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Posts posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. 2 hours ago, Super said:

    His health is all that matters. Shame on Palace sounds like his succesor is already lined up. Expect nothing less from Parish.

    I am pretty sure I read very recently that Steve Parish was all in favour of keeping Roy Hodgson on as manager until the end of the season.

    Clearly, if RH’s health isn’t up to returning to management, and surely his health is the all important factor here, to all parties, not least to him and his family, then a replacement should be brought in as soon as is practicably possible.

    Should this turn out to be the case, then I am not sure why Steve Parish would be deserving of any criticism.

  2. 1 hour ago, BigTone said:

    Or in a diabetic coma ......................... for the insurance !!!!

    Je t'adore...

    8 hours ago, Super said:

    Do we have any romantics on here who make this a special day for their other half?! I usually get a card but don't go OTT.

    I have just taken a short pause from preparing dinner.

    • Like 1
  3. Both Matt James and Joe Williams were excellent last night.

    Many on here have spoken of one or perhaps both leaving at the end of the season, but whilst I suppose Andy King’s departure is almost inevitable, I would like to see both MJ and JW retained, as much for the knowledge and experience they could pass on to the younger midfielders we have just signed as for their own ability and experience on the pitch.

    I appreciate both would need to compromise on their salaries etc., but I should be disappointed if both leave.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, pillred said:

    Well, what were your thoughts? to say I'm excited would be an understatement, yes he played a few minutes but showed a cool football brain did not panic and showed glimpses to me that we have uncovered a diamond in the rough. 

    I thought much the same.

    It was a shame he was fouled just after his little shuffle, when he went through two players, as I thought he was about to produce a moment of magic.

    • Like 5
  5. 13 minutes ago, Lee Trundles LeftTit said:

    I struggle with tanner. I've spent almost every match worrying about him and his sideways and backwards! Personally think he's far too timid for a mid-upper championship RB and for me Mcrorie is acres ahead of him after only seeing him 2-3 times. I think he got left in his arse a few times tonite too, but quality opposition. Time will tell and appreciate his effort and be a reaaonable fill in for us. 

    An interesting 'Moniker' and an equally interesting first post.

    Admittedly, I didn't watch the match live, but on SKY, but I thought he was excellent, both on the right and the left.

    • Like 6
  6. 12 hours ago, italian dave said:

    'It's also interesting that those that castrated Nige for the formation we played against Coventry to begin with have also defended Manning changing formation at half time v Boro.' 

    Very interesting. 

    I didn’t feel Boro were unlucky, no. The fact that you use words like “spin” suggests you’re putting your own particular take on it. And I’ve certainly never criticised - never mind “castrated - another emotive term that doesn’t make for reasoned argument - anyone for our formation against Coventry.

    But don’t keep playing the martyr?! No-one is suggesting that critiquing any manager isn’t allowed. In my mind all that’s being suggested the past 48 hours is that we show a little joy and spend a little time celebrating three points from a tricky away game! As @Davefevs said (eventually!!), just chill 😎 

    I was going to suggest yesterday that @W-S-M Seagull probably meant to write castigated, but now I am begining to wonder....😉 

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:


    If you’re ever down my old part of France there are étangs (lagoons) behind the Med where they grow Oysters all along the coast from Perpignan to Montpelier.

    There’s one place called Leucate where if you follow the étang down to where the inlet meets the sea, this is where all the oyster boats bring their catch in to shack type places where they unload them into tanks to go through the ultraviolet light system to filter out any bad stuff.

    On the land side of the shacks are very basic restaurants, just tables and chairs, no cookers or anything. Here you can get the best oysters ever, simply delicious and will make you realise how different an oyster that has traveled any distance to be in a supermarket or fishmongers taste compared to fresh out of the water.

    All served with the wine grown on the banks of the étangs, like a Picpoul de Pinet, which goes perfectly with seafood.

    These shacks are the closest thing you’ll see to food outlets in S.E. Asia. Just an amazing experience.



    Well, as the old saying goes, every day is a school day.

    I never knew one could get oysters from the Mediterranean.

    On the subject of buying fresh oysters, one of my bugbears is that, of course, they are sold by weight, and then opened.

    I swear there must be about 1/2 litre of sea water in one kilo of oysters, so 50% of the purchase weight is discarded immediately, not to mention the weight of the heavy shells.

    The same is true of fresh shrimps, although at least the heads and shells can be used for stock.


  8. 1 hour ago, Red7 said:

    I always wear garden gloves when opening them...and am rightly considered a bit of a wus 🤣

    Many years ago, I saw an old friend of mine, a chef in a local restaurant, take a huge chunk out of his hand whilst opening oysters.

    Unfortunately, he wasn’t wearing gloves, but he was experienced.

    I am just so nervous doing it, and, even in the fishmonger, it takes about 10 minutes to open a dozen oysters.

  9. 7 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    The bream was great, as was the green salsa it came with. 

    You can see the scallops just above the oysters 😉

    Ah Yes, quite obvious now you menton it 😉.

    A propos oysters, I am always amazed how expensive they are in restaurants, especially in the UK.

    I am fortunate to have an excellent wet fishmonger close to me, and can often buy a dozen for about €5, opened in front of me (I don't know if you have ever tried, but opening oysters is a real bugger, even with a proper knife).

    I prepare a simple Mignonette with a fresh eschalot (ludicrously cheap over here) and Voila, an excellent lunch for two - actually, I eat them all, as my wife cannot stand oysters, although she will help me with the accompanying bottle of chilled Sancerre.


    • Flames 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Finally got around to visiting Noah's last night and it was excellent. Fresh seafood served traditionally.

    Porthilly oysters and huge Isle of Islay scallops to start, then we shared a delicious grilled whole black bream from Cornwall and cod loin and chips. The latter was about as good as fish n chips gets. A chunky cod loin which fell apart beautifully in a light but crispy batter. Yeah, it's £19.50 but the quality makes it comfortably worth it. They also do a match day special before City and Bears games, and an early evening special, where it's £15 and comes with a drink - that's great value.

    Interesting drinks menu too. I had a Hungarian dessert wine called "fairytale" and a really nice amaretto made in Somerset. 

    Already looking forward to going back.




    It looks very nice, especially the fish.

    I don’t recall ever eating Isle of Islay scallops before (I probably drank too much of their whisky) but they look remarkably like mussels to me.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    (Been looking for a reason to use that title for a while).

    Was looking at the Oxford forum this morning - interestingly enough they’re having the same debate as seems to be on here, but also have the added piece of a Des Buckingham stay/go poll (and he’s been in place shorter than Liam!). Mentally, he hasn’t even had an assistant to date.


    Its quite interesting to read through - it wasn’t totally helpful (although was in part) not long after Liam left Oxford as it was a bit raw for them but now there are a few cooler heads on his reign and there is a lot of comparative between him and Buckingham style wise, circumstance wise. 

    Just a bit interesting to read from the angle of having lost Manning and see what you’ve lost as opposed to what you’ve gained in the appointment



    No doubt lost on many here, but very amusing nonetheless.

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  12. 14 hours ago, Northern Red said:

    Pretty much sums it up:


    Like many on here and elsewhere, I do not much care for the Indian attitude on the pitch, especially when Kohli is around, but I must say that their journalists, especially on CricInfo, are pretty impressive and generally a very interesting read.

  13. 4 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    Nuremberg. First time here.  Bit of an odd place but parts are beautiful at night. Good food and beer obviously 

    I have been there once, for a few hours, but only passed through to be honest.

    I probably go to Bavaria two or three times a year - we have family in Munich - and, as you say, the food and beer are nice (and copious!).

    If you don’t know it, and feel you have an appetite, try a typical Bavarian dish.

    Schweinshaxe. Very nice.

    I tried it a few months ago and struggled to finish it.


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