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Everything posted by Robbored

  1. He will become Jehovah if he gets us to the Promised Land.
  2. The most lucrative sponsorship goes to those clubs that get the most TV exposure so the likes of the Manchester clubs, Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal and other PL clubs who of course have the biggest wage bills but how much of their income comes from sponsorship I have no idea. Obviously they get vast amounts from Sky which is largely why these clubs can afford such massive salaries but match tickets are still hugely expensive - that’s if you can any. It’s the clubs down the pyramid that would suffer the most if sponsorship was banned per se rather than just alcohol and betting companies. It would become a catch 22 situation for them
  3. I’ve always pronounced Atyeo phonetically as At-te-o, three syllables said quickly.
  4. There would be a significant loss of income to professional football clubs if that ever happened and to recoup that loss ticket prices would have to go even higher and it would us fans that pay up. Banning betting and alcohol advertising throughout the industry makes perfect sense tho.
  5. I’ve never been a follower of fashion - as a teenager I liked the Mod look and I still like that look but I’m in my 60’s now and my taste has evolved but not to the stage where Im wearing grey and checkered cardigans……….. I still wear Oxford and polo shirts along with Levi jeans - I can just about get away with it!
  6. The Packers back to winning ways after last weeks crushing defeat. Rogers the main man again.
  7. Scotland is a stunning and beautiful country - been all over many times. Its their football that I slag off - I have no problem with Scots as people.
  8. Question for anyone who was at QPR today - was Kalas using the long throw?
  9. Surprised that Vyner isn’t in the squad. Scott is understandable tho.
  10. Unless you have a history of poor health why, at the age of 30 would you want a health check? As for a loss in the family - sadly it’s a common enough occurrence but chronologically g’parents go first. Certainly that was the case in my family and I guess many others families as well. Grief is normal, everyone goes through it but overtime it eases. I was very close to my maternal Nan but she’s been gone 30+years and now I have lovely fond memories of her love and kindness and cooking! and allow myself to feel sad but the grief I felt has long past. When she passes on you will grieve as will the rest of your family - you won’t be alone and you’ll cope with the loss - just remember that grieving is not reserved just for you. It’s perfectly normal when a loved one passes on so allow yourself to go through the process of emotionally healing. Whatever you do - don’t resist it.
  11. BBC are reporting that Derby will lose 12 points.
  12. Indeed they did but every football club ‘manages’ managers differently. Maybe CH had far more support and finances at Brighton than he had at Forest - who do seem to go thru managers at quite a rate. Who knows?
  13. Robbored


    Vyner made his debut at RB - it’s not an unfamiliar position to him but certainly against Luton he failed to overlap or push up to the byline to work a better angle. Consequently his crosses were easily defended. Hopefully Nige and his coaches will be working on that with Vyner.
  14. Nige hasn’t been at City long only signing a three year deal in the summer. He inherited a club that had become a shambles after 5 years of managerial neglect and has had to start again. The first thing he had to do was get the players Championship fit, then get his methods across and all that takes time. If you pay attention to his interviews you’ll realise that Nige is a proper manager who has built a squad previously capable escaping the Championship. He knows what he’s doing. He’s brought in some the guys he’d worked with before on and off the pitch which are all ingredients that go towards creating the right culture needed to reach the PL. Tasks such as the one Nige has taken on at City all take time to achieve and already we’ve seen some decent performances, mostly away from AG and City have been unfortunate to drop points at AG against Blackpool and Luton conceding in injury time in both games. Remember that we are only 7 games in to a 46 game season and also remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  15. Judging by your contributions to this forum I’m thinking that you just don’t see the wider picture Bas.
  16. Such a relief to see a sensible post amongst all the negativity and angst on here lately.
  17. You didn’t know who I was referring to?………..
  18. Houghton getting sacked just reinforces the fact no managerial appointment guarantees anything. CH was being touted as a potential replacement for Dean Holden on here……………..
  19. Did you know that Baker started his career as a LB but was moved to CB? (at Villa I think) It’s not as if he’s never played there before. I agree about the long throws tho - very rarely does anything come from them and it’s become boringly predictable and easy to defend - I became very frustrated with them last night as I did with Vyner at RB failing to overlap or push on further up the pitch and crossing from way too deep. I was happy to see him replaced with Dasilva who did push on and it was his free kick delivery that led to Bakers goal. Fans always whinge about various substitutions regardless of who the manager is - they feel as if they know better than fully qualified coaches………….. That said I was surprised to see King come on when it seemed to me that Semenyo with his pace would have been a better option - but then what I do I know?…………
  20. It’s very early days for Nige and we all know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. We all need to be patient - NP will get it right.
  21. Robbored


    Vyner was frustrating me tonight. Several times he received the ball wide around the half way line, advanced a short distance before crossing it whereas he has at least another 30 yards or so to head towards the by line but never did it once - very irritated as his crosses were pretty poor from too deep a position. If Nige thinks he’s going to be a regular starter at RB then he needs to tell Zac to push further up the pitch before crossing and insist on it.
  22. You’re just like the real Bas Savage……………
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