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Posts posted by northsomersetred

  1. On 14/10/2021 at 20:28, JamesBCFC said:

    Arguably they are having balls by not sacking him with all the backlash they are getting.

    You just don't see it that way because it's not the outcome you want.


    As for bankrolling the club, others probably know more than myself, but speaking to a few other fans in the clubhouse (ones who would have an idea) after the game one of them said Lee had negotiated a larger budget for the season, which suggests it isn't his money, or at least not fully, so the allegation is just that.

    The outcome I and a lot of other people is for this behaviour to stop, it is totally unacceptable and the clubs themselves need to set an example.

    BMF bottled it because he bankrolls the club.

    And the latest? A 17yr old female ref confronted at half time by 3 adult coaching staff. Big brave lads these.

    This behaviour has to stop. The End.


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    • Hmmm 2
  2. 1 hour ago, JamesBCFC said:

    The referee was dreadful throughout the game (note this is not to justify the behaviour, nor the defeat, Paulton were superb going forward and a particular mention to their 10 who not only gave Manor Farm's defence a torrid time, but also spent a good chunk of the game defending in his own penalty area. The better team on the day won without question). But the referees performance was to the point where one would think he had been club appointed, and even Paulton players were commenting on how bad he was after the game.

    After Farm had a player sent of (a rare correct decision, though the original booking was the player reacting to an appalling decision, the second yellow was a nailed on one and a silly tackle to make when already booked) frustrations were rising on the Farm bench.

    Lashenko (Farm manager) got booked, or spoken to by the ref late on (do managers get booked? Or just spoken to before getting sent off)

    After the game they had the post match handshake just to the right of the goal this was filmed from, everything seemed OK at that point.

    Then something clearly got said by either the referee or linesman, because Lashenko completely lost it and turned, going for the ref, calling him a liar amongst other things (you can hear this at 12-13 seconds in).

    He was initially pulled away by some players and then tried to have a second go, which is the part that's been filmed.

    You can also hear one of the people who went to the game say "he was walking away from you".

    I fully understood why he was frustrated, but his behaviour there isn't acceptable at all and he will rightly get a fine, match ban or both.


    Can you explain why the gent in the grey jumper, a committee member by all accounts, is touching the ref and saying 'get the **** in your room' and not trying to get the manager off the pitch?

    No matter what the refs have done there is absolutely no need for this and people wonder why there's a ref shortage?

    Behaviour like that is the reason i don't ref football, I umpire in the local cricket leagues and behaviour of players and team officials/supporters has started to go downhill over the past few years. We don't deliberatley go out to give bad decisions, we do our best under trying conditions at times.

    • Like 12
  3. On 27/09/2021 at 20:54, elhombrecito said:

    I believe Jamal Agnew cited you as his inspiration yesterday.


    He probably wasn't born when it happened, nice of him to acknowledge me though, and the best return of a missed FG?

    The 2013 Iron Bowl, Alabama v Auburn what a finish!!

    Best quote ever on football commentary 2:29 'because there's no athletes on the field for Alabama there's all fat guys'



    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    On a general note as well, to my fellow members of Generation Y - INVEST IN A PENSION!

    My god, the amount of people I know who either don't have one or invest very little in one is frightening. It's the best savings scheme you will ever be offered. The government are literally giving you money to save.

    Yes, the obvious catch is you can't touch it until you are 55. But, compound interest, baby! 

    It's such a no-brainer but I know several people in their 30s who haven't put a penny into a pension. Unbelievable really. 

    I'm 52 and don't have one.

    I'm in the unfortunate position where i lost the lot about 10yrs ago when the company i'd worked for went under, i lost just over £160k.

    I'll be working until I die because of corporate greed, i just dont trust any advisor/company since then.

    I have small MoD pension which isn't worth a lot.

    • Sad 2
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