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Numero Uno

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Everything posted by Numero Uno

  1. Scott will end up in his preferred position soon enough. It is fantastic that not only has an 18 year old kid led the way in showing others how you do a "job for the team" when picked to play out of position there is no doubt that the experience will make him an even better player in his favourite position. It's a win/win for everyone. Sometimes you see a kid who literally "doesn't give a flying ****" about the situation he finds himself in and has both the desire and the mental strength to PUSH HIMSELF on. Rather than moan that he's been picked to play out of position he's got on with it and showed people what he can do. See my comments on Massengo in terms of PRODUCING and then look where Scott is in a couple of years time. Does Alex Scott need a Manager to motivate him? Of course he doesn't - his motivation is simply to get to where he's going.........
  2. Well, I think we could do with one or two ***** as you call them in our side. One thing I notice about us is that we are far too ******* nice (hence Wells still had his nose on his face after failing to square that ball to Weimann last week). That's why I like Scott and Benarous because they literally do not give a shit about opposition players and being nice to all and sundry. They seem to be there to progress, certainly at the moment anyway, rather than join the £7,500 per week "Comfy Club". Have a listen to Scott's interview yesterday, he knows we were hanging on second half and he knows he slipped below standards last Sunday, no bollocks from him, an 18 year old kid, and yet many of the older heads would have stood there and just chatted absolute "party line" bullshit if they were interviewed after that. We know that because we've heard it hundreds of times before.
  3. I do think if people want to talk about squad splits on here when we are in the middle of a losing run then they really need to back it up. That isn't an "opinion" is it? It's either fact or bollocks. Everybody who was there yesterday saw the effort that went in and those there at the end saw the reaction and interaction from players after the game. Some people would suggest that is stirring the shit pot rather than holding a genuine opinion on something? Is spreading malicious rumours in the name of "opinion" your understanding of the ethos of OTIB?
  4. We all did. The only person who would have let that pass over his head is a Mr S Lansdown, Guernsey.........
  5. You've got to laugh at the stick he is getting on here. If he was our 19 year old you would all be raving about him. When he goes over he's a diving, cheating little bastard but when Benarous does the same you love him for his shithousery. People talking about petulance, well as funny as it was what the **** is kicking another players boot 30 yards up the ******* pitch then? As for diving - the Pring booking was 100% correct and the O'Dowda incident was 100% a foul, we got away with that one.
  6. It's refreshing that the OP who seems to think Vyner was disinterested is in a minority of one. He may have his faults but lack of effort isn't one of them.
  7. The likes of Scott and Benarous have given us fans something to get behind. For all the crap, almost unwatchable, football we play (by necessity tbh) it at least feels as though the fans get right behind the team in home games right now and that's an improvement over the last 2-3 years. I think the selection of BOTH youngsters the other week was unwittingly a masterstroke by Pearson. If Conway gets fit hopefully he will make an appearance or two too.
  8. .......and these days would have got a Red.
  9. My thoughts are you couldn't be more wrong if you deliberately went out of you way to be. He is lacking massively in confidence.
  10. We most definitely do, I agree with that, but we don't have the personnel to do it. Bakinson and Massengo simply don't have the tools to be taking balls from the Goalkeeper or Centre Halves with men right up their jacksie. In addition our Centre Halves are not good enough on the ball to have it back and do something constructive with it, under pressure, either. If we play short AT THE MOMENT it will end up being banged long in any event. Just like it was when we played Blackburn when Bentley did go short at times. The current squad of fit players we have available to us can't play, simple as that, and Pearson is taking the pragmatic approach in the meantime.
  11. For 90% of that game Weimann had a total shocker yesterday. I think he would admit that himself if you spoke to him.
  12. I agree and not only that it is a short term fix that looked a lot better with Semenyo, whatever people's thoughts on him, up there alongside him. Yes, they missed chances but if someone can tell me the last time we created FOUR presentable chances like that in a single half of football I'm all ears. The problem is not Chris Martin, full stop, it's Chris Martin with nobody alongside him that has a bit of pace.
  13. Not at all, I would just RPG the ***.
  14. It wouldn't be so bad if 7 or 8 out of 10 of Bentley's long punts went anywhere near their intended target. He seems more like a 3 or 4 out of 10 to me. In addition, when they do "hit the target" the target is normally a 5'8" player being marked by someone who is 7ft tall. Three decent players in may not seem like a huge amount but would make a massive difference to us.
  15. The problem is we have far too many on here who, even now, still can't see it either and genuinely think that changing Managers every half a season until we find one who works will sort us out and so on that basis maybe we deserve what we are getting at the moment? That said I put 100% of the responsibility for Swiss Tony squarely at the Owners feet for allowing it to happen for far too long when most of us had worked him out within 6-12 months of joining (of course, it's HIS club, nobody else's after all) and then defending it against the fans afterwards.
  16. My son, could be biased mind, saw it on tv and said it was inches outside.
  17. Agreed, it is the inability to pass the football that means we hang on in the second half every time we are ahead and this is mistranslated by so many as Nige instructing them to sit back. Why would you tell a team that defend as badly as we do to sit back. You would have to be totally cuckoo to do that. Amazing that people miss this. I think he brought on James yesterday to try and rectify that and it made a difference, not massive but a difference nonetheless.
  18. Typical Prem ref though, wants football to be a non contact sport except the stonewall O’Dowda foul on the winger that was inches outside the box. Tbf he was fairly shite for both sides, no favouritism to his shiteness!!
  19. I think the time has come for Swiss Tony to take the final step in his management career and take charge himself.
  20. We ground it out which is all we will ever do at the moment. Gotta be happy this evening.
  21. Would make everyone’s day after two and a half years of waiting.
  22. Think it will be a very low (actual) attendance today. I’d be happy to see us scrap anything this afternoon.
  23. Agreed. Maybe look at a swap deal for one or two if anyone will take them off our hands….
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