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Rudolf Hucker

OTIB Supporter
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Everything posted by Rudolf Hucker

  1. While others will be fitting new guy ropes to existing stands.
  2. Correct. That's Bella on the left, isn't it?
  3. I did have a grand piano strapped to my back.
  4. 9,088 including 436 visiting supporters. Packed like sardines.
  5. Finally, you understand what we've been telling you. Welcome aboard.
  6. 576 away supporters in the crowd of 17499
  7. I'm sure that's the place I used to walk my dog and go ice skating.
  8. 576 away supporters in the crowd of 17499
  9. You announce that you won't post again on this thread, say farewell, then immediately post again. You can't resist, can you?
  10. Uh no they dont. Perhaps you're the one who's obsessed with those of us who do post on this thread?
  11. Netty has me at a disadvantage. I know little about the prices of shoes and handbags.
  12. Shouldn't have stolen their ground then.
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