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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. Dad: what do you want for Christmas son? Wally: A cowboy outfit! Dad: Here you go....
  2. They are far too 'loyal' to question anything, and anyone who might have an independent thought is immediately shouted down for being a 'gurt Ted' - they bring it on themselves.
  3. I do like a bowl of oxtail, maybe with a crusty roll.
  4. Didn't they clean the carpet at the Mem a couple of years ago?
  5. No news on their takeover, it's almost as if none of their fans are as in the know as they claim to be. Unless someone is prepared to drop the best part of sixty million to get them a stadium, training facilities and invest in the team they are going no where fast. And with SL happy to write cheques for his new basketball arena, hotels and car park, the gap between Bristol Sport and the offering the fewers can come up with must increasingly make any potential buy out even less appealing. League two beckons!
  6. Name a club mostly supported by P, E, N, I, S, E, S?
  7. Didn't he cost them more than they got for Taylor as well?
  8. One for the stattos... https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bristol-rovers-boss-darrell-clarke-2210194 Does this take in to account Dopey managing them for a season when they were a non league club, and therefore his 'standing' as a league manager is somewhat different?
  9. With the charge against the stadium, It should be the IOU.
  10. Wonder how many million travelling fans there were today.
  11. They are missing a trick up the Mem. The number of tents, sheds and portacabins they have, they could probably stage a really good nativity play. Granted, finding 3 wise men and a virgin could be a challenge, but no shortage of donkeys. No room at the Inn? No problem. Gasheads will be able to empathise with the story and will welcome little baby Jeebus to their development squad (as long as he buys his own kit).
  12. Won't be long till one of them says 'he is more interested in rugby/basketball than football and he will be reducing his investment'. Choosing to overlook the fact that his investment has taken us close to the FFP limit.
  13. I was amazed at under a thousand short of 10k turned up for what was little more than an academy game. Shows how times they are a changing.
  14. This thread would quickly drop off the first page if they didn't consistently do something hilarious.
  15. Neigh-more. The cry of a punch drunk horse after one too many slaps.
  16. And there was me thinking Tomlin had a signing on fee addiction.
  17. So he is basically saying, 'we need to close THE GAP'
  18. Whilst they have fined the player, word is that Wally and DC are not just going to cover the wage deduction, but actually throw a few quid on top as a thank you for keeping the fans off their backs for another week.
  19. And receive the necessary emergency dentistry as well as having their broken nose reset - in fact, they looked like nothing had happened at all on leaving.
  20. Did you give 'em a cheeky wink, or do you mean their thoughts on the stadium?
  21. Maybe the photo was taken before they had all got in?
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