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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. We don’t know that it is, but I’m sure the recent sponsorship deal has some benefits on both sides.
  2. I hope that when we come out of a tough schedule of fixtures we can settle into seeing Wilson and Tanner rotate and Sykes play somewhere across the midfield / attacking midfielder roles. Wilson was good on Wednesday against a tough opponent and played well but Saturday came too quick.
  3. So a compensation payout on both sides of the transaction. That’ll help the finances. His choice is to ignore facts and push his agenda. Why isn’t he pushing Valerian Ismael like he was 12 months ago?
  4. Absolutely. Critiquing although very similar in the spelling to criticism is very different, and can be positive and negative. I love a good ole debate with those happy to explain why their view might be different to mine. Ditto above too. Not my place to respond, but there is good back and forth between club and a fans group currently on a topic not a million miles away from this. @ExiledAjaxmay be able to allude to more.
  5. Baker and Weimann weren’t new signings, neither actually went out of contract. Both sighed before 30.06.21. Is he counting Duncan Idehen? Or Ewan Clark, Ben Acey or Tim Ap Sion?
  6. Is there a point that when you’ve sharpened a knife so far, it becomes more blunt, or in fact just disappears? ?
  7. Sorry, I meant it doesn’t work that he’ll get £2/3m of it as a transfer fee.
  8. It would be on the embargo services website or in some minutes somewhere if anything had been agreed via an EFL board.…surely?
  9. His source is 70% reliable….another made up stat. ? Whenever a player is linked, he will always say “my source is telling me we are in for them”. I’ve never heard him once say “my source tells me it’s bullshit”….much easier to pretend to be ITK by piggybacking on a rumour.
  10. No, it’s the link to Thatchers and picking apples. Nothing sinister at all.
  11. It doesn’t actually, I was being a bit facetious ?…mainly because I didn’t think Vyner was the worst culprit yesterday. Definition of successful pass, is next touch by a teammate, but as you say, someone making a hopeful pass that a striker does brilliantly to get the first touch but can’t retain it gets a 1 for the passer and a 0 for the receiver. So, context is all important. Vyner, generally hits a fair few “hopeful” passes. I wish he wouldn’t, so I agree with you for his overall way of playing…thought he was better yesterday though. I thought he passed well to Sykes, who could’ve maybe once or twice got it and ran at his opponent.
  12. Yep, little things to work on. We sometimes got the press working well yesterday, and others it looked haphazard, not triggered properly. On a hot day that saps energy. But at least it is something that can be worked on. But with a small group of players taking up a disproportionate percentage of that budget. If our playing budget is below £18m, then Kalas, Dasilva, Bentley, Wells and Massengo are taking up a third of it! Budget might be more in line with those clubs Dave, but not created in the sane way. That’s the difference. Lopsided wage bill. Why do you think Nige wants to address that? And when we’ve had 3,4,5 years of working to a sensible budget we can see how we compare. LJ would never work under this budget. It’s now less than the wages / playing budget he started 17/18 with, which also had significant FFP headroom to recruit. We spent £12m that summer, plus the wage bill increase.
  13. Davefevs


    Have a look at this PSR: https://theanalyst.com/eu/2022/08/english-championship-stats-2022-23/ Lots of useful stuff, breakdowns of passing type, sequences of passes etc. interactive too, so you can resort etc. It is however easy to get carried with stuff. We are direct (at times) as Cowshed says, but I think we are trying to evolve the possession stuff, we arent there yet. As an example we knock 20 passes around the back going nowhere and then launch it….that 5% direct passes. That looks good, but it’s the context of that 1 long pass versus the 20 sideways passes. Direct passes can be good too….who was it who picked out Dasilva in the first minute yesterday? That was a direct pass. I thought Dasilva was fouled on the first contact. Should’ve gone down.
  14. The bus isn’t on the bus!
  15. Second one on Conway was….Whatmough cleaned him out. Makes no odds he got a shot off.
  16. Yep, can totally see that happening. I asked one person why put so much emphasis on the result of one game, they’d laid out each scenario? I wouldn’t be sitting there on Tuesday night if we beat Luton thinking everything is sorted, just like I won’t be saying Nige out if we lose. The bit in bold is the bit I’m trying to contextualise. I’m fine with your view over 60 odd games. But the first bunch of those games (to me) are pretty irrelevant. Last season was the real starting point and I see progression…slow progression overall admittedly. I’ve been disappointed by results this season, but not performances, I’ve seen enough in all of them. Tough season ahead. You betcha, but that’s where we are. When you have a thin squad then versatility is very useful. Lets wait and see over the next 4/5 games whether the likes of Wilson or Tanner can start to cement minutes over Sykes. I’m trying to think of any other position we’ve played players in that’s not their position. I do think Wednesday’s game and short recovery made it tough for Wilson to start yesterday. Tanner could’ve started though. We shall see. See above re Wilson / Tanner. We haven’t spent 85 mins desperately defending in those games. We e had spells where we’ve had to defend undoubtedly. Even the Hull game, we’d wrestled back control after their equaliser, looked more likely to grab a winner going into injury time…until….. The likelihood is yes. The contract situations of Bentley, Massengo, Dasilva, Kalas, Wells etc…who take up a large proportion of the playing budget…will be known, resolved one way or the other. The fate of Semenyo will be known too. Ditto Scott. Its possible those things above may be known by Sept 1st when the window closed, but I suspect will drag on. No player wants to take a paycut quickly do they? ? back to Pearson: I totally get the Pearson criticism. Some of it I agree with. Pring on for Dasilva yesterday, Martin off for one of the WBs and met Sykes play in the hole. That’s what I’d have done. But that’s not to say Pearson was wrong either, it’s just my thoughts on what I’d have done. Nobody ever comes on here and says that “their subs” might not have worked do they. “Our subs” are always 100% right aren’t they? How many people said Klose should play CB3 and Naismith LCB3 over the past few games…yet yesterday that’s exactly what happened, and we went from 1-0 up to drawing 1-1. Correlation rather than causation, maybe….but we are a hypocritical bunch because we use correlation rather than causation to justify our negativity, that’s if we even bother to justify it. No hands up, I was wrong from OTIB is there?
  17. I keep saying it, we are lacking a couple of power players (Semenyo one, Kalas two….possibly Pring) Wasn't scapegoating Dasilva Mr P, just thought he was the one who tired the most, looked exposed after Atkinson went off. Lang dragged him, Scott and Atkinson around really well by him playing in the hole. It took three of our players at times to keep him under control, and his influence in the final 20-25 was telling. But if Pring plays anything like he did at Coventry, once he gets in, he may take some shifting. Tommy also led the line pretty well at times, wasn’t always Martin dealing with the out-ball. We could even go with one-up top, condense the midfield with a box. Weimann and Sykes as the top of the box? Weimann can still get beyond the last man…like he did yesterday. The team you start the season with us rarely the team you start October with…best laid plans and all that. We will continue to evolve. I see plenty of positives. I see negatives too, but I’m prepared I see them get ironed out. I see individual errors…they need to work hard on eradicating them. They will be exposed by better sides.
  18. The only thing about an in-season deduction this season is they’ve never done it before, and we are about to move to a new FFP model in 23/24. City could argue they are working to stay within two models, as they prep for 23/24. Would be very harsh if we are only just over the £39m. If we were taking the piss and £10m+ over that’s different.
  19. Why should it be a face off against Ian Gay, it’s your show / pod Dave, not his.
  20. Where is the indication the club don’t know how bad it is? And if it needs an operation, why not get that operation done?
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