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Everything posted by Robbored

  1. He got clattered by a late “tackle”. The opposition player got a yellow. Took a while for Sheedy to get up and had to be replaced.
  2. Great 4 wicket win! They were dead and buried yesterday morning.
  3. A very attractive 18 year old goes home to her father “dad, I’m pregnant to a 50 year old man” ” what” a 50 year old man! - , I’ll break his bloody legs and break his legs off and stick them up his ass” what a bastard” ”he wants to see you dad,and he’s coming around this evening” The 50 year guy shows up and tells the dad, “I’ll stand by her and if it’s a girl she’ll get the best private education possible, live in a beautiful house with swimming pool that I’ll buy for her ”if it’s a boy, I’ll give him the best private education possible, he’ll inherit all my wealth including my properties in Monaco and Tuscany and my businesses” ”if she has a miscarriage, I don’t what I’ll do” ” Shag her again”. says dad!
  4. A gangster suspected that his accountant was cheating him and decided to sack him. Being a deep thinking gangster he figured that to avoid getting ripped off again he’d employ a deaf and mute accountant who wouldn’t be able to tell anyone anything.......so he did but realised that he wouldn’t to be able to communicate with him as he didn’t know sign language and changed his solicitor to one who could use sign language After a few months the gangster began to suspect that the deaf and mute accountant was also fiddling him so he took him to his new solicitor to interpret “ask him where the money is” and the solicitor signed the question and the account replied that he had no idea what he was on about....”ask him again” - same reply... Really pissed off by now the gangster pulled out his hand gun, held against the accounts temple and said “tell him that if he doesn’t tell me where the money is I’ll blow his bloody head off” So the solicitor signed the question and this time the accountant replied “there’s a 100 grand in a hold-all buried in my garden behind the shed” ‘What did he say? asked the gangster. “He says that you haven’t got the guts to pull the trigger......”
  5. I’d forgotten that I posted it before.............. I have another about a gangster and his deaf and mute accountant but I probably posted that one before as well.
  6. Two old guys, been friends all their lives. Went to school together, worked for the same company, married each other’s sisters. Played in the same sports team their favourite sport being cricket. On retirement they both watched cricket and attended every match at the County Ground at Taunton. During the lunch break they were enjoying their tea and sandwiches and one said to the other “ do use suppose that cricket is played in heaven? “dunno” said the other “ but whichever of us get there first comes back in a dream to let the other know” A while later one of them passes on and a few nights later he came back in a dream to his old friend. ” I have some good news and some bad news, which one do you want first?” ” the good news first old friend” He said, “the good news is that cricket is played up here in heaven. It’s fantastic, it never rains, the pitches are perfect and equal to batsman and bowlers” ”the bad news is - you’re opening the batting tomorrow”............
  7. An usual situation for the Bears actually losing a game. Bit of a bummer getting beat by by a decent team but with help of the officials...........
  8. I really can’t fathom why any City fan could give two shits about Joey Barton and the gas.............
  9. Should have been a 5 match series between the number 1 and 2 ODI teams.
  10. Cant afford to lose a wicket tho........only 20 needed.
  11. Until he hit a full toss straight back to the bowler..........
  12. Oh dear........Buttler gone.........96-4.........I’ll be surprised but delighted if England can win from here.
  13. Wasnt it Buttler who won the toss? Anyway......76-3.......top three English batsman gone already............ Up to out of form Buttler and Malan now........
  14. India all out 48.2 overs....England require 330 to win.
  15. India will get close to 400 here unless they lose wickets.
  16. Decider today. England win the toss and decide to bowl.....no wickets yet 13 overs..
  17. A never give up attitude comes from winning games. Had the Bears been on a losing run they’d have also the game today. Pat Lam is a formidable guy and has instilled determination and resilience into the squad - let’s hope Big Nige can do the same with our squad.
  18. England will win this by 6 wickets.......Kohli had no answer to Bairstow and Stokes. Combination of a tame wicket and piss poor bowling.
  19. Relax Tom......only a 120 to get......... Plus Stokes is creaming the piss poor bowling.
  20. That can change between now and the Ashes but obviously it’s up to the Aussie government to decide when and if to ease travel restrictions. This is a good example of when a vaccination passport would be useful.
  21. Yeah I had same strong feeling that the Bears would come thru but was getting a little anxious until the two late tries My buddy and I were texting all game and he was really despondent when Saints were 7 points up so I text him two words ‘have faith’........... When you consider how many regulars were missing it was a terrific performance
  22. You’re quite a wit Lrrr - ever considered a career in comedy?
  23. I think I saw/read awhile ago that Barney is a diabetic. Maybe that played a part in him collapsing
  24. She told me when I spoke to her about renewing. She said there’ll be plenty of room, we only get 1500/200 per county match depending on the day.
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