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Posts posted by Stortz

  1. 13 minutes ago, Weezord said:

    What was the reason for the boycott?

    I wish you'd boycott this forum you tedious ****.

    Your last home attendance was 12k less than ours and still you trot this shit out.

    Why don't you try a new tack, maybe you could boast about the amazing stall at UWE instead?

    • Like 4
  2. 30 minutes ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    I missed it,was it a one sided fight

    Yes very much so. Beefy was as game as and didn't back down once, but his punches weren't hurting Canelo at all- much like Brook's last week on GGG.

    Smith went down 3 times, one big shot on top of the head and two body shots, the final one was brutal. He kept going back for more though and trying to throw combinations but Canelo had no respect for his power at all and it was a matter of time from fairly early on.

    Over 51k at the stadium and Liam comes out with a lot of credit, he ust came up short against one of the best in the world.


    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, B1ackbird said:

    If Beefy knocks him down five times and wins every round, he'll still lose.

    50,000+ pissd up Mexicans will sway the judges somewhat...

    No doubt!

    Ringwalks are supposed to be at 0430, will  check back to see if you or JJT are here mate.

    Come on Beefy!

  4. 22 minutes ago, B1ackbird said:

    No, getting up early tho..

    Big ask for Liam, no chance of a points win I fear...

    Smith on points is 20-1+!

    De La Hoya claims there is going to be over 70k at the Cowboy's stadium. Shame the undercard is complete litter.

  5. 4 minutes ago, phantom said:

    I try my hardest not to venture over the road to see what the blue few are writing, but after having a look at their freshers thread, I thought I'd peruse their forum to see what is happening over the darkside, I do SERIOUSLY worry about their mentality . . . .




    The levels of fantasy there are astonishing.

    It's easy to talk big and hypothesise about how 'massive' they're about to become any second now, and how the huge crowds will start pouring in,despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    The reality is a shit tent and what we see today at UWE.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Iron Man said:

    Can you copy what Weaselbe is saying about his massive club? Would love to read :chant6ez::chant6ez:

    "Sept 16, 2016 6:14:57 GMT eastongas likes this

    Post by Weeezord on Sept 16, 2016 6:14:57 GMT

    For. F***. Sake.

    I actually cant even be bothered to write down my moan.

    The one chance we get to recruit new fans. And we colour in a whiteboard.

    I cant see one, but surely a huge eye-catching banner with BRISTOL ROVERS FC (and student offers you cant turn down) is pre-requisite for this kind of day?
    Also, surely the manager shouldn't do that to dogs?"
    (I may have added the last line)


    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Super said:

    There are not impressed!


    Jon the Stripe
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    Post by Jon the Stripe on 8 minutes ago

    I love my club and hate to knock it, but....

    That is totally embarrassing and in my opinion 'not fit for purpose' FFS, the whole point of us moving to UWE, being more professional etc is to move on from our 'Rag Bag Rovers' tag. We have pop up banners etc in the Dribuild Suite we could have taken and surely someone could have planned this a bit better. This is our first point of contact to thousands of students and is how our club will be perceived.

    Sorry but this is up there with Santas Grotto

    I see one of our resident knobends Weezord having a moan and a gripe on that thread too.

    Tick Tock eh @Weezord?! Tick *******Tock!


  8. 6 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Surely that isn't really it?

    There are probably prison cells more tastefully arranged.

    I can't believe that passes as a genuine marketing attempt.

    Come on don't be mean, they've mustered 5 biros with only a couple of weeks notice as well as all the other stuff!

  9. 5 minutes ago, Super said:

    Freshers fair has started....... Rovers pulling out all the stops I see!


    That is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

    I really like the way they've used sellotape rolls to balance the balls, great problem solving by the gas there. I wonder if that's the bestest picture Wael has ever painted.

    And to think some claim they are a disorganised, embarrassing rabble. I think this beacon of excellence puts that theory to bed once and for all.

    • Like 7
  10. 58 minutes ago, Tomarse said:

    Sounded like fight of the year contender? 

    Definitely, an absolute slug fest! Cuadras was as game as they come but just couldn't cope with the quality of Chocolatito's work.

    That's the 4th weight Gonzalez has been world champion at, he is surely the best p4p boxer on the planet.

  11. 16 minutes ago, MichaelRobartes said:

    Absolute helmet. He's the last person who can slag Brook off!

    Fighting for the British title again next when that could have been him tonight earning £2/3 million quid, the plum.

    They even wanted to approve the security, hotels and undercard haha.

    Looking forward to Chocolatito later

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