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Lorenzos Only Goal

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Posts posted by Lorenzos Only Goal

  1. 36 minutes ago, fisherrich said:

    Until the Lansdownes **** OFF, I ain’t going down AG.
    That video is quite frankly taking the piss. If ever there was a need to rally the fans and explain the decision to sack Nige P, with a bit of clarity, it is now. What an opportunity missed. 

    And we get that!

    Did you read that as "our fans are very passionate" as "I think they're ******* stupid" and will turn up and spend their money regardless of how we run the club.

    36 minutes ago, fisherrich said:

    Until the Lansdownes **** OFF, I ain’t going down AG.
    That video is quite frankly taking the piss. If ever there was a need to rally the fans and explain the decision to sack Nige P, with a bit of clarity, it is now. What an opportunity missed. 

    And we get that!

    Did you read that as "our fans are very passionate" as "I think they're ******* stupid" and will turn up and spend their money regardless of how we run the club.

    • Like 2
  2. 20 minutes ago, The Constant Rabbit said:

    I'm genuinely beginning to wonder wether SL has the onset of dementia.


    Mood swings, erratic decisions, lashing out at criticism, contradicting himself.


    Wouldn't surprise me at all if in 12 months he was out of the public eye altogether.


    This isn't a dig - dementia is a terrible, terrible incurable illness, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy - but he is showing all the early clinical indicators (as much as you can see from afar)



    I do wonder if he's not poorly, he setup ravenscroft over in Guernsey and then retired from that last year.  He's 71 and he must want Jon to be running the day to day for him.  

    That said I think he want out one way or another. For whatever reason.

  3. What's worse is Euell had gone along with Rene as well.  Both massively positive impact on the club....

    We can only assume there is a new manager announcement next week. I can't see Flemming lasting that long.

  4. 4 hours ago, BCFC Rich said:

    Look I'm not going to lie - no fan wants to see their team lose back-to-back games. And it hurts. However with 11 players (might actually be 12?) out, 6/7 of whom would probably be starters I find myself bizarrely optimistic. We could easily have got points out of the last two games and with a little more luck might have done. We are 5 points outside the playoffs with an awful lot of the season to go and an awful lot of players to come back in. 

    I get the doom and gloom and worries around SL and lack of investment - and I agree that is something we should be concerned about. However when it comes to the football side, the staff and players. One thing is really clear they are united and playing as a team, giving everything and stepping up where and when they need to. I felt at the beginning of the season we were an upper midtable side, I still hold that with the quality of the squad we have that is our true position. However, I also feel, NP has us playing above ourselves a lot of the time. With better injury luck and/or more investment I think we'd be in with an outside shot at the playoffs this season. 


    I think after Christmas we're in a different place, but the trick between now.and then is not to let any rot set in.  If we can string some results together while people get fit we will be a different side in January.  No need to panic right now.

    Be disappointed that's ok but this has to be as bad as it gets Sykes at left back?

    King was supposed to be transitioning to a coaching role but has played a few games.

  5. 2 hours ago, 2015 said:

    Ex Swindon aint he. Course he is

    Well **** me sideways I didn't realise he was part of their flirtation with the Premier League, my favourite joke back then was what's Swindon Town and John Majors underpants got in common? They're both at the bottom of the premier.  What an odd fact.

  6. 1 hour ago, Alex_BCFC said:

    I’m not sure it’s doing all of them any good. I think Yeboah will be good but in all honest he isn’t up to chanpionship standard right now. Might be like Semenyo in a couple of years but needs that time out on loan in league 2 or something 

    I don't know he feels like he's a goal away from being sensational.  I really love watching him in our shirt he's going to be a fantastic player regardless of if he finds goals or not he could just drop back onto one of the wings.

    • Hmmm 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Supersonic Robin said:

    Spot on. Absolutely cannot understand the mentality of those who view midtable Championship as success.

    Nights like tonight, in which we see a team in League 1 last season beat us and sit in the top 2 of the Championship, should absolutely enrage our fanbase.

    As a club, we really do lack ambition sometimes (certain portions of the fanbase included)

    Ipswich have spent a large amount in the last 18 months if they don't go up then they are not in a good place.  They've rolled the dice not like Luton who frugally chipped their way up the league.

    They've got 3 expensive premier loans, and they have signed a few, and given new contracts to a few.  

    We on the other hand have just recovered from one nightmare only to be confronted with some odd nonsense about nest eggs.

    • Like 3
    • Flames 2
  8. Rashford, Phillips, Henderson & Maguire are all selections that don't equal any rational process.

    Yet poor Ward-Prowse must farted in his coffee or something.

    We've got a wealth of talent and I really think Southgate has started to lose the plot a bit and he's squandering talent.

  9. On 10/10/2023 at 12:20, Porto Red said:

    That thought may occur to him, but quick as a flash he'll remember his bank balance and be perfectly content with his decision after all thank you very much.

    To be fair if he plays well for the rest of the season he will be picked up by a team as they drop.  I'm not sure he will care either way.  He seemed genuinely gutted to be leaving, and he's a lovely lad so only wish him the best.

  10. On 22/09/2023 at 09:33, Col The Ox said:

    Thanks for the kind words everyone.


    In no particular order just a brief reply to a few of the things you've mentioned:

    The reason Mark Sykes was available on a free is because our idiot of a previous manager (Karl Robinson) threw him under the bus a few times in his penultimate season with us. Sykesy dared to answer back to him and Robinson slagged him off in public. So when he entered his last season with us Sykesy refused to even contemplate signing a new contract and was able to leave on a free. Very much our loss and your gain. The irony is that Robinson was sacked last season and our new manager, Liam Manning, is the sort of progressive manager that I'm sure would have got the best out of Mark Sykes. Anyway, good luck to him, there's no hard feelings from our side.

    The amount of crap that the NIMBYS came out with was mind blowing in its ignorance and arrogance, and there was a real class aspect to a lot of it too. But they made the mistake of assuming all football fans were thick hooligans (most of us are intelligent hooligans!!!) and they very much under estimated the response from the fans. 

    Yes, we've very much already stuck two fingers up to Kassam, as a fanbase, although we still have to play at his shit stadium for another three years. I absolutely despise the man for what he's done to my football club, robbing us of the best part of 25 years, that we'll never get back.

    Just to close, I was a bit disappointed with the team we fielded against you in the Carabao Cup game, there were too many changes for us to do ourselves justice really, and you certainly took full advantage. Since then we've really gelled and are currently one point off the top, with a game in hand, so promotion is certainly the aim this year. Hopefully we'll meet again next season, unless you can go one better and get promotion yourselves. I see no reason why you can't be in the discussion at the end of the season.

    I don't want to outstay my welcome, so will leave it for now, but may pop back with an update in the future if people are interested in hearing it?

    Good luck, I remember many a fond trip to the Manor Ground and some on the couple of occasions I've been to the Kassam it wasn't the same for sure.  Good luck with your new ground, hopefully it will have the soul of the Manor Ground with decent capacity for your club to grow.

  11. 45 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

    Not many Somerset born footballers make it to the top.

    Tyrone Mings, Jack Butland and Tommy are all I can think of atm.

    Is it too late for him to be English again instead of Scottish?

    Martin Khuls lad was born in Paulton he was at Reading for a while.

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