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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Looks like a standard couple / few designs from a supplier, one for each sport. You see similar all over Amazon and the like.
  2. I wouldn’t read that to mean O’Neill brought it down 50% from £47m…as I said before much more likely it’s the halving of the £94m, and the journo isn’t really clued up. I will happily eat my hat if it’s now less than £25m! Does signing Dwight Gayle on a free transfer, coupled with the other signings made look like a strategy to half the wage bill? Here’s their current squad: okay, it doesn’t look like a £47m wage bill, getting rid of Joe Allen, Benik Afobe, Steven Fletcher, etc will have helped for 22/23’s accounts, but I await their 21/22 accounts to see the baseline the journo is using.
  3. Millwall: Theirs will have increased a bit this season following the signings made, plus amortisation increase too. We just need to rebuild the squad, and that opportunity comes in the summer. It won’t be easy. At that point we are still 2/3 seasons behind the likes of Preston, Millwall, Luton, Coventry. Frustrating…absolutely. But that’s how long it takes to turn a ship around in a depressed financial climate (not just football either). Patience is key.
  4. Often compared to the likes of Preston and Millwall…albeit from 20/21 season. Preston: City: We are moving in the right direction, and our staff costs contain some high earners who either won’t be here next summer, or if they are will be on much reduced wages. Ah great spot Sir. I will amend my “stuff”. Ta
  5. Baresi was a better “baller” imho, but not as good a defender, if that makes sense (imho). Not that Baresi was a crap defender, nor Maldini good on the ball.
  6. Think he had groin/hip last season into the summer, whilst thinking he could go through little bit of pain in the knee. Perhaps the pain in the groin, masked the true pain of the knee, so an op (small procedure) was needed. Came back from that, but picked up a calf strain. Shit happens, doesn’t it. I don’t see a bloke trying to get through his final season with as little action as possible. Nige obviously thinks a lot of Kalas, so just one of those things. Bet Kalas, Nige and Rennie are pretty frustrated.
  7. Not sure, don’t think so, but there have been done proper headers!!
  8. I’d say we will end up with a scheme that falls somewhere between UEFA, La Liga and SCMP.
  9. Make sure you get the 2022 version not the 2019 version.
  10. For the UEFA scheme (CLFSR) it’s worth googling as the items for inclusion on the income and cost is not straightforward. Income can include transfer profit type stuff, whilst costs include amortisation too.
  11. If you read what I put, I broke that down from total and component parts of the total. The reason they talked of £20m wages was because of potential Salary cap, and even if you include Social Security and Pension for players that would be included in the salary cap it would be less than £20m…so no disingenuousness in their comments imho. I reckon playing budget for salary cap inclusion is about £18m which would be inside the 70% of turnover of proposed UEFA scheme. Football: Holdings: Service Level Agreement (sorry three letter acronyms!)
  12. No, although SLA is 7 working days!
  13. In terms of a quick review of the Football Club accounts, as opposed to the Holdings aggregation: - we got a bit of money for players appearing at the Euros (like we will do for Semenyo in the WC). Assume this was Kalas and possibly Morrell based on qualification period. - transfer profit (£1.26m) wasn’t from player sales but conditions from previous sales (e.g. from Brownhill, Webster, Kelly add-ons…likely appearance related, or maybe non-relegation Brighton) - Wages total down £6.4m - Depreciation and Amortisation down £3.4m There’s the high level £10m (£9.8m) saving on the costs Nige has borne that I’ve consistently banged on about. No mean feat whikst keeping us away from a relegation battle last season. - Revenue up £4.7m because of fans back in the ground some break down of the £16.6m revenue: - match day revenue £1.99m (not back to peak of £2.35m in 18/19) - Season tickets 14k holders £3.17m (not back to peak £3.62m in 18/19) suggests that akthough numbers of season tickets is up, some have moved to cheaper parts of the ground and more discounted (e.g. junior age group) sold - other football and commercial / retail income £3.02m (not back to peak of £3.72m in 18/19) Some breakdown of costs: - Impairment £1.00m (All or mostly attributed to Palmer being offloaded to Coventry to save his wages, might possibly include Danny Simpson mutual termination - Wages minus social security and pension costs (£2.89m) £20.81m - so RG / SL not being totally inaccurate with their wage budget of £20m!!! Let’s not forget that this covers 201 employees, so players will be costing us less than £20m, maybe £16-17m? - RG earned £304k. I remember @headhuntersuggesting a salary of £250-300k, so sounds right. Compare that to Mark Ashton who earned £540k in 19/20!!! - the £17m loan from SL costs us £401k in interest Contract Stuff: - £2.26m incoming made up predominately of Atkinson (£1.6m) and Tanner (£1.3m) plus some incidentals for Weimann, Baker, James, King and Klose deals - £3.53m outgoing (not fees received, but the value of the player at signing now off the books) relates to O’Dowda (£1.2m) and Nagy (£2.25m) plus nominal for Cundy. Bakinson and Palmer will be in next years numbers - the remaining amortisation of £7.9m is made up of the current values of Kalas, Dasilva, Bentley, Williams, Moore, Massengo, plus Atkinson and Tanner Future Stuff (stuff that happened after 31st May) - Looks like it could be £180k in compo for Wilson, assumes Bajic was free - Looks like we made £472k on McAllister (£250k) and Szmodics (assume £222k) in transfers and sell-on percentage Other Stuff: if you add the numbers from City, Womens and Ashton Gate accounts together, they don’t add up to Holdings! Why not? Because they cross-charge each other as part of inter-group transactions. There is £6.2m of costs incurred by City that they cross-charge to AG Ltd, and £1.4m of revenue they receive that is taken, making up a difference of circa £4.8m…and that ties in nicely with things like turnover differences for example. So, there you have it. Any Qs, corrections, thoughts are welcome.
  14. Surely they will receive: - a copy of the club accounts - the P&S template filled in - accompanying notes to both, with a section related to Covid lost income / exceptional costs and analyse them and make judgement. There is nothing to suggest the EFL will just accept the submission, in fact the Rules say… Why would they need to be “duty bound to look into things further…in the fullness of time? That suggests their processes are flawed and a prediction of the future. I don’t get your constant need to predict “foul play” on the part of club (not just City) and / or EFL that will require retrospective action or an enquiry by an Independent. ?? Why such mistrust?
  15. The problem that is Harry Kane. I’m long in the belief that when the team is playing well and creating chances, Kane is a phenomenal striker / finisher. When we can’t get out of our half he offers nowhere near enough. He couldn’t give us a Kieffer Moore option, so we constantly couldn’t get up the pitch. I love Bellingham, but USA did a job on him tonight, very physical with him, and the ref let them. Rice, who I’ve really grown to like too, didn’t take advantage of the space the attention on Bellingham gave him. And the fluid rotations of Saka, Mount and Sterling against Iran, USA didn’t allow. I didn’t like Mount’s positioning with USA in possession tonight…too often alongside Kane. It was a below par performance, but maybe a bit of reality for fans who expect England to rock up and win every game. We aren’t a great team. We have good players, I’m not doubting that, but they are good players often playing with better players at club level…and without them it sometimes shows like it did tonight. Gerrard had Torres at club level (as well as Alonso alongside him). Lampard had Drogba. Imho we are in that bracket of 8th-16th, so we should (on paper) get out of the group….which we will achieve (have virtually achieved). Whether we go last 8, last 4, last 2, will ultimately require us to play better than we did tonight.
  16. Tournament football…4 Pts from 2 games…through to the last 16 with a game to go (bar a 4 goal defeat to Wales), after a disappointing performance. That’s ok. A draw was about the right result. I wouldn’t say we are as good as our FIFA Ranking (5th), so I don’t expect us to roll over a team ranked 16th, who showed first half v Wales how hard they are to play against, especially their press. Perhaps Southgate might’ve looked at that and saw how Wales countered it, by playing off of Moore, but we don’t have anyone like that. You could argue we ought to have a “big-man” in our 26 to cover that base. Maguire played well, hopefully finding some form, Pickford didn’t really have a save to make (Pulisic hit the bar but he had it covered if it was on target. We held firm and stopped putting ourselves into an awkward position in the group. Completely in control of our destiny. Perhaps Monday took a bit more out of some players? Lessons to be learned, re freshening it up???
  17. We started decently, Kane with a good chance as Saka got in a couple of times, then they had a good period, and we came back strong at the end. We need to go into midfield to get our FBs forward, we can’t go around the outside unless it’s a first time ball for the runner. Get the AM3 to take turns to drop in and create an extra man and then get it out wide. We aren’t putting enough pressure on their DM receivers, they get to face us up. Can easily be remedied.
  18. I know they’re both 19 and at different levels, but I see Alex Scott similarly (Alex a month younger). Both mature, both tactically and technically good at tender years.
  19. Thought they were decent against Qatar too, even though Qatar weren’t very good.
  20. I’ve just seen the Senegal “foul” on the Qatar player. The Qatar player completely alters his running line doesn’t he.
  21. I don’t really care about the Tangible Assets at this point…that ship has sailed.
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