paul Jewel at Derby who won his first match on joining the club but it was an FA Cup game and only won on penalties, and then he didn't record a league win until 10 months later. I believe Rovers owners don't give the furry crack of a rats ass anymore and getting out is their focus now.
  10. The results of the 15ers fan survey question "how can we look even more ******* tinpot than usual?" are revealed to a waiting world....
  11. I'd like to take a stab at answering this one: FGR, Wimbledon and The Mighty Bristol City, talk publicly about their plans because they are real, ongoing, financed and a source of pride for their respective fans. The Sags are told their plans are subject to NDAs because in my opinion the plans are imaginary, unfinanced and a source of great embarrassment for their board. Just a wild guess.
  12. I believe they said it was undisclosed until it was disclosed that the selling club said it was free therefore disclosing the fact that the sags were undisclosing that they were paying nothing. Or something like that
  13. The thick as mince, ground stealing **** wits still haven't worked out that in having their board insider shaft Bristol Rugby and then, continually treating their lodgers as second class citizens, how much revenue they've lost. The disastrous on / off move when the Mem was going to be redeveloped in 2008 arguably cost Bristol their place in the top flight and through lost revenue we almost lost the club completely. We were all set to watch a season of rugby at Rodney Parade and season ticket sales fell through the floor.
  14. It's NR policy to close crossings wherever possible. Unfortunately when an impatient member of the public are killed or injured its NR that gets the blame. You can never underestimate how stupid some people are. Last week the company that runs Bescot Yard up here were fined 1.2 million pounds because kids accessed the site through a hole in the fence and one of them suffered life changing injuries when he came into contact with the live electrical equipment.
  15. Curiouser and curiouser. After Hamer got the boot, the Evil Post did an article in November 2019 outlining the hierarchy in the Big Top. At the time it was Wally as president, Starnes as their CEO and the remaining board members being Masters and Turner. They've now gone and banned Masters and according to Companies House, Turner has been taken off the board. This leaves just Wally and Starnes running the club with their head of recruitment and commercial director apparently not on the board. Now there's no chance of any info getting out to the deluded few.
  16. Interestingly, as well as striking Hamer from the list of company directors, this chap, https://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/2016/may/rovers-appoint-new-director-mike-turner/ Was struck off the list of directors on the 31st of December 2019. A lot going on in the broom cupboard at the Go Outdoors Stadium.
  17. Right now its time to kick out the gas mother *******!!
  18. Outstanding music reference. All hail the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu.
  19. Ooooh £10 return from Lawrence Hill to the Go Outdoors Stadium with Gas travel. That's a bargain. A whole 2.9 miles.
  20. And the half time draw isn't called 50/50 because that's the cash split, its your odds of winning.
  21. I had a quick look on Wikipedia to see if their goal scoring hero Clarke-Harris is cup tied or not and couldn't help noticing some odd facts about the Sags. JCH's current team is Leeds United. Bristol Rovers current manager is Ian Holloway and apprently Sag fans would chant "prowed to be a Gas head" I always knew Wiki was a reliable source of information. ?
  22. Their CEO has dropped some beautiful snippets into his interview besides the "any reasonable offer for their star striker considered" that was posted earlier. Other classics include no information about the new ground and fruit market because its not in the CEOs remit. And, the search for a new manager starts now. The club has a group of staff that has worked with the players and knows them well. But if someone from outside showed an interest the club would look at that option. So, make of those blatantly obvious statements what those on delusion central will ignore.
  23. If anyone wants me I'll be reading ass chat and pissing myself laughing. ?
  24. Yeah, he was brought in as the defence coach and got the job after Doppy and Stewart left. I think he was given a 2 1/2 year contract so I reckon Mansfield would have to buy that out to take him so it could bring the sags a much needed few quid to keep the bills paid. No idea how much but a reasonable guess would be about 200k wouldn't it?
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