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Posts posted by Davefevs

  1. 7 minutes ago, bcfcredandwhite said:

    Absolutely - and I was NOT trying to say the current arrangement is all sweetness and light. 
    There is also a similar thing happening between L1 and the Championship - with Rotherham and Peterborough in particular flip flopping up and down. 
    The gulf between the leagues is becoming bigger each season. 

    Yep, the distribution model is wrong all over.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, RedorDead BCFC said:

    When we played Cardiff Nige played Sykes LWB. I know we had player availability issues. But he still played him there. 

    It was LB, but yes he did.


    Not quite the same as:


    But the point I’m making is that fans can have a valid point of debate, they don’t have to have coaching badges, etc…especially on a forum, or other social media platforms.


    • Flames 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Barrs Court Red said:


    He’s the one who put the club up for sale, leaving a huge amount of uncertainty hanging over the club since.

    …and wants to reduce his funding each season.  That’s his prerogative, fine with that, but he’s not communicated why, nor the impact of doing so.  Interesting that it’s at the point of putting less money in, he’s decided to no longer talk to the fans!

    • Like 13
  4. 11 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    You for manager @Davefevs I reckon..only if Manning goes of course but your scouting, use of data off your own bat- well it would be intriguing.

    No ta…there’s some nasty people on OTIB, and I’m a sensitive soul! 🤣

  5. 4 minutes ago, bcfcredandwhite said:

    To be fair RR, this is only the second time in the history of the Premiership that all 3 promoted sides came straight back down. 
    The last (and only other) time was way back in 1998. 

    What we have seen as a trend over recent years as each tv deal get renegotiated is less non-PP clubs getting promoted, and more coming back down.


    Since the 2015/16 season, the last of the old / lower PP, which was just over half of the current PP deal, and even more since 2020/21 when it went up a bit more, the number of clubs flip-flopping in and out of the PL has increased.

    Top 3 rows - promoted teams (dark green, straight back up, light green promoted with PPs)

    Bottom 3 rows - relegated teams (pink, straight down)

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Jobi said:

    I’ve never understood how fans, who I assume don’t have coaching badges, who don’t see the players week in week out, and don’t know the specifics of what actually goes on in the club can say, with such confidence, the formation they would play. Find it bizzare.

    Because just like a pro manager, they have their own thoughts and philosophies on how they’d play the game, or how they’d play the game with the players they have available to them.

    Mr P isn’t gonna rock up at the HPC tomorrow and get the chance to implement his thoughts, but he can be as bullish as he wants about his thoughts on OTIB (or any other platform).  It’s kinda the point of OTIB, etc, isn’t it.  You carry on @Mr Popodopolous with your 433.  One day, one day! 😉

    And sometimes football is so insular, it can miss the obvious, or it can get a fresh perspective on things from the outside world, it doesn’t have to be “if you’ve not played the game” Danny Murphy type bollocks.

    To be honest, our current head-coach thinks it’s a good idea to play Mark Sykes at LWB, how does that ratify his skills? Slightly tongue in cheek, but a semblance of WTAF also.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Street red said:

    33 years old is that old for a footballer still think James has two more years left in him avoiding injuries of course hence why he's looking for 2 years. Stays fit he will be a quality addition for someone.

    The compromise for me would’ve been a 1+1 deal, something like 25+ apps triggers the new deal (on players side).

    Thats not to say he’d accept it.

    Maybe that’s what we offered.  Maybe we offered him nothing - as Tinnion has been open re everything else, why would we think any differently?

    Someone is gonna a get a good, senior pro next season, and I fully expect that to be a Championship club.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Malago said:

    Play offs should be one off games.

    5th at home to 6th, winner away to 4th, winner plays 3rd at Wembley.


    I like that.

    1 hour ago, Numero Uno said:

    Lots of ifs, buts and maybes……you are right, we don’t know how conversations went or whether someone just wanted him out full stop and there were none. It’s one of those where I would have been happy if he stayed but wouldn’t break the bank to keep him either.

    The point now is that Tinnion has some very decent wedge available to him to recruit players that will help Manning. Let’s see what we get instead of James, King and Andi……………..

    My guess is:

    • Bird for James
    • Murphy for King
    • Stokes for Weimann

    All sorted! 👀

    • Haha 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, TommyD68 said:

    It should be Vyner as it’s clear to see he’s the real leader out there in terms of being vocal and organising but I think it will be Knight with Dickie as vice. I get the impression Manning has picked those two out as his favs in the squad. If it was left to the squad to decide like Nige did a few years back I’d expect Vyner would be captain but can’t see that happening under Manning. I’ll actually be quite disappointed if Vyner isn’t at least vice, I can’t remember anyone showing the desire to turn their city career round as much as he has shown, it’s the traits you look for it in a captain and I’m not quite sure why Manning took the vice off him and gave it to Knight. I’ve never understood that decision as I don’t really see any leadership qualities apart from his work rate, but lots of the lads work hard and weren’t given the armband. 

    I worry that if you give Zak the armband it will affect his game.  He needs to 💯 concentrate on himself imho…that’s when he’s at his best.  I thought similarly with Flint, he seemed like a leader, but he was another who needed to focus on his own game.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Street red said:

    I personally think we've left it to late and I'm not sure he will sign I could be wrong. He's had his set backs in his time here and I'm wondering what ever city is offering wont be enough. I think your right we would of been in a better place to offer him a contract and it would of saved us a few pennies by doing that and it certainly would'nt of put him in the shop window like it has now. This year at least he proved his fitness and stayed fit which will benefit him looking for new contracts. Will he want a fresh challenge with another club? Watch this space I suppose.

    If he does go somewhere else, we are suddenly (over dramatic word, as I’m sure we are prepared) looking to recruit another midfielder, and what does that mean for the summer budget (and beyond).  Ok, we could get a free transfer, but we might have to spend.

    I hope we know soon.

  11. 3 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    Wouldn't one of the major factors be which club Twine would prefer to play for as well?

    Dunno!  Major, minor, somewhere in between?

    It's a very situation to someone wanting to leave to get 3x / 4x their wage as part of a step-up.  Hard to stand in their way then.  Twine has 2 years left on his contract, on sensible wages, so wages wise I doubt there’s an issue.  But it’s not like we are gonna blow Burnley out of the water with a wage either.

    I’ve yet to hear a player questioned about his current club (signing, loan, contract) say he doesn’t want to be at said club either.  So we’ve really no idea who Twine prefers to play for.  Nor if he became available do I think Bristol City would be the only Champ club in for him.  So if Burnley are still insisting on £5m like they were in January, we need to decide to stump up or pull out early.  Unless we think we can wait to do another loan later in the summer.  That would be foolish to wait in that imho, but that’s just my thoughts.

    But I think a lot of people have convinced themselves that he wants to leave Burnley (we’ve no idea) and that we’d be doing them a favour by taking him off their hands for £2m.

    If we do manage to pull it off at that price, fantastic. My gut feel is that we won’t, because we had two goes in January, and Burnley didn’t budge then.  But then again, I could see us overpaying (imho) £5m too, to give support to LM, because that’s the kind of thing we do!

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  12. 30 minutes ago, Fuber said:

    Burns, Bryan, Reid - all had their first season with over 10 games (started) under Cotts, iirc.

    Aside from that I can't recall any academy players who got anywhere near first team contention besides Morrell.

    Vaguely recall the likes of Kevin Krans ending up somewhere in the Swedish lower leagues.


    The three mentioned above were all part of the plan for 14/15 under Cotts…and with a small squad.

    • Thanks 2
  13. 7 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    You could be right but the leveraged buyout may have changed the calculus, time will tell.

    Yeah Burnley will have all that but FFP no issue, it is some of the Cash items that make me wonder a bit.

    surely they’ll do what all the other PL clubs with Cashflow issues do, and transfer their future PP money to Macquarie Bank, or take a secured loan from them! 😉😉😉

    If Twine was deemed surplus combined with that it could be to the advantage of a buying club..their owners have put next to nothing equity and cash wise in.

    “If”!!! The inside intel is that they see him as a part of their squad next season, so if anyone wants to buy him, stump up the asking price.  £5m vs £2m book value, only realises them £3m.  

    One to keep an eye on at least, whether it will help with Twine that is in turn another issue.


    • Thanks 1
  14. @Harry

    Reflecting last night, I wonder whether had Nige got his way in September(ish) time and started contract talks with Joe Williams, he’d be sorted?  And quite possibly at a lower wage than we are now having to offer him, because he is a free-agent.  We’ve opened it up to the competition.  In September, it was just a City / Williams dynamic.


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    • Facepalm 2
  15. 9 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Perhaps they will be hemmed in or to a degree, distressed sellers.

    Is that just trying to set a narrative for signing Twine?  In many ways, I think it’s become less likely Manning gets him now they’re relegated.

    They will get there £100m+ PL money, they’ll have £45m PP, wage reduction clauses in many contracts, etc.

    They have Twine (as we know), Obafemi, Weghorst, McNally, Roberts returning from loan, all capable Champ players.

    I think they might have an obligation to buy Tresor.

    Season after relegation doesn’t seem to hit many clubs these days.

  16. 12 minutes ago, tin said:

    James’ experience has been vital for our second-tier survival IMO and I wish him all the best for the future. 

    For all the hollow talk of getting to the PL from board, the irony is that over the last 18 months all knowledge of either getting to the PL or being in the PL has now left the club. Nepotism reigns supreme. 

    My list the other day / week:

    • Alexander
    • Pearson
    • Fleming
    • Euell
    • Rennie
    • King

    and now:

    • Weimann
    • James

    just Wells left (45 mins).

    Its not the be-all and end-all, but it’s good to have people around who can at least reference it.

    • Like 2
  17. 15 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    To be fair, I don't mind the owner telling a coach what we all think of the 'entertainment' offered by the team. On the one hand people moan about Manningball being boring and on the other they rail against the Lansdowns for having the arrogance to interfere.

    I don't mind having owners who expect our teams to deliver something more than boredom to spectators. Maybe it's just me though.

    Nor me.  But that should be done via the chain of command, not the Owner going into the dressing room.

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  18. 13 minutes ago, Harry said:


    Yes, as Silvio says, the context of the conversation was around the last few years. Bryan and Reid were way before the time period being referred to. 
    The context is that last few years where Tinnion has said, pretty much every year “the next crop are gonna be great”. 

    Kelly I might just about give you although his first team debut was 7 years ago now and he was already in the academy before Tinnion came back to the club. So he’s borderline in terms of the context of the point. 

    I’m not letting you have Scott though. Again, the context of my point was regards players having played through the academy, not players who were poached/enticed after the age of 16/17. 
    So Scott, Semenyo & Pring are not in this discussion. 

    He’s basically far too bullish.

    I like his enthusiasm.

    But I feel sometimes it’s like the focus is the kids.

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