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Everything posted by Robbored

  1. We’ve also had plenty of bad luck. Had the whistle gone 15secs earlier we’d have beaten Blackpool and had Bentley not messed up to allow Luton a late equaliser…………… Luck tends to equal out over a season.
  2. The Packers win with a 50yd field goal…….get in!
  3. Sold out but awaiting a delivery…
  4. SL does own the club Dave and all major decisions are made only with his approval. As long has he doesn’t interfere with the managers way of running the playing element of the club I really couldn’t care any less what else he my get involved with.
  5. SL a financial wizard but is the first to admit that he doesn’t have a deep knowledge of the game and I seriously doubt he’d ‘advise’ a fully qualified manager on who to select or what shape to adopt…….Ashton on the other hand…….
  6. Nige is a clever, thoughtful and very professional guy and I for one could listen to him talking football all day. I might hang around Nailsea Tesco hoping to bump into him as Red Squirrel did!
  7. I’d love to ask Nige directly what a player has to do earn a midfield starting place. He has a plethora of options to select from - Massengo, Weimann, Williams, Palmer, Bakinson, James, King, Pring et el. He’d probably say it’s about having the right attitude, performing well in training and being committed to the squad ethos and taking your chance when you get it. Did Palmer do enough in his cameo on Saturday? We’ll know midweek.
  8. I’m a 100% sure that SL did not interfere with any of the managers he employed. He told them his expectations or remit if you prefer and let them get on with it. To me Ashton was the stumbling block who undoubtedly did try to interfere as much as he could. Thankfully I can’t imagine that RG would do the same.
  9. No point composing a song on here - we never hear them at AG. The ‘signing section’ is in the wrong part of the stadium to start with.
  10. We all loved bouncing up and down to that one - a great song - one of my all time favourites. Another was “he’s here he’s there he’s every ******* where Gerry Gow, Gerry Gow.
  11. Nige is an established and well respected manager and it’s no surprise that his knowledge and insight into the game has had a significant impact on Bristol City right across the club. He’s exactly what the club needed after four or five seasons of LJ and the charismatic fraud Ashton slowly ruining the club and already we’re seeing green shoots of recovery. Obviously the off season has helped when he was able to release several of the unwanted players and use the preseason to get his methods across and improve squad fitness - so his appointment came at exactly the right time, largely down to SL.
  12. One disadvantage of not being on Twitter!
  13. Rumour yesterday was that he had a slight muscle strain and it wasn’t worth risking aggravating it so he missed the match. Shame because he’s been excellent in recent games and his bustling energy was sorely missed yesterday.
  14. I posted just now that clubs with parachute payments have a significant advantage - you must have overlooked that post…………… My point is that it’s not necessary to spend mega bucks to adopt the style that Fulham adopted today and that over his three contract Nige could get City playing in a similar way……He’ll have several transfer windows to recruit the players that he feels he’ll need.
  15. Of course parachute payments are a significant advantage but I’m talking about the style that Fulham adopted and you don’t necessary need top quality players to copy that style - that’s my point.
  16. Why is it ludicrous? Wouldn’t you like City playing like Fulham did today? They were excellent throughout the game and City did well to escape with a point. I’m hoping that Nige will get City performing regularly as Fulham did during his stay at AG
  17. Fulham are the best that I’ve seen at AG so far - they were better than us in every area and I’m delighted with a point. They hit bar three times Mitrovic missed two sitters and the one in injury time was particularly bad - what a relief to see it sail past the post! Fulham are at the level Nige will want City reach over the next two and 2/3 season and based on today’s performance he’s on the right road. On wards and upwards!
  18. My ‘beef’ if you like is that team shapes changes all the time, in possession, out of possession, set pieces et el.. When I see the team sheet I usually see 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and two strikers and immediately see 4-4-2 and that’s often how the team sets up at the ko. Obviously that will change throughout any game. If Dasilva bombs forward that means the shape has changed albeit temporarily. I really think that there’s a lot of pseudo intellectual nonsense talked about formations.
  19. Explain to me what the difference between 4-4-2 and 4-4-1-1 is? To me they’re just the same……… 4-4-2 is a template used world wide because it’s so flexible.
  20. HNM is due a goal……. Might be worth a tenner…………
  21. Hmmm…….reading that I’m not so optimistic as I was…………
  22. Several impressive sides in the Championship - Baggies, Fulham, B’muff, Stoke just to name name four. Impossible to predict over a 46 game season who’ll get automatic but those with parachute payments will certainly feature come March/April.
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