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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. That goal is why Nige brought in a fullback, and when injured a second. Doubt Tanner will see the 90 out.
  2. Oh come on City. Wake up! Having such a good start we don’t want a return to what many on Otib call ‘typical City’.
  3. I was alienated years ago, along with others
  4. Just seen club statement. Merely covers the issue in fog.
  5. The point I, and others, are seeking to make is whatever the reason he has left the owner/Chair should have produced a clear message from the Club and not allowed the issue to become toxic. As I have said poor management skills
  6. We have given decades to the Lansdowns to learn management skills They seemingly have no respect for the fans
  7. If that is the case, and I guess if Dollymarie says so it is true, then it is quite staggeringly amateur for no statement to come out of the club. Come on JL, it is up to you. Please respond
  8. COYR Beat the home voodoo. Bring back Fortress Ashton Gate COYR
  9. Last player that brought a real buzz to going to a City match. Plus top bloke with interaction with fans. Wish we could find a second Jet, but they are as rare as hen’s teeth
  10. And what of Bristol Sport in such a scenario. I see that as the biggest drag on City being sold to positive investors
  11. The Sporting Quarter is basically meaningless unless Coty are near top of zprem Remember all those years back the model for BS, according to SL, was Barcelona. Um!
  12. Yes, but you need to see the wider picture. Nothing has changed squad wise - no back up goalie, no goal scoring striker, weak at right back, and a dominating centre half required., not enough depth. Agree today’s result is a great one
  13. Really? And there’s Swansea thinking they should have had a point if penalty given (by same Ref)
  14. Pleased for the players, but especially for Nige. It must have been a very frustrating week for him well done the coaches too
  15. Then you haven’t been following the sad saga of BCFC and it’s absent owner and Chair
  16. People who resort to personal abuse on this forum are exactly the sort who blame the Ref
  17. Oh come on! If we are so much the better side then we should score. No good playing good football and failing to score - that is the whole point of the game.
  18. I stand by my criticism of fans blaming the Ref etc. So 1950s don’t you feel ? Other more balanced views on Otib do not support the view Ref was wrong on our discounted goals. For goodness sake smell the coffee. We don’t have a striker in the fit squad, unless Yeboah turns out to be a teenage prodigy. I bet Nige would have brought one in if the owner was showing the slightest interest in the club. That is where people’s frustration truly lies not with a Ref.
  19. Am I the only one who finds negativity against officials to cover up our own failings rather boring?
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