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Bristol Rob

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Everything posted by Bristol Rob

  1. Rovers have got a bit ahead of themselves by issuing a statement on the EU Referendum. Does Wally know that they are in League 1 and not the champions league?
  2. Hereafter known as Gas MK2 Not sure what that is if you have an electric oven. But they will get to share in the franchise of Wimblegone and get MK added to their name.
  3. Maybe he means 'permanently relocate to a different county'.
  4. Should have popped in for a coffee or a pint. We take all sorts.
  5. So they are putting in a new tent and they HOPE this will increase capacity. Not being tricky here, but surely if you add more seats without reducing capacity elsewhere then you SHOULD see an overall increase (unless you are counting the number locked out, which will decrease). #gaslogic
  6. Hey Phil, what do you think of your next non signing? Deluded
  7. Sounds like one of ours on a wind up. Any fool knows they couldn't organise a swift half in a brewery. Remember when two of them decided to wear different coloured scarves because they didn't like somethin the directors were doing, or them getting relegated to non league before people started to really question them? They are happy to be victims. Whereas as we seem to have access to all manner of club officials (for those who like consultation on things).
  8. They worry gates will fall as Rovers fans aren't sure how to spell UWE and won't be able to find it.
  9. Buying tickets you don't need, thus ensuring fans are locked out..... #gaslogic
  10. It's not is it. Good news for local publicans though.
  11. Hopefully the mods will let this gather a bit of traction before moving it. Any of you going this evening? Where ya drinking, predictions, weather etc.
  12. I thought 'trash' were some residents group opposed to something.
  13. He won't get a new battery as the watch is still correct twice a day and therefore not entirely useless. It's a similar strategy with his first team investment policy. See what non league players want to stay and then maybe fill in the gaps.
  14. The problems have finally become clear with regards to the Rovers relocation. Not overly dissimilar to their failed attempt to them failing to move to Jerusalem on account of a lack of wise men and Virgins, the move to UWE was going to require fans to hold a minimum of 4 GCSE qualifications (grade C or above) before entry was granted. Whilst they celebrate a lock-out more than most, Wally has a concern that with millions locked out and no one inside the stadium the numbers might not stack up.
  15. Genuine question. Why isn't Wally funding the stadium himself? Yes, we take the mick about his billionaire status, but he clearly has cash, so what reasoning has he given for not paying for it himself.
  16. Or Argos. They probably need some new plastic chairs.
  17. Was he waiting for Wally to authorise the spending of 10p on a new biro?
  18. Thing is, none of us know how wealthy Wally is or isn't. What we can say though, is that in terms of funding new players, he has put as much money in to the club as any of us have.
  19. The Blue few seem to be the world's happiest mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed on shit and they love it.
  20. As updates go, that really is a shocker!
  21. Are you (realistically) expecting Wally to allow DC to spend some money before the seasons starts, or do you think he'll make do and mend with loans?
  22. They probably watch the Snooker on BBC1 in their minds. Well, it's almost BBC2.
  23. I can only guess that you didn't include the number locked out as including such a long number would have buggered up the formatting.
  24. You'd need someone with more fingers and toes than the norm to work that out. Sadly these people aren't famed for their mathematical ability, easy to spot though - just look for the blue and white quarters.
  25. Meanwhile, over on the AssShat message board, people are getting very excited at being a feeder club for Chelsea. Nothing confirmed yet, but apparently Wally has a bank, and with Roman having money there is an obvious synergy.... Seriously. Expect them to start the season with 11 full European internationals all at zero expense.
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