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Posts posted by Natchfever

  1. 3 hours ago, cidercity said:
    keepthefaith Avatar
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    Post by keepthefaith on 4 minutes ago

    Bristol Fruit Market, just saying .............?



    Ok who's on the wind up.

    Hats off to a few of them mind

    41 minutes ago 
    Henbury Gas is LOLing at this.
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    Post by Weeezord on 41 minutes ago

    Work has been going on at the site for months to get the pitch ready to be fair. New North stand coming on nicely too.


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  2. 10 hours ago, Eddie Hitler said:

    It's getting slightly depressing reading their board.  All the clever kids have wised up to the absolute shambles thast is the current ownership and the absolute weapon that is Henbury Gas.

    Dunno EH there were still a fair few on that thread about losses who were maintaining that flogging the ground without a replacement stadium in place within the city boundary was "a joke"

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  3. 16 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

    Norm is equivalent value of 40% of increase in asset value for the permission. It's a massive, 'hidden' tax that few have cottoned onto. You buy a new build house/flat and 40% goes straight to the local authority to subsidise social and affordable housing.

    Be an interesting stand off methinks if it ever goes down the planning route because a developer will need a higher proportion of market value units to cover the cost of the acquisition of the site plus normal profit. This ain't exactly a greenfield site with hope value.

  4. 2 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

    Total site is 3.3 Hectares.

    Under the lapsed consents Sainsbury's, in addition to funding local roadworks, were liable for @£1.2m of CIL contributions and had to hand over 40% of the proposed residential developments as affordable housing.

    Blimey be interesting to see how much affordable housing the council would try for across the whole site.

  5. 16 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

    Agree and key being that they soon realised it was worth nothing near given the change in the market. On residential development CIL/S106 can take as much as 40% of the enhanced value to the developer. I was once responsible for a B1 property with a book value of £12m which, when revalued for potential sui generis occupation, dropped to £7m. So a £12m book price stadium is likely to be worth far less as a residential land proposition.

    Does anyone know the acreage of the Mem ? The nature of the residential development (if that is what will be most acceptable alternative use to the planners and professional opposers) will determine the value.

  6. 13 minutes ago, The Gasbuster said:

    We’d just take the piss out of Swindon, instead :thumbsup:

    And the stupid pricks would still walk around (in ever decreasing numbers) in the famous Qaurterz as a rag of honour.

    Don't need the club to exist any longer for those **** wits do we.

  7. 16 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

    It goes back generations - there are 80/90year old blokes in nursing homes in this City who's Red v Blue rivalry began in the 1940/50s and I'd bet a pound to a penny at some point today in those homes the old banter surfaced once again...

    And Red 90 yr olds are still enjoying the upper hand over the Gas that has lasted them a lifetime, 'don't let it die'. (as those of us old enough to remember Hurricane Smith will likely think deep down)

    Sorry mate I remember them as equals and sometimes superior (in terms of league position) Whilst I have plenty of gas mates I hope their club goes pop if only for the sake of young people yet to be born in the Bristol area who may have otherwise have been dragged down that shithole.

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  8. 36 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

    I don`t know so much. It`s like the old saying `give a man a fish and he`ll eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he`ll never go hungry`. If they went out of business it would indeed be hilarious for a while but what would we have to take the piss out of afterwards? if they stay around, hanging on by the skin of their teeth, we will be able to have many more years of amusement at their expense - the gift will continue to give, you can be sure of that.

    We would find someone else to take the piss out of Gas can die.

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  9. 7 hours ago, WhistleHappy said:

    It aint looking good for the Gas is it...

    They'll still be up to their ears in deep doo-doo even after we pay them the outstanding  £9.3M  on the Matty Taylor deal... ?


    I shall enjoy watching them squirm and suffer pain for a while (most of their sporting lives actually) but after all the agony and traumas I really hope someone somewhere comes out of the woodwork and saves them. I hate the thought of any club going to the wall, they all have years of blood sweat and tears behind them, every club (even the Gas) have a deep rooted place in the town, city, region, community in which they reside... (despite the Gas habit of roaming in the wilderness like homeless nomads) … I love 'the gap'  and enjoyed massively the rivalry of ''are you City or Rovers?'' school playground  banter growing up.. It's been great always being Red with superiority over them, but to enjoy rivalry you have to have an adversary and through the years The Gas has been just that, James Bond as a 'goody' would be boring as **** without a 'baddie' to deal with..

    We've enjoyed massive superiority over them for years but from a selfish point of view life really wouldn't be the same without 'em tbh.. City v Rovers ,  Red or Blue etc  long may the Bristol banter continue, as long as they remain our bitches of course. ?

    Nah **** the gas.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Rudolf Hucker said:

    My experiences of working with and for American businesses taught me that they focus almost entirely upon the balance sheet. If there is a US businessman/woman out there intent (see what I did there) on buying the 15ers then he/she wont be doing it out of charidee mate; it'll be because they see a money-making opportunity and they'll be super-pleasantly savage in achieving their goals. It won't be pretty from the inside although it could be fun to watch.

    So..Buy the club, sell the assets and move the franchise to Chicago.

    Sounds like a plan.

  11. 3 hours ago, Undy English said:

    So funny. They seem to completely gloss over the fact that they WITHDREW FUNDING (i.e. cutting off support for women's football altogether, leaving it for various bodies to pick up the pieces). Only then did the Women's team go on to greatness.

    Libel action beckons.

    Serious stuff calling Steve Lansdown a thief...

  12. 11 minutes ago, AshtonPark said:


    My name is Matthew Davies and I'm the Media Manager for Bristol Rovers Community Trust, and I'm also the Secretary for relaunched Bristol Rovers Women's Team.

    Thank you so much for your kind words relating to the launch of the Women's Team. Women's football is a huge passion of mine and I'm absolutely delighted to get this squad up an running under the name of Bristol Rovers. The response from the supporters has been incredible and we can't wait to get the ball rolling throughout the summer.

    In regards to your query about the content of the launch video, the narrative behind it does originate from the history of the former Bristol Rovers Ladies Team. Before 2005, Rovers Ladies were one of the very few women's teams playing in Bristol. The Gas Girls were initially formed in 1998, starting out in the South West League and in 2005, Bristol Rovers Ladies FC became known as Bristol Academy WFC under a new partnership agreement with South Gloucestershire and Stroud College. In 2011 the club changed its name to Bristol Academy WFC in 2011 and finally became Bristol City Women’s Football Club in 2015.

    In essence, our former Ladies team was stolen by Bristol City, so we decided to manufacture a tongue in cheek dig by taking a football on a journey from Ashton Gate, through Bristol to finally end at The Memorial Stadium. Therefore emphasising that our Bristol Rovers Women's team are making a return to the women's game. The Ashton Gate reference is merely a subtle, cheeky joke to reference the origin of the journey. 

    I hope this has given you an insight into relation between the two clubs regarding the history of the women's teams. Feel free to read the articles below which details our history a little bit more.

    Thank you once again for getting in touch and your support for the women's team is invaluable as we look to build and grow the programme as much as we possibly can.

    Kind regards

    Sad bitter ******* bellend.

    Even their pet newspaper the Post had this to say about them - in essence not stolen by City as not yours to steal you cheap *****.

    "The history of the club is interesting - formed in 1998 as Bristol Rovers Women's Football Club, they were renamed as Bristol Academy W.F.C after increased involvement with the Bristol Academy of Sport, which is now the South Gloucestershire and Stroud College.

    In 2006, Rovers withdrew funding from the club and Bristol Academy bankrolled the team.

    This would see a period of unprecedented success, the most successful season in 2013, finishing runners up in the Women’s Super League, and the FA Cup.

    In 2014 the club also reached the quarter final of the Champions League.

    In 2013, the club signed a sponsorship agreement with Bristol City FC, changed their name and home kit from blue to red, and three years later in 2016 were renamed Bristol City Women’s Football Club."

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, SirColinOfMansfield said:

    Whoever made the video for their new ladies football team has got one hell of a sense of humour .... apart from the opening shot at Ashton Gate ....





    Carrying a bit of timber there should have been filmed outside of Wickes...

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  14. 31 minutes ago, JackofromSanJavier said:

    Their mums must be so proud.  

    I know that all clubs have dreamers like this, but……………..seriously?  None of these lads would have lasted 10 minutes with us in the Falklands.  Shame really.

    Scared of the dark too apparently..

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  15. 9 hours ago, Boring Sag said:

    The handful of posts tell us more than a handful of opinions. As the man said himself "everybody on here" wanted to sign Nichols. Even if that wasn't true in regards to every single member of this forum, enough people were going on about City potentially signing Nichols that he generalised and said everybody. 

    Use your research tool to find and name every one who said that and provide a statistic to illustrate the percentage of just this forum who supported that view.

    Alternatively **** off.

  16. 9 hours ago, Boring Sag said:

    "Isn't he the one everybody on here wanted us to sign a year or 2 ago..?" - Bar BS3. It was 2 years ago because that was when Nichols signed for us which is the whole point. City fans can't go "Clarke was a bad judge of character with Nichols." If everybody on here (not my words remember) wanted him and were acting like he was too good for Rovers. 

    You really are a sad *** to come on here arguing the toss, and trying to get reactions.

    Get out more or at least stay off your computer, but either way get the **** off this forum you gas bellend.

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