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Posts posted by Natchfever

  1. 2 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    To be fair he’s apologised for it. I’m sure most of us have said or written something in the past without thinking about it first. 

    He apologisred for it because of the pelters he was getting. Not that the Mods seemed to be in that camp of course.

    Hope the *** *** ***** that's a joke in bad taste of course and I apologise unreservedly as I didn't think about it first.

    • Like 1
  2. Not getting ahead of themselves on the stadium of shite or nothing mind...

    Singupgas said :

    "Things i want: 

    Not to be a stadium that is an identibuild bowl - something like the Etihad on a smaller scale would be nice. 
    Big Screens outside and inside.
    Speakers outside and the ground
    Big Bar Areas which have some character to them - not 
    Decent club shop
    Food stand that always have pasties
    Quality sound system
    Nice perimeter - statues of gas legends, trees, benches "

  3. 42 minutes ago, elhombrecito said:

    The implication being that people made the effort to get to the ground, but then when they tried to pay with cash on the turnstile and we're told that they needed to visit the ticket office,  they just simply gave up and went home instead... Yep, totally plausable reason for an abysmal attendance.

    Sub 8,000 actually.

    Sorry pedant alert but needed saying ??

  4. 2 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

    I see the excuse for the sub-10000 crowd on Saturday was the fact that POTD attendees had to buy tickets at the ticket office portakabin rather than cash on the turnstiles. Must have been so confusing for the poor dears.

    Balloon festival must have had a major impact too....

  5. 1 hour ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Yeah, I'm sure Ed Ware will be involved. His missus is a property barrister, not a developer though. 

    I have to say on the face of it the project seems viable and Rovers will be better off without the useless Wael and co.

    But the Council is surely compelled to act in the best interests of the ratepayers of Bristol as a whole and if the owners of the market don't elect to sell or demand an excessive price surely the ombudsman would be called in firstly if bcc abused it's powers by a cpo and secondly by syphoning money intended for the infrastructure around temple quarter/arena area towards making a new stadium accessible for a club that already owns a stadium too large for its average attendances the past 40 years.

    I hope that this gets a rough ride and the gas *** Rees is exposed for what he is. Hopefully he will explain his relationship with the Filton arena site.

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, icamanicity said:

    Going back to the Bristol Arena before  Mayor Gashead Rees decide to do a deal with the Malaysians to have the Arena in a glorified shed at Filton, there was. grant of £55 million was earmarked for Arena island the Mayor wanted to use it towards transport at Filton was was told it’s not allowed. The money is still there to be used  around the area Temple Meads Arena Island etc, I hope no shady deals are being made, so there could be so truth behind funding and helping the travellers settle around that area. Unless we make a bit of noise about favouritism and nip it in the bud.

    I believe there is something untoward occurring and trust that someone with appropriate resources will thoroughly check to ensure that any concerns are satisfied.

    Cue Bristol Sport stalkers get this to Mr Lansdown !

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

    Probably even more difficult than that Monkeh , if the Council gave us and the gAss anything , anyone that didn't like or follow football would be up in arms about their Council tax. being wasted. Keyboard hipster warriors would be out in force.

    They would be right though to be fair.

    Commercuial enterprises getting public funds when we have homeless kipping in doorways.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Monkeh said:

    That won’t happen as what ever aid they give the gas they also have to give us,

    thanks to the fuss they made in 1982 and them not letting the council help us,

    precedent has been set and pay back is a bitch :laugh:

    I sincerely hope we use all resources available to make sure they get fuckall public funding, or preferential terms.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    What wael has done is just shaft himself,

    as he’s announced his intention before actually speaking to the owners, said owners now know how desperate rovers are and will do a Sainsbury’s is ask for well above markets rate,

    what ever the land is worth rovers will now have to pay triple for it


    Therefore Roverzzz can't buy it because the "goalposts changed"

    Greedy bastard market owners.

    Poor old Wael, man of integrity, carried down Gloucester Road, blah blah blah


  10. 18 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Hope Wally hasn't already started taking the tents down yet.

    This sounds somewhat less positive.



    A fairly standard response and fair play to him. Gasheads now saying the council will compulsory purchase the site for new development to include high end apartments and a stadium....

    Most of them are genuinely off their heads.

    • Haha 2
  11. 55 minutes ago, Dolman Block B said:

    Dont think Wael has much time left given the feelings that Rovers fans are venting across social media sites.

    It would be interesting to find out wjo the "third party" is who made an offer for the land.

    And as we all know, the area got a big fat NO from BCC for the proposed new Arena because of the transport network and parking.

    No reason to think they would allow a new BRFC stadium here as well.





    Some belter on their forum claiming the consortium is Lancer Scott plus a Community Invesment Consortium. Someone else suggested that objections might be raised about the benefits to the community of building a stadium for a private company that already owns a stadium that it doesn't fill.

    Also doesn't Lancer Scott still sponsor the BS basketball team ?

    If there is any mileage in a CIC whatsoever then I predict lots of questions being put to the regulator of such organisations.....

  12. 49 minutes ago, Southport Red said:

    I read this week that Florist fans were collecting money to help save Notts County.

    Would anyone be brave enough to shake a tin for Rovers at Ashton Gate if it came to it?




    Thought not.

    Different relationship I think but ready to stand corrected.

  13. 2 hours ago, Wanderingred said:

    I challenge you to find any document, article, official webpage or record that says we were formed in 1982. You won't be able to. Check company house, check with the football association.. Bristol City are listed as having been formed in 1894. I don't think anything more needs to be said really.

    Bristol City Holdings was called 1982 for a short time but that was in between other names. The maggots call us 82ers like they call us a franchise.

    English not being their first language clearly.

  14. 15 hours ago, City Rocker said:

    I remember their then stadium manager Ian Holtby smirking knowingly at the camera, as he described his disappointment at the postponement.

    Strangely it wasn't mentioned in that local news item that Stockport staff had actually seen the pitch being watered when they arrived for the game! 

    I wonder what became of Holtby? He seemed such a trustworthy fellow. 

    He's still about.

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