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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. I thought your club had just made a massive statement of intent by offering a squad full of conference players new contracts? Granted, that doesn't mean Wally won't make funds available, but with wage caps based on turnover in place will he be able to get quality in if the wage bill has been blown on some bloke who 3 years ago had to get up to deliver post.
  2. In Jordan... I read that she was on that loose wimmin' show, but I hadn't realised she was that cavernous.
  3. One thing I've never understood is why they need two forums, when neither is exactly blessed with traffic. Sure one quiet forum would be more sensible than two. As it is, we have to look over two different sites to appreciate how stupid they are.
  4. For a while I shared that belief that Daryl was the best Rovers manager ever. In fact I can pinpoint the 20 minutes of their game against Colin Daniels when he had completely exceeded my expectations.
  5. I suppose posting the link might have been helpful in my original message!
  6. Anyone else read The Knowledge column in the Guardian today? Bet you can all answer the question posed in the headline before reading the article.
  7. How many season tickets have the rugby sold?
  8. Unlike the start of the thread. Gas> Non League
  9. Not sure about Bolton. Aren't they still skint even though they were taken over?
  10. He'd have bunged them a tenner to go mad on the 2p coin pusher down WsM.
  11. Finally. One of the more intelligent Gasheads posts. You'd imagine that you would be at an advantage when it comes to typing when you have an extra finger to help. Evidently not.
  12. Can still hear them singing on Gloucester Road. However.... For the small group who are singing 'championies'... Lads. I hate to break it to you, but...
  13. Auditions for a new, special effects free Indiana Jones film are underway.
  14. Big summer for Wally. Would imagine the Daryl will be on the radar of other clubs, so he might be off. Top scorer out of contract and they will probably need to strengthen the squad. For all he has said about doing things the right way, you can't help but wonder how far his wallet will stretch and how deep his pockets are.
  15. Some City fans called Tony on RB now claiming we were lucky to stay up. Idiot.
  16. Blimey. They are making hard work of it.
  17. Of course they'll get a spawny late winning goal. Bound to happen.
  18. He'll be easy to spot, he is the only one dressed as a pantomime horse.
  19. Right. I think I can follow that. The outcome will depends on my choice of Gloucester Road drinker this evening.
  20. Right. Can someone briefly explain the dream outcome for this afternoon.
  21. Would guess that whilst they've not outgrown the Mem in terms of capacity bar the odd game, revenue streams must be limited now that the rugby has moved and the Mem isn't exactly the sort of place that would lend itself to concerts or exhibitions that would boost income. So in that respect, if they do want to try and be competitive they do need improved facilities.
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