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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. An IT professional, perhaps, but quite amateurish it would seem when (double) posting on OTIB ? ?. Just to be clear; I don’t mean this post to be offensive, just puerile sarcasm.
  2. Roy Keane did quite well with Sunderland.
  3. Indeed. Very warm, humble and respectful.
  4. I was aware of Darrell Clarke's very personal loss, painfully aware, but didn't know why he was kissing his watch. I share your thoughts as to how it must have affected him, but, unfortunately, I didn't see his interview. I am so pleased for him, though, that he was able to have this wonderful day, and I hope he enjoys further success.
  5. Hmmm, very suspicious. You disappear from the forum for months and then, quite miraculously, reappear at the end of the season to remind people of this (your) quiz, only to reveal that, Quelle Surprise, you appear to have won it! Posted in jest ?.
  6. I saw him kissing his watch, but had no idea why. Poor man.
  7. Thanks for that. I recognise the song, but didn’t know who sang it.
  8. Thanks, but I’m still none the wiser. When I said 2005, the 1990s would probably have been more accurate.
  9. As I haven’t been to a club since 2005, could you let me know what song you are referring to? Thanks.
  10. Indeed, but that would have been several years, decades even ?, after @cidered abroad.
  11. He was confusing it with his old school ?.
  12. Edgebaston is not a small ground, and Warwickshire scored 207/3 off 16 overs at a rate of 12.93 - Northants not doing so well in reply....
  13. Until quite recently, I used to drive several kilometres and spend quite a few €uros to buy The Sunday Times for that very reason. Especially in the winter months, sitting in front of a roaring log fire after a satisfying Sunday lunch, there used to be nothing better than reading an intelligent, well written, insightly and detailed football article by Brian Glanville and, latterly, Henry Winter, or an invariably amusing and cantankerous Stephen Jones article about rugby. Well said, and something I endorse totally.
  14. I remember a few weeks before the end of the season hoping that, were we not to get automatic promotion, then Cystal Palace beat Hull in their penultimate (last but two?) game, on the basis that we stood more chance of beating Hull over two legs than Palace. I watched both semi final games in a bar over here in the company of a Palace Associate Director, and it was surprisingly good natured - he even shook my hand at the end. Come the final, I was quietly confident when I took the Eurostar across to St. Pancras, and enjoyed a friendly few drinks in a pub not far from Wembley, with a mix of high-spirited and good-natured (mainly) Hull and City fans. Disappointingly, when I returned to the same pub for a last pint before returning to Paris after the game, there was not a City fan to be seen, although the Hull fans remained friendly and refreshingly humble. It was quite a lonely trip back to Paris.
  15. Thanks for your responses. Whether it was Preston or Chester, I don't recall ever hearing about that. What I do remember about Robbie Turner, was his inspired performance in the pouring rain that January 1990 afternoon against Chelsea in the fourth round of the FA Cup. I think that is the memory I prefer to retain.
  16. It was a long time ago, and either I was never aware or have just forgotten, but what is this about a Robbie Turner altercation?
  17. If it helps you, it’s just started raining over here. I should advise you, however, that it is already ‘tomorrow’ here, as we are an hour ahead of you, so this might skew your data. I hope this helps.
  18. Of course you have, just as I am sure you have heard of dyslexia.
  19. I imagine you have both heard of Erling Haaland, a young Norwegian footballer. He is currently at Borussia Dortmund, but is destined to play for Manchester City next season. If you pronounce Haaland, it sounds remarkably similar to Harland; so similar, in fact, that people suffering from Dyslexia might even misspell this unusual, foreign family name. Just saying.
  20. So did I, but it is apparently SkySports' main event.
  21. Not all, obviously, but certainly the (excellent) loanees/short term contracts: 'Billy' Anderson, the shining light from Newcastle and probably the star player in Division Two since Christmas - quite amazing to think he only played four and a bit months for you. Connor Taylor, a very promising centre back, who would have been a potential young (Division Two) player of the season had not 'Billy' performed as he did, who will be very difficult to replace. Evans, who will quite possibly be looking elsewhere now his one year contract is up and he has 'proved' himself back in English football. His ten? goals will need to be found from somewhere, which will be difficult, especially in a higher division. The (dyed) blond haired chap on loan from Barnsley. Will he want (be allowed) to stay another year, especially given you and Barnsley are now in the same division? Whether or not JB remains in charge after his June appointment, there is an awful lot of work to be done in pre-season.
  22. ? Slip of the finger! Too many glasses of wine during the rain breaks. Still an interesting game in prospect if we can finish them off early tomorrow.
  23. So, Hampshire lead by 60ish, but now five, top order batsmen down. A good start tomorrow morning, and we could have a very interesting game on our hands - the weather looks fair.
  24. Hey! My two daughters are very young adults ?.
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