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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Why oh why didn`t we think of that instead of wasting all that money on concrete and steel. We could have had the West Stand open at the start of last season.
  2. When it comes to matters in the proper leagues I find the knowledge of those who`s main interest is in the parks stuff is a bit lacking. I expect all championship clubs seem the same to him. After all, there was one 15er fan on their forum yesterday who thought that the January transfer window had been abolished.
  3. Why do you think Lionel Messi only got a suspended sentence? Friends in high places - watch out for an unveiling at the mem imminently.
  4. I know mate. I`ll be having a substantial wager that`s for sure. What could possibly go wrong?
  5. Let`s see what the gap is in nine months time.
  6. What would they do if they couldn`t get all bitter and twisted about us? Mug old ladies and abuse animals I suppose, that hate`s got to go somewhere.
  7. Did you spot that there`s one bell end on there that thinks there`s no January transfer window any more?
  8. Is that like bodyform only in blue and white quarters?
  9. It makes me sick to see how much we are still in their shadow. Come on SL, spend some money FFS.
  10. Well, most of the other major players in the non-EU world have been making statements like the US, Canada and Australia so it`s only right that one of the richest men in the world should let us have his opinion too I suppose. #tinpot
  11. Wonder how many sags voted leave. Be careful what you wish for....................!
  12. So they`ve got to make their minds up whether or not to sign Zlatan now I suppose. We`ll be out of the EU at the end of his three year deal.
  13. I know, it`s driving me nuts. The only reason we mullered Hampshire is because they`re so awful. it`s beginning to remind me of Pulis for us, every time Somerset scrape a result somewhere it keeps him a job for a bit longer.
  14. That last over of their innings cost us the match basically, as you say Tom, #maynardlogic
  15. Amazingly we`re playing at Middlesex Sky 403. 9 over bash. Middlesex 39-2 after 5
  16. More quality, in-depth research from the BEP then. Surely a Pulitzer can`t be far away now?
  17. Apparently, according to asschat, it`s all a conspiracy by the City supporting BEP!
  18. Waller and Jamie O four wickets each which begs two questions; Why didn`t Waller play v Glos? Why did Arafat bowl the last over and not Jamie? Firmly believe we would have beaten them if both had happened.
  19. That was a nice stroll in the park demolishing Hampshire by six wickets. Go Somerset!
  20. Yet more smoke and mirrors designed to hide the truth from those north of the river!
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