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Curr Avon

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Everything posted by Curr Avon

  1. I'm sorry, but I can take the 72 hour pub crawl and the inevitable hangers on asking to be directed to the Lansdown Stand box seats. But what about VAR? It takes 10 minutes to celebrate a goal!!!
  2. What are the Lottery Numbers for Wednesday's draw?
  3. ? ‘We’ll need to be at our best’ - Pearson | Bristol City (bcfc.co.uk) Referring to Saturday's postponement. "It would have been a fantastic opportunity for us to have continued our good form, and for our fans to have celebrated the life of our monarch." "I think it would have been brilliant to have had the national anthem ringing around Ashton Gate."
  4. That's made my day. Well done Tommy. You're City's breakout star this season. In three words. Deserved. Deserved, Deserved. PS Please can me send me the bubble wrap to pop? Days of fun.
  5. Whatever your views, they should always be respectful. Well, given the subject matter. I'm off back to Utopia aboard my unicorn, tally ho!!!!!!
  6. Well, they are supported by mad cows - and horse punchers!
  7. As a nation that has lived through the mental health impacts of Covid for the majority of the last 30 months, the psychological benefits of watching sport and its sense of community, even during a time of national mourning, should have prevented postponements.
  8. EFL Statement: EFL schedule to be postponed - News - EFL Official Website Further to discussions on Friday morning it has been determined that all EFL fixtures from 9-10 September will be postponed as a mark of respect by the National Sport to the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. This is aligned with the approach that the Premier League and the FA will take with their competitions this weekend. Further information, in respect of how football, Clubs and their supporters will commemorate Her Majesty’s reign will be confirmed at an appropriate point. Details regarding rearranged games will be announced in due course.
  9. And all the meat and potato pies they can eat!
  10. At the end of the day it all comes down to practicalities.
  11. Can I have a cup of coffee before I answer Max?
  12. Good point. And as sport is a unifier, isn't bringing fans together to pay our respects during a match and sharing time and memories with friends and acquaintances, also for the greater good?
  13. This may not be a once in a lifetime event. When Edward VII succeeded Queen Victoria in 1901, his reign lasted just 9 years.
  14. It's a very sad day and my thoughts are with the Royal Family. From a young age (I'm 54) I had this naive, romantic notion that the Queen would go on forever. Its tough growing up and seeing those you look up to - and love in the case of friends and family - pass away. Luckily forums like ours give us the opportunity to share great memories and show respect. I understand that a period of mourning may mean that sporting events are cancelled, although this would be based on the wishes of the relevant association, following advice from the Department of Culture, Media, and Sport.
  15. Exactly. And don't forget the hazelnut in every bite!
  16. As Obi Wan might say, "This is not the progressive coach you are looking for..."
  17. David Squires take on VAR (published on Tuesday in the Guardian) is superb as ever... David Squires on … the great VAR and refereeing crisis of 2022 | Football | The Guardian
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