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Rudolf Hucker

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Everything posted by Rudolf Hucker

  1. If this doesn't work for you in your search for male companionship on OTIB, perhaps try Grindr.
  2. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=muttley+medal&&view=detail&mid=122FEB29A2D11070316E122FEB29A2D11070316E&FORM=VRDGAR
  3. I refer you to my a post I made on this topic last week: "Incidentally, when adding the name @Philgasto the above message, I was given the option to choose between @Philgas and @philgas1who joined in 2004 but hasn't posted since 2012 having made 811 posts. Please don't tell me that this was you and that you've been a member on here for 12 years? If so, it's about time you stumped up you £5 to become an OTIB Supporter, like so many of us have chosen so to do." Phil subsequently admitted that this was his former account. So he's made more than 1200 posts on here over time ...
  4. Incidentally, when adding the name @Philgas to the above message, I was given the option to choose between @Philgas and @philgas1 who joined in 2004 but hasn't posted since 2012 having made 811 posts. Please don't tell me that this was you and that you've been a member on here for 12 years? If so, it's about time you stumped up you £5 to become an OTIB Supporter, like so many of us have chosen so to do.
  5. Phil, I've noticed that in the numerous scintillating posts you've made around the clock on OTIB recently, you start every word with a capital letter. Is this a new affectation which, as a fop and a dandy pirate (see your club badge), you've decided to adopt or are you actually writing in the new language invented by gasheads - Engash? Sorry BS3City, I mistakenly added your response rather than that of the omnipresent @Philgas
  6. "This time next year Rodney, we'll all be billionaires". Cushty.
  7. Phil would now be a West Tent season ticket holder.
  8. I see that the Bolton game was the match which "celebrated" the 20th anniversary of the gas playing at the former rugby ground, which they then pirated solely for their own benefit just two years later. Time flies. As these pics show, they've really made some changes under their stewardship. These days it's hardly unrecognisable from that which they stole.
  9. Thanks for your kind complement but I don't. It really isn't.
  10. City fans in the away end. They were right all along.
  11. Well their owner seems to have Buttons.
  12. Pantomime to the Bible in 4 posts. I love OTIB.
  13. There are none so blind as those who will not see. Cue someone to post the gap clock.
  14. Proof, if it were ever needed, that the gas are a pantomime.
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