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Posts posted by Cowshed

  1. I've only been to one away game this season, maybe the away Sheffield fixture was worse, but in terms of sheer mind-numbing tedium that home game in November breaks personal records for me.

    Then your view is not well rounded. At Wolves the team did not compete and played in a manner where it could not contain Wolves, so could not get any form of result.

    Brentford was sans everything. Basic fundamentals were not achieved by a professional " coached" XI.

    Sheffield Utd ... Abysmal in Mr Cotterills words.

    Orient feels like a fluke. The abysmal is starting to outnumber the good, or even poor. That is indefensible.

    • Like 2
  2. An overlooked "benefit" of Mr Holloway's integrity is his insistence on shaving off his contractual cut of transfers fees.

    Other benefits?

    His passion failed to inspire CPFC and Leicester City.

    His loyalty sees him being a serial walker away from contracts

    A toxic relationship with Citys more vocal support.

    Amusing if anything else the topic.

  3. What's interesting about those plans is that there is a standing area in the corner of the east end/williams, and the corner of the eastend/dolman, as well as standing along the front of the east end.

    Last one. Somebody from the working party can confirm or deny that the safe standing area has been altered. The image of the Wedlock at the open consulation day isn't the one now on the verge of being built. That will not affect the outline application.

  4. Glad to hear this, as a lot of eastenders wanted the standing to go at the back. Any idea when we will know what the final design looks like?

    I don't know. I was informed by those who have no habit of just making stuff up.

    It seems appropriate that somebody should be informing supporters what that stand actually looks like. Fans were going to be consulted and informed at "every" step said BCFC.

  5. Just a few extra random points I've thought of whilst reading this thread.

    - I thought the club wanted to put more executive boxes in at the back of the replacement East End, but it was the fans who turned their noses up and forced them out.

    - The rebuilt East End is going to have a couple more hundred seats than the Atyeo, and yet the roof height is going to be the same as the Dolman, which leads me to think that it's either going to be a steep gradient, or maybe they're leaving space for executive boxes in future?

    I did speak to the architect regarding the boxes being removed from the Wedlock design. It was not due to fans. It is straight economics. They will be more profitable elsewhere and each stand will cater for a different demographic. Top end facilities in the Williams, then the Dolman and then the Wedlock/Atyeo.

    The architect oddly could not confirm the rake of the stand by % v the Dolman. It will be steeper obviously than it is now.

    The design at the open day was not the final Wedlock design.

    Many of the points here should have been already addressed by the "wide" consultation. They have not been!!

  6. From the images released so far and displayed at the public consultation, the proposal is to have four completely different stands.

    The popular objection to bowl-like stadia is that they are uniform all the way round and therefore have no character. Regardless of whether some or all of the corners are joined up, a stadium with four distinctly different sides definitely does not constitute a bowl. I think it looks like it will have character, in the same way that the redeveloped Hawthorns or Bramall Lane do, for example.

    Not saying it's necessarily better than the AV model mind, but it will have its own look and personality, definitely not your 'crisp bowl'.

    At the public consultaion the architect described the design as having bowl like characteristics. The Bristol post go further and says its been designed to look like a bowl.

    The design is generic.

    The Wedlock design. Which one? It is, or was uniform. The design has been changed since the paper thin consultation.

  7. Who do we think is to blame for the 'draconian' legislation football fans face?

    A. Football fans

    B. anyone else

    Sadly, all the derby match proved is that such measures are absolutely justified and absolutely necessary.


    Various home secretaries who included the legislation in criminal justice acts for widespread use e.g political demonstrations, free party scene, travellers ..

    Football provides a test environment.

  8. From the BCFC statement them

    Semblar the club are not adhering to their own statements. Fans are being banned for life who have not committed any violent offences.

    If the community trust works with offenders service e.g Community payback shouldn't this work now cease?

    Effectively BCFC are saying that offenders cannot be rehabilitated, but players have appeared in City color's who have had criminal convictions. Will BCFC now have a policy in place regarding ex offenders?

  9. No, you and the others defending violence at football matches are a disgrace. Every decent human being can see that.

    Here's the thing parkender. I simply don't believe the people who claim they or their mates were victimised and did nothing wrong. You see, people who are guilty often protest their innocence.

    There's no evidence to corroborate these claims that people are being arrested for nowt, not one bit, and there's plenty of reason not to believe it - not least what I saw with my own eyes at the derby match.

    The Charlton fans you're talking about (in this article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-24746019) deserved everything they got in my opinion. Why would we want someone glorifying racism and murder anywhere near a football match?

    On the derby night, I've no sympathy for anybody that ran onto the pitch and made a beeline for the away fans. Anybody who threw something is someone I don't ever want at a football match again. If that upsets you, tough titty. I'm not trying to be a superfan, this is the sort of reaction that normal human beings should have.

    We would suffer far less overbearing policing if you people stopped making excuses every time there was violence and started making these "people" unwelcome.

    I have questioned the clubs policy. Where does a player with a criminal conviction fit with BCFC ordering fans be banned for life for minor offences. Players were deemed worthy of rehabilitation. Does this not apply to supporters anymore?

  10. This ^ players; fighting, kicking, punching, headbutting, pushing, pulling, elbowing, etcon the pitch, result= maybe a ban for a couple games,

    [bfans; on the pitch singing after a big game result= lifetime :facepalm:

    The sanitation of our game continues, bring on the armchairs and slippers.

    It goes further.

    Bristol City FC are making their own rules up as they go along with little thought. The five pillars includes Community - the Bristol City Community Trust.

    How can the Bristol City Community Trust work with youth offending services/probation etc when the club themselves are banning fans for life!

  11. Would prefer that. Club needs to know fans aren't happy

    Would like to see a banner below at ag

    Football without fans is nothing

    I have little reason to doubt what I have heard. BCFC should be made aware that they are making a unfair precedent v life long fans that did not apply to players in the past.

    I would have no problem joining in with whatever gesture is made.

  12. Well I'm looking at them and thinking "clowns"!

    Yes those stage costly operations and prioritise low level crime for the media over house break in's are. BS4 has been suffering a spate of breaks in's for two years particularly around Bath road. Real serious crimes. Operations? Media? No.

  13. Hardly likely is it. I don't think it's pointless anything that stops these morons embarrassing our club for me is welcome.

    Each raid will require numerous police officers. Some of the crimes will be for nothing more than men running on grass, men making silly "come on then gestures" and breaking the Eastend hardly robust seats. Scary stuff.

    This will cost tens of thousands for low level crimes, or no crimes at all. Money wasted when homes in BS4 get burgled you often have to wait 24 hrs for the police to start their investigation. Crime should be prioritised, not used for tasty media sound bites.

    Its a "look at us" gimmick for the media to make middle England feel safe in their homes.

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