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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. I suspect more a case of taking Bentley out. Now it must be a case of bring on the French
  2. Exactly what NP said after Birmingham game. What would anyone suggest he does now?
  3. Overrated. Should have tried harder to sell in last window
  4. Goodbye O’Leary. Turn the lights off when you leave.
  5. This is all so predictable.. We have had seasons of a few games showing real promise only to slip back to the same old same old. Why? Grass too long, drinking culture, older players seeing out their time in slow old Bristol, young players who begin by promising much and then ……. (Burns, Massengo).
  6. Rather suspect two games in a week is a little too much for some of our delicate flowers. Get at them at half time, Nige. Shake them up.
  7. I do like Nige as a manager. Made significant changes after Birmingham Now sticks with the team he selected against Preston A no nonsense manager
  8. I really hope Atkinson’s two goals were a result of prepared tactics. If so we’ll done. I’ve and the coaches.
  9. Come on folks we are somewhere between bang average to poor
  10. Why can we not take corners free kicks or throw-ins? surely these are basic skills for a pro footballer
  11. My guess would be Chris Garland and Andy Cole in old league1 and Premiership respectively. keeping with o.d league1 surely Chris Crowe must have won one with Notts Forest
  12. What this clearly shows is that in dealing with the financial mess we lack depth in numbers and inquality. In turn this means players cannot be rested, and then underperform, others injured cannot be adequately replaced and we end up as today putting on a youngster when losing 2-0 and expect miracles, or as today playing players out of position. Hardly NP’s fault, imo.
  13. I still think NP is doing well given the mess SL got this club in. Was he to walk then we would be truly scuppered
  14. Looks at moment as tho we shall have 1 point out of 15 let’s hope for 100% improvement in second half
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