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Marina's Rolls Royce

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Posts posted by Marina's Rolls Royce

  1. 15 hours ago, BigTone said:

    Thanks, and thanks for your kind words. As I write she is due to have a procedure to remove fluid from her lungs. You are 100% correct that she will be getting better care in Flinders rather than the small country hospital that is Victor.

    My family all live in Seaford on the southern outskirts of Adelaide so Dad has gone to stay with my Sister. Problem is he is 96 so is not handling the situation too well. Mum is 91.

    We are worried that when Mum passes (which is inevitable) that he will just pine away also. He is not in great health either and each day is a bonus if he stays vertical rather than horizontal with the falls he has.

    Normally I visit twice a year for 4 weeks but obviously can't do so now. Just want to be with them and do my bit to help. That is probably my biggest downer at the moment. I fully appreciate and understand the situation but my inability to be there for them is eating away at me.

    Wife is due an op on 7th Jan but they have assured us it's nothing terminal which is a relief. In the meantime though she needs my assistance also as her mobility is very restricted.

    Trying my best to remain positive but have good & bad moments.

    No wonder I drink !!!

    With genuine sincerity- I send my best wishes to you at a very very difficult life moment.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. Personally I think the season should be voided -no promotion or relegation.

    However, this may be a bit unfair on Leeds so I would like to see Ted Rodgers come back and show them what they could have won- you know - pictures of travelling to Arsenal, Liverpool etc along with untold riches and then present Bielsa with Dusty Bin. It was an extremely popular method of settling a competition funnily enough on TV the last time Leeds were in top flight.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. What a fantastic gesture by our players on as much as £20,000.00 per week (or more) to donate a small proportion of their salary ( which gets paid no matter what) to a help and assistance fund for the elderly and/or vulnerable long term loyal City fans to help ensure they get the provisions they need to get through this crisis. A wonderful gesture to those people who have supported City through thick and thin over decades despite their own personal circumstances.


    Or did I just make this up because that's what I'd most like to happen?

    • Like 3
    • Confused 2
  4. Surely Sir Colin Daniel should take over as player coach? There is a strong connection between the clubs going back several years.


    Bristol Rovers' 94-year stay in the Football League came to an end after they lost against Mansfield. 

    The Pirates needed a draw at home to the Stags but found themselves behind after Colin Daniel volleyed in off the post in the 36th minute.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Andy082005 said:

    I can see it perfectly clear mate. I've had a season ticket for going on 25 years now and can honestly say this last 18 months has been the first time in my life where I feel genuinely emotionless about following City and can literally sit there and just see it for what I believe it is. I almost feel like a neutral half the time 

    I just don't think Johnson has what it takes to evolve into a good coach at this level.We still have the same weaknesses and are making the same mistakes as last season. We are still playing this tippy tappy rubbish which looks great on the possession stats...but more often then not we create very little

    The bloke talks a great game. Gives it all the guff and lots of people get sucked in




    Blimey- you must have been asleep for at least 21 of those years.

    • Haha 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Andy082005 said:

    He must have watched it.

    Your not allowed to have opinions of you listened 


    14 minutes ago, Andy082005 said:

    I just whole heartily don't rate our manager / head coach....or whatever you want to call him 

    The bloke is so over rated it makes me cringe every time he opens his mouth and one of his 'sound bites' poor out 


    In respect of your first comment- I really do think that watching a game is 100% totally different to listening to a game- and I don't believe anyone has said you're not allowed an opinion- more that it's the wrong opinion based solely on a non visual commentary.

    The second quote is just how you are Andy. You dislike Lee Johnson so much and in every way that it clouds your ability to see that a point- any point , whilst not ideal, is ok having gone 2-0 down. If any score other than a win is going to do your head in then I suggest you seek another outlet for your angst. 

    Personally, I'm ok about it and believe we'll get better but have no real expectation that we're destined for anything other than an ok season. Lee would never have sold his best players if he had any say in it and given the chance would happily have spent millions more on better recruits. But we're Bristol City not Man City.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    So - Bolton just won at WBA and the consensus is we should have enough to win?

    We haven't won a league game away this year. We have a terrible record up there too. I will be pleased with a point personally.

    I'm afraid I have to agree. A point is probably more likely and may well become a feature of our season. We haven't won an away game in 14 matches so a win today would be a massive pick-me-up.

  8. 1 minute ago, Major Isewater said:

    I very rarely take notice of the poster as I scan the posts .

    A good post doesn't always come from the same source .

     I do notice sometimes I ' like ' a Post and recall that the poster and I have had differences of opinions over time .

    So none of it is personal ,just  a lot of sillyness to help pass the time between matches.

     I love you all .


    I simply can't ignore you.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

    You may have noticed MRR - I certainly have - that over a long period there are several posters, occasionally in tandem, who make it their business to try to rile @BobBobSuperBob.

    I hope if Bob is ever forced to have another 'forum holiday' because he 'over reacts' to them, and they choose to report him (which appears to be their aim imo.) then the mods will have noticed this and at the same time relieve the forum of their presence for a similar period.

    Fair's fair, it takes two to tango after all.

    These posters know who they are and I'm sure Bob will be well aware too. If I was him I'd simply put 3 or 4 posters on ignore without delay and any forum unpleasantries involving him would probably stop overnight.

    Yep - it's most definitely a two way street in any ongoing spat as are the choices of whether to engage or move on . However disagreeable someone may be , so far I've never used the ignore button simply because experience says that consistently unpleasant posters are usually hoisted by their own petard and I can't bear the thought of not being a spectator. It's like going for a pee when Fammy scores a worldie!:yes:

    The rest is above my pay grade.

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