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Everything posted by Swede

  1. Franchise doesn't annoy me, but tinpot annoys the sags though. I think your average sag gets the word franchise mixed up with the word envy, THAT is clearly evident.
  2. Or find £49 and some change for a taxi for a Ryan Air flight for that poor unfortunate player cockman agreed to buy from the Irish non league but its been held up due to some unforeseen problems with "paperwork" The gift!!!
  3. I'm sure there is a well used two word response in there somewhere!
  4. If I was fortunate enough to own the fruit Market site I'd be ramping up the cost of the land now that Shake Stupid has declared in the media that he wants it. (DOH!) I'd be giving cut price deals with all of the specialist waste companies to dump as much Asbestos and land fill shite I could get my articulated grabber on to make them feel at home, and if Stupid still wants it then I'll have to walk my dog all òver it and register it as a Town Village Green.
  5. Well, you know how the fewers go n about their Cornish Pasties, the fake fekir has added another to the menu, PIE IN THE SKY
  6. What an absolute crack pot. He's "identified" an area of land in the media that belongs to someone else and is already talking about planning permission on it?!?! He's also saying that the training ground will be developed once the stadium has been built. But I thought that was being developed anyway?!?! What idiot in their right mind would say that?!?! Assuming the club has the funds (which they don't) and assuming the private land owner wants to sell to them (which they may not) and assuming they can get outline planning permission fŕom the council (which can only be a hypothetical question as they don't own it) Absolutely ludicrous, baffling. Where is the funding coming from?!?! I would almost say that here is undeniable proof that he is a complete and utter idiot. It has more holes in it than an old tent.
  7. Anyone else notice on Radio Bristol this morning, the presenter asked (from a sporting perspective) "What you're looking forward to the most in August?" Some **** sag responded with "Looking forward to the mighty Leeds thumping Bristol City" Any normal fan on air would be optimistic and waxing lyrical about their club's new season but, oh no, not your average mindless windyass moron. They prefer to hide their banal existence and their own extremely painful inadequacies by trying to be humorous in their eyes, oblivious to the fact that they have just underlined how pathetic and meaningless they truly are to a wider audience.
  8. That's where the term gaslogic comes from. It means utter nonsense. Here's a few examples; We have a watertight contract" "He's worth £10M without a shadow of a doubt" "We have a massive away support" "We're a family club, everyone loikes us" "Prowed to be blue" "I'll have a season ticket for row M [there's no row M] "Give us a ground and we'll fill it" "I can't discuss that right now as its confidential. These things take time"
  9. Surely £10M. That was his valuation a little while ago
  10. They are lucky to be in a one club city with a forward thinking council. Forward thinking council!!! Bloody cheek! Typical sags, its always someone else's fault wanting someone else to pay for their new ground, its Wycombe's fault we got relegated, anyone with the slightest difference of opinion is shouted down and banned as a Ted, we're too big for the ground yet have hardly sold out in years. Forward thinking council?!?! About time their charlatan owner put his hands in his pocket. He IS right about one thing though, this is a ONE CLUB CITY, hopefully that total embarrassment blot on the landscape in North Bristol will soon fade away
  11. This is meant to be a logo for bristol rovers womens team, right? Will they all be wearing eye liner make up and play presumably in leather jackets? I must say it all looks a bit demeaning and sexist to me. Perhaps the leather jacket is to cover up the joker's outfit underneath.
  12. "Good to be playing against Bristol Rovers today, on my way down. Proper club #brfc are, #gasheads are proper top notch folk. As for #BristolCity...their fans are proper sad, strange folks desperate to relegate us a couple of years ago. Ashton Gate smells like poo as well." So by definition of a proper club this fake brummie expects to see numerous tents & sheds, drink fake Fanta and watch a group of men meander around in unusual quirky clothing. Seems like he's mistaken a football ground for some middle eastern market . . . .how bazaar!
  13. That's hardly ever likely with your owner. I hear he peels oranges in his pocket.
  14. Don't forget all of the soft porn you can handle at the "family club" I am sure the few ladies and children who happen to be there & witness it appreciated the fithy, demeaning and sordid nature of what was on offer
  15. Brian Parkin, didn't he go on to play for Man Utd? Then there was Carl Saunders, he hit the big time when he went on to play for England after his large transfer to Liverpool Of course Billy Clark was fantastic at Chelsea, didn't he lay on the ball for Di Matteo in the FA Cup final. Not like the sags to be factually incorrect is it. As for owning a "stadium" well I know someone who owns a "stadium" which runs stock car and demolition derbies, its a ramshackle dump but he still calls it a stadium. Unlike the sags, he owns it unlike some faceless offshore company hiding behind a veil of secrecy.
  16. You should have worn it around your neck not holding your trousers up.
  17. It would be cheaper if they used canvas instead of bricks. Oh, wait a minute, they've already done that
  18. So the new signing is a Luke Leahy (released by Walsall). With the tramp and Chris Lines gone and apart from the prolific Nicholls I'm struggling to name any of the wessons in the jesters first eleven such is the ever widening gap.
  19. That'll be the fans who always turn up in massive numbers. Its what they do
  20. I think I was some Dutch tour. The picture was a cross between The Addams Family & Auf Wiedersehen Pet.
  21. The one thing I remember from the last time they went on a pre season tour was that fan picture of the most cretinous bunch of morons and losers without their carers you could ever wish to see. There is bound to be a party of the same window lickers ready to shuffle onto a bus as we speak.
  22. So some poor unfortunate guest house will have to put them up, probably two to a bed "top to tail". (Make sure they pay cash in advance) But surely they'd be travelling to the emerald isle by the fake fekir's magic carpet. He'll probably also magic up the money for the new stadium at the same time.
  23. Does anybody know what was in a "snack box"? Wasn't it one of Boycey's inventions?
  24. UUUURRRGGGGHHH there's my dinner on the floor & they have the temerity to criticise our goalkeeper kits. Gaslogic
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