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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. They were also the midfield pairing used quite a bit at the back-end of last season when we got some good results / performances. I’m sure Williams will come in, but of course he could push Scott deeper and bring Weimann in to the no10.
  2. They have started to do some things online for “plus one”, e.g. season card renewals, Man City game, etc,
  3. Which nation has called you up? ?
  4. They do already…it’s called Bristol Sport. Supposedly benefitting from economies of scale by having a critical mass of staff to smooth out the volume demands across the sports. ??????
  5. She wins a lot in the air from Bentley’s kicks. If Hayles and Harrison can learn to read the direction, City should be able to spring quick attacks.
  6. Stupid Q…is the account you’re logging in with, the same account you have the season cards on? I’ve somehow got 2 accounts and Joe has 1 account, but although the email comes to my gmail email, I actually log in with my sky email as my user-id.
  7. Yeah, I totally get that that’s unfair. For info, usually you’ll get the day 1 - online only, day 3 - phones etc. you don’t have to wait til day 3, just phone them on day 1 and tell them online isn’t possible, and they’ll sort on the phone. I know that might still require hanging on the line, but likely that wait times will be shorter. I’d suggest raising with Jerry or Gareth Torpy.
  8. Trundle-esque I thought. Brave header. First half, why we tried playing out via the wingbacks god only knows. London easily pressed it and the likes of Syme and Palmer (who was my POTM) were receiving what little they got facing towards their own goal. Second half we went a bit more direct, and then we got Palmer on the ball facing forward. We had a good spell as we scored both the goals, and then Fran Bentley made a couple of great saves. Here’s one.
  9. I don’t think anyone is too surprised that Corberan has improved West Brom as they were massively underperforming. Carrick with Boro, not a huge surprise either, unless he came in and showed he had no clue. Lots of options available. Pay up their contract (lump sum), which might not always be the total remaining term. It’s possible to have for example a 3 year contract with a 1 year pay-off. You can continue to pay them to avoid a lump sum needing to be paid out which would count against FFP. No idea if there is a link, but when I read “relieved of his duties” I tend to think the club are still paying them but asking them not to bother coming to work!! With Fotheringham, who knows whether he had a 6 month “probation” period or something like that? Anything goes it seems!
  10. Not sure if you are trying to buy wheelchair plus career, or general seats plus carer. Less wheelchair plus cater tend to go away, so it’s not really been an issue. But something it’s worth emailing Jerry about if it’s in a non-wheelchair area.
  11. I think that depends on whether you sell one player and replace with fifteen!!! I appreciate that it shouldn’t always be one in / one out, as sometimes you need to strengthen certain areas. But one Webster sold on say £10k p.w. (total guess) and replaced with Kalas on £25k p.w. plus all the others is why it spiralled. I’m quite intrigued how we’d go about replacing Scott. Buying multiple players isn’t the answer, only one can play! That was out failure last time. I’m also keen to see how we make sure we don’t cut off the pathway too.
  12. I don’t do many away games, but I have to phone up. Obviously wouldn’t want to be phoning when there’s another match being sold, but sometimes there’s no other option.
  13. I guess there’s a subtlety in didn’t need to sell Souttar to pass FFP this year, but that’s not to say subsequent years might not be an issue. Again careful wording used, ie control our own destiny in the summer. That could mean they don’t have to sell to buy, but lots of mentions of free transfer / OOC players, suggesting they are still gonna be constrained to some extent.
  14. Old Narcis Pelach in charge again!
  15. It would seem strange to offer him a new contract currently if we intend to just let him go in the summer (at whatever price in the several millions). What would be the point to get a pay rise for a few months?
  16. The worst kind ??? conjuring up all these kind of images!
  17. There’s been no club / media interviews yet, so no update as it stands.
  18. Anyone would think there are cheap tickets on sale! ?
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