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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. A valid and very astute post.
  2. Or, as it is also known, the vinegar strokes. I wonder if it will leave a sour taste.
  3. And there is also our favourite doors/wheels prospect to consider.
  4. Indeed, wait and see. Justice moves in mysterious ways....
  5. Further to my earlier post, this gives me even more reason to believe that JB's legal case is destined to 'go away'. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/61877624 I would suggest that a player signing for his former manager would be unlikely to do so if he feared his former manager was unlikely to be there at the start of training/for the season/forever.
  6. I'm not sure why there seems to be all this speculation about a possible new Wales manager/coach. The present incumbent appears to be doing quite well.
  7. I have posted previously that I see the case being dropped (if for no better reason than Mrs B has claimed she wasn't actually assaulted, she is pregnant again and there are other children involved in what would be a 'messy' trial), and I suspect that another adjournment would most likely be the final straw.
  8. I know who you mean, his name is on the tip of my tongue. Wait, wait, No, Sorry, I've lost it ?.
  9. This one appears to have gone quiet, and I wonder if it has died a death. A couple of weeks ago now, but there was some talk over here of him signing for Valenciennes to join his old goalkeeping coach, Jérémie Janot. As ever, time will tell, but with pre-season having started yesterday it is looking less likely.
  10. I believe Herr Schmidt, Chief Gunner und Spezialist in targetting schools and hospitals claimed something similar at Nuremberg many years ago.
  11. Judging from the NYT article linked, I would suggest it was probably on or about 15 May 1983. I leave you to research from which match they were returning, although I doubt it was Hartlepool ?. Please don't tell me it was Hartlepool....
  12. Good advice, and, presumably (hopefully), heeded by players and, those with good/efficient agents insist that such cover is provided by the Club with the relevant premiums paid by the Club.
  13. You mean, like Sam Pearson? Seriously, Han-Noah has become a sort of cult player; because he is 'cool' as you say, but also because of that haircut ?. Personally, I like him, both as a player and because of his personality/haircut, and whilst, of course, he still has lots to learn, I hope he stays here long enough to prove himself.
  14. I imagine the same might be said for the people sitting next to you ?.
  15. That Wolves game was pivotal, wasn’t it. Not just the result, but certain aspects of the performance.
  16. I'm sure it's great, but are you going to let us know who it is?
  17. He'll be a bit sad to leave French football, though. They truly are.
  18. So, @22A, it would seem you may have some explaining to do - if only to put mind at rest ?.
  19. Far easier, with a similar effect, is to put a raw egg in the microwave....
  20. Hey @Davefevs, what's so funny? Without searching on Google, I really can't recall who that might have been.
  21. Who was that? I know we signed Basso a few years later from Woking, but I can't think who came here from Chelmsford.
  22. I thought it was Kingston-upon-Thames. That sounds far better.
  23. Does anybody, @Harry for instance, know if he was mentioned by someone on the Independent Fans Group?
  24. Blowing up a can of beans? That’s a new one for me. How does that work? I don’t want to try it, I’m just curious.
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