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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. Unfortunately, depending upon your allegiance and the Glos. batting prowess, probably until 21H00, your time.
  2. A nice story, and I am pleased you found Dean Holden as nice as he came across when he was here. Incidentally, I don't know your wife, but I am glad she didn't flash for Dean.
  3. Although it seemed quite popular last time.
  4. Hmmm. Unfortunately, naming a young junior reds team Bristol Chicks might prove problematic.
  5. Just flicking through the latest scores, and I see our old friend Kieron Pollard is batting for Surrey. I know he is getting on a bit, but they certainly sign some star players. No wonder they get large crowds.
  6. In contrast to yesterday, I think this was my best ever score. Daily Quordle 135 quordle.com ? ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?????
  7. There is talk of Q meeting with Derbyshire MPs this afternoon. Any consequent statement might be interesting.
  8. I haven’t bought a City shirt in decades, and won’t be buying one this season. What I would like to see for our away kit, however, would be white, with a diagonal purple and lime green stripe, à la Stoke City’s new away strip.
  9. Palmer wasn't the first 'star' player signed after fans' loud adulation following a successful loan. I seem to recall a similar situation with Lee Tomlin.
  10. Not to worry, we've still got The Hundred. Thanks Tom
  11. Wow, I never knew that. I remember Frank, but never knew that he was Allan's brother.
  12. Not so posh on the rugby field. Very hard, and very talented.
  13. When I was in school, we used to play rugby against Monmouth Grammar, and I can assure you it was very much a Welsh school! Interestingly, though, I have relatives living near to Ross-on-Wye, and I seem to recall leaving England and crossing the (old) Severn Bridge in to Chepstow (Wales), driving along the River Wye, past Tintern Abbey (still Wales), before getting back in to England when we approached Ross. A lovely part of the country.
  14. Yep, it seems you were right. A shame I couldn't find the photo of the blackboard, but.... A few years ago, there was a famous footballer called Ian St John, who played as a striker (attacking goal scorer) for Liverpool. Around that time a Methodist church in Liverpool put up an advertisement on a board outside the church: JESUS SAVES!. By the next morning there was a piece of graffiti added to the notice by an anonymous Liverpool supporter: St JOHN SCORES ON THE REBOUND!
  15. It is not a question (choice) of believing it or not; as I said, I was not disbelieving you, but was genuinely intrigued as to why a large number of Welsh would have come to Bristol as a result of a war, especially the Second World War, if for no better reason in this particular instance than a large number of Bristolians were being evacuated from Bristol at the same time. I understand totally why large numbers of people, Welsh included, might come to Bristol in times of economic hardship; indeed, as you are no doubt aware, just over a Century ago, a large number of Italians sought economic refuge in Wales, hence the large number of Italian cafés such as Bella Lasagne and ice cream parlours. Why, even our much loved Berni Inn, The Rummer, had its origins in Welsh/Italian immigrants.
  16. I thought today was going to be my first QUORDLE failure, but got it finally. Daily Quordle 133 quordle.com ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ????? ? ?? ? ???? ????? ? ??? ? ????? ? ?? ??? ?????
  17. I agree with your ‘logic’, and it may well have been Ian St John; as you say, it makes sense and makes a nicer story. I shall try and find the photo.
  18. I would just love it, as Kevin Keegan would have said, probably.
  19. I always thought it was Ian Callaghan. There is a photo somewhere on Internet, with the blackboard outside the church. Presumably, that would answer the question - if anybody can find said photo.
  20. An interesting statement, I’m intrigued. Which war was that, and how did that bring Welsh people to Bristol. I should stress, this is a genuine question and, as I said, I am really intrigued.
  21. I missed that. Very sad, as it always is, but I saw this amazing post on the Grockles site earlier. At his death he was England's oldest surviving Test Cricketer. That claim now falls to Raman Subba Row who was 100 days younger than Parks. I found that astonishing!
  22. I wouldn't be surprised. Millfield Prep, then Kings College Taunton; A* in Maths, Physics etc. and, apparently, currently studying for an Open University (Maths/Economics) degree. Obviously a bright, well-educated young man, and destined for a good career (after he has finished with Somerset ?).
  23. Thank Goodness. I had no idea when this was filmed, but was looking closely at all the young men involved to see whether I could recognise WS ?.
  24. Sorry if I have missed something, but is there a link between your two posts?
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