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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Not sure if that’s true or just conjecture because Otto Addo, the Ghana manager, is also Talent Consultant for Dortmund. 2+2 could equal 4 or 5 on this one.
  2. Towards the bell-end of tool-end!!! I didn’t get the bit “I’ve got a smile on my face” bit, when he he hadn’t smiled all interview. ???
  3. All still going on in the 80s too. You could tell a keeper from his kick!!!
  4. Eric - I don’t like press-men
  5. I proclaim @RedLionLadis in fact Jon Lansdown! ?
  6. Being a bit cynical I already have multiple “loyalty schemes” through work, membership of other things, etc, plus the likes of Quidco, that I’m not sure I’ll be arsed to look at BCFC Rewards as my chosen purchase portal. Couple that with the potential lack of things to use the reward point on, and I’ll probably ignore it once the initial points go on. Sorry!
  7. I never read the Gas stuff on there but I bet if I asked some on here for their opinion on Sam Frost, you’d get some interesting responses! ?
  8. To be fair the6 can be structured however you like. A loan fee, wage contribution, penalties for not playing, etc…and combos of all of them , including payment terms.
  9. That won’t really matter, that’s Cashflow….they’ll have budgeted for Delap (example) for the whole season…and then realised they needed to claw some money back for FFP, so will then have worked out how much they save by sending him back. It might be less than 50% though!!!
  10. Yes, the Delap’s and the like going back.
  11. He did pre-season….but I think whilst Jay is here, he will be fighting it out with George.
  12. I can guess we can only hope that next season, the range of things you can use you points on is better, I.e. kit back in stock, etc. but it’s a bit underwhelming to say the least.
  13. Here you go Mr P (et all), Stoke’s Technical Director Ricky Martin explaining their winter window. He’s very careful on his wording of the Souttar deal and what can be spent going forward, but talks about using the early weeks on the window to get players out to bring them inside FFP. Some useful pics I grabbed too. All Champ clubs: I didn’t go much on his five pillars - cultural architects - ???
  14. Was she simultaneously sucking a lemon too! ???
  15. I think you should have your own thread, love reading these stories of players before my time, City players or not. ??????
  16. Matt Withers is the fans reporter for EP / BCO. They also do regular requests for fans to contribute. I used to do my “what can I expect” opposition piece for them too. They get good fan collaboration imho.
  17. So you’re saying I should order 3 bottle openers now!
  18. It’s not an Evening Post / Bristol City Online article. Its from Bristol World, and completely separate.
  19. Looks like they migrated the day and month in US format for me!
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