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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Once again this isn't FFP or even Championship but an interesting insight into the complexity of businesses generally and Football clubs in particular. If anyone found the Derby County structure stuff mind blowing, you may not thank me for posting this Private Eye article on the takeover of Chelsea FC, as Walter Scott said "'Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive'"
  2. We already do that around Xmas and new year don't we?
  3. As it was a nice day on Saturday my wife allowed herself to be persuaded to take advantage of the mates rates deal, I swapped my ticket as well but as it was a late decision we didn't get a choice of seating and found ourselves "up in the Gods". What a beautiful day for it though and what a view it is up there. I was quite surprised that I could still recognise the players from there, although I did think Tanner was having a great game before realising it was Sykes and that Scott had scored the 2nd goal. Dasilva looks taller from that angle too. The whole experience did give me a bit of an understanding of the casual football fans experience though. We went to Shirehampton and caught the train across Clifton and Redland to Temple Meads, something we have never done before. Then we walked in via East Street, stopping for a couple of ciders at different venues and then had a nice lunch and the pizza workshop in North Street. Amazing to see how these places have changed since I lived there as a kid, so many options for eating and drinking now, although is there really enough trade for so many men's barbershops? After the game we went back along the dockside and joined the early evening people for a couple more drinks, and to be honest by the time we got back on the train the football seemed like a very tiny part of a good day out. It's not something I would want to do all the time and as my wife said the weather helped a lot, but I can imagine that there are a lot of people at the game of that mindset. Here are a couple of pictures from the day.
  4. Could be interesting getting on the Coach, like one of those mystery tours the Saga Louts go on. I remember some old friends of the family who were holidaying in Bournemouth, jumped on one of those one day in the week. They nattered away as you do, and then things started to get familiar and they found themselves back in Bristol. They had a laugh about it, went to a little cafe they knew and then got taken back to Bournemouth. Imagine getting on the Coach not knowing the neutral venue and finding yourself up the Mem. ?
  5. All Galleys goals were at this level, as Alan Dicks famously said when we got promotion, his goals kept us in the 2nd division while he built a side capable of getting to the 1st.
  6. Personally I think the result has clouded a lot of people's judgment, the first hour we played some really good stuff.
  7. The same group with a gas flag and trying to sing football songs? I heard them on the stream and thought they sounded like a bunch of *****. I wish the gasheads would stop treating Glos as an extension of their football team.
  8. **** you! This isn't a Somerset exclusive forum, it's a discussion about County cricket. This season has been a bit of shit show for Glos, so if (and it's a pretty big if) we can get a result today, that would at least five some of us something to cheer about.
  9. Have they won the league yet? I wonder if they beat Sunderland fans to the earliest "We are going up" chant?
  10. What were you expecting? It was exciting and lots of goals. It just confirms what I have always said about those who say, "we don't expect success but we expect to be entertained". Bollocks do they.
  11. Eat Y'self Fitter - The Fall
  12. " Alex Iacovitti thundered in a header to equalise and Joe Hart superbly denied County's Owura Edwards." Sounds like he was definitely involved
  13. Joe Bryan not even on the bench for Fulham?
  14. I await the complaints on here when the stadium doesn't look full. I am sure there will be quite a few empty seats as it is the middle of the holiday season.
  15. If it was in the press it's somewhat unusual.
  16. A quick Google search suggests Hull City, Doncaster Rovers, York City and maybe a few other lower league teams.
  17. The argument for that at the time was that standard FTA channels couldn't schedule enough live cricket, so shortsighted when it was clear even then that something like Freeview with it's multiple channels was on it's way. Today it would be easy for ITV or Channel 4 or BBC via iPlayer to show cricket in multiple formats for as long as necessary.
  18. Driving Away From Home (Jim's Tune) - It's Immaterial
  19. I saw one or two saying we had been a bit naughty in moving Will Buse to a higher level, but clubs like Taunton must be use to these sort of moves, they know where they are on the food chain. I am sure they have a lot of alternatives lined up just in case.
  20. What was the result? Sorry found it 11 -2 Amazed at the dedication of some of these athletes. Someone mentioned on the Tour De France thread the other day someone continuing with a dislocated shoulder, well Joe Fraser the gymnast won gold on the parallel bars with a broken foot and 6 weeks after having his appendix removed.
  21. 3 Years ago yesterday it was that Early of Fortune said "new stadium in 2 years". How have they not seen through this charlatan yet?
  22. I was thinking that if a commentator or journo tried using that today, they would be accused of "Americanisation" or some such. We do need a few more "hot shots" though.
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