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Posts posted by RedRoss

  1. On 28/05/2023 at 17:35, spudski said:

    I notice Steve Cotterill has ' released' Burt as head of recruitment at Shrewsbury...after 3 years. Having worked with him here and Forest. 

    When speaking to Burt and SoD whilst watching FGR in the past, I found them both fascinating characters. 

    Burt definitely liked to work with certain Agents, and would sometimes dismiss players if they weren't with Agents or Agencies he preferred. 

    You can make of that what you will...but I found at the time it was putting the Club at a certain disadvantage. 

    Imo...he's got an eye for lower league players. 

    Cotts going too by the looks of it..


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  2. Blimey, the transfer market isn't run like a DFS sale. Get in early and make the most savings. 

    Teams are still playing football who we are reportedly buying from. I think we have deals already sewn up and due to respect for their current clubs we haven't announced them to fans. Other deals are probably ongoing with clubs and others further in discussion with players/agents returning from holidays and evaluating their options.

    I'm actually really looking forward to our business as I think we've done the hard bit and released/sold big earners and now have a clean slate to make solid additions within our new wage structure.

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  3. 5 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    I'm quite fed up of hearing this fake story about 2nd lowest wage budget. The figures your fans base this on was from a dodgy site. Your accounts show a completely different picture. 

    You came into the Championship with a wage bill of around 5 million, that's what was impressive. At the end of last season your accounts show you had increased your wage bill by around 10 million. Since then you signed 5 players on loan and signed players such as Palmer and players signing new contracts. So I'd not be surprised to see that your wage bill has gone up by another few million. 

    Pretty much most Championship clubs have had to make cut backs since covid. Our financial reset will be complete this summer. Other clubs still have a way to go. 

    When you beat us at Ashton Gate last season we had 18 year old Striker Sam Bell playing at RWB. We've played most of this season with just the one recognised CB. 

    The point I'm making is that your run to the play off final was no miracle. You had increased your wage bill by around 15 million at a time where clubs such as our own was making huge cutbacks. 

    The Championship is quite distorted because of this. I believe that every club that were in the play offs had increased their wages from last season. 

    I was actually shocked that you got to the final. From the games I've seen you play this season you've been shocking. You just park the bus and hit it long to that Swedish striker. I actually thought you were one of the worst sides to visit Ashton Gate this season. 

    But what you showed was a bit of luck and momentum can take you a very long way. 

    I feel gutted for your fans as that was genuinely your one chance to go up and you blew it. Luton should have been 3 or 4 nil up at half time. 

    Your new owner doesn't appear to have any serious funds behind him (and ffp limits what an owner can put in anyways) I've heard rumours that he is just a front man for SISU and the fact SISU were at Wembley on Saturday further suggests this. 

    I think your club continues to be ran badly sadly. You've allowed your best players to enter the final year of their contracts. I've heard your fans quote 25 million for your Swedish striker, you won't even get half of that now. 

    O'hare hasn't been seen of since your club priced him of a move to Burnley. 

    I actually think you are really going to struggle next season.

    First off it's possible you may have a play off hangover, so that momentum that took you so far is gone. Your players also have almost a month less break than the rest of the league. 

    Your 5 loan players have returned to their clubs and If your best players do leave then you then need to of course replace them too. That's almost an entire team.

    Any players you now sign will demand top 6 wages, the existing players will then feel as if they themselves deserve the same level of wages. For example, you've signed JD from us who will be on higher wages than Bidwell, despite JD being a backup player for a team that finished well below his team. Bidwell will be annoyed that he's not earning the same despite him playing a role in getting Coventry to the final. 

    Fans expectations have now risen so fans will expect the same again and that just shifts the whole mentality of the club. I even heard some of your fans boo your performance on the half time whistle on Saturday. 

    Maybe I'm just reading into things too much but it's kind of what happened to us after our play off final defeat. We got to the play off final based on a lot of luck and momentum just like yourselves. 


    Think this sounds overly bitter if I'm honest.

    Whether their wages have gone up or not they likely still have one of the lowest wage budgets in the Championship.

    They haven't played O'Hare because he got an ACL after a contract extension last year.

    You talk about all championship clubs having to make cut backs to wages then assume Jay will be on more than Bidwell without knowing anything. 

    On the point on them not selling Gykores prior to having only a year on his contract, maybe they thought they had enough quality in their team to challenge for promotion instead and whether you think they were lucky to be in the play offs or not it nearly paid off for them.

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  4. Just a lazy written article. Trying to create parallels of two separate transfers. One where we pinch their inform striker at the time activating his release clause and a player who served us well but we paid up his contract mid season and he's played elsewhere for the remainder.

    If it works for Chris good on him. Just shows the difference in levels if they do decide to snap him up.

  5. 3 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    Why not? A player who has a contract expiring is free to agree terms with another English club one month before the expiry of his contract. I'm not sure of the date when contracts expire. 

    I'm sure Fulham have already told him he's not going to be offered a new contract so is free to agree a contract with another club.

    End of June.

    Also I've just never seen it happen myself, I'm sure it has happened before I just can't recall one.

  6. I see it differently. You can't dwell on the past. I'm sure there are other clubs who have headed in the other direction.

    I think its a positive to see one of two smaller budget clubs on the cusp of prem football in the place of the usual PP funded clubs that bounce back and forth.

    It's motivation for our club to get things right like Luton and Coventry and I think we are on an upward curve so let's hope we can eventually do the same.

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  7. I always never understand two things when this happens, firstly why would an already wealthy football player take the risk in the first place. Also how does the player get caught. Surely their not betting on their own account?

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  8. 2 hours ago, GrahamC said:

    We sold Sam Baldock for £2m to balance the books, this is such a myth. Little was a free transfer, by the way, Smith cost £300k plus a player we didn’t want.

    Signing other team’s best players at cost neutral isn’t “buying the title” it’s called smart recruitment.

    I do agree but I guarantee we were also paying the best wages in the league at that time.

  9. Think your trying to work out a question you can't possibly answer, both cases are completely independent of each other.

    It could be a mixture of better coaching or Vyner himself or its just clicked. The only person who could answer this is Zak.

    Going from his interview after getting his award recently, he said it was due to him 'growing up' and been able to express himself in a role that suits him. I think from this the consistency in being played at CB has worked wonders for his confidence and he and us are seeing the results. Credit to him and Nigel for having the confidence to play him.

    My personal opinion is that he wasn't physical enough to play centre back before the last couple of seasons and thats why he's bounced around between midfield and RB because he had the ability but now has the physicality to play in his proper position.

    Whatever it is he's done really well and hope it continues!


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  10. 2 minutes ago, BCFCGav said:

    Worth considering he himself might push for a loan back. He's been very vocal about his want for lots of minutes season on season, he might be looking at Semenyo's early Bournemouth career as a warning of what a prem move can look like. 

    Don't think professional athletes think like that. No problem with being realistic but I'm sure Alex will jump at the chance to try and compete for a place in a PL team straight away. He's got two seasons of Championship experience and excelled so far.

  11. 1 minute ago, maxjak said:

    to enthuse try potential our about.............try to line those words up in their correct order...............if u possess more than Pearson's enthusiasm?

    Pot calling the kettle black springs to mind. Especially when using the correct order of words. I've learnt more from other posters bemused emojis than anything you've said..

    You seem like you want Pearson to jump out his seat and have a Braveheart moment or something. Then surmise that we will inevitably get beaten two nil because of this. Weird behaviour pal.

  12. 55 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    Sorry but it' s as if he is just going through the motions.......with about as much enthusiasm as someone lying in a deckchair...... we will probably get beat?    At this stage of the season......it  seems...almost who cares?  Prediction.........0-2

    Really not sure what you are expecting him to do in his interview.

    Yes he seems calm and relaxed but not sure why that's a negative.

  13. 1 minute ago, spudski said:

    I think there is some vanity as well. After all he has spoken of leaving a legacy for people to remember him by. Nothing wrong with that, as we've benefited from this legacy that he will pass on. He could have put all his money into other interests instead. Like his Botswana safari/ conservation interests. 

    That is probably true to some extent. I don't even mind the thought of a new owner looking for a profit. As long as the intentions are right and their not reckless in the way they do it. The only issue is that's very hard to accomplish in the world of football these days.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, And Its Smith said:

    The question is, when he sells, how much of whatever he has spent will he recoup? I’ve literally no idea and couldn’t even guess but it’s a lot more than nothing! 

    If we do sell I don't think that's the most important question. I obviously don't know Steve's mindset when selling but I think he's bankrolled us due his affinity for the club and Bristol. His further investment in the Flyers and Bristol Bears shows this. Actions speak louder than words.

    Without sounding too much like Kieran Maguire's fanboy I do agree with his statement on football owners. 'There's four reasons to buy a football club, profit, love, vanity and insanity' I think its love in Lansdowns case and I think every prospective owner of a football club must be a little insane to do it in the first place. Its the most expensive passion project to get into or expect to see return on investment.

    More importantly if we do sell, what is the reason the new owners are buying us would be my question. Fans always want success and we've fallen short of reaching the promise land so far but I'd rather that with an owner who I believe has honest intentions than a dodgy owner.

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