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Top Robin

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Posts posted by Top Robin

  1. 16 hours ago, BCFC31 said:

    His performance just shows he is an out and out winger I really don't want to see him upfront against it just doesn't get the best out of him what so ever.


    He looked like the most threatening winger we have had for ages. 

    Him on left and Sykes on right looks potent.


  2. 4 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Partly because we have a chairman who for all his privilege has to be about as poor a public speaker as you can get.

    Literally can’t get full sentences out without stumbling over his words.

    What a waste of money that expensive education was.

    As for the chirpy Cockney CEO, I thought people from that part of the world loved the attention, so here’s your big chance, pal.

    Get in front of a microphone & tell us what’s going on.

    Quite shocked with the vitriol in that.....not your finest post

    8 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    To be fair, his old man isn't much better at it, so it obviously runs in the family.


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  3. 54 minutes ago, FNQ said:

    Well at least you have come clean and are no longer blaming the coaches… I’ve asked you before (last season) and you didn’t reply.. here goes again, in lieu of NP who do you suggest should replace him?

    Firstly our directors are paid a six figure salary to make those important decisions.

    But if it came to it, I would recommend young and foreign.

    Secondly, I don't want him gone yet - I always said I would give him a few more games and hope things get better.

    All us so called 'doom mongers' only want the best for the club and if we are hobbling along with a poor manager then we may push for a change - but we actually all want him to succeed and not have to have this conversation.


  4. 1 minute ago, FNQ said:

    Keep the faith and trust the best manger that we’ve ever had.. this time last year Zac was the devil reincarnated and he’s since gone on to prove everyone except our leader wrong..

    Keep taking the medicine ??

  5. 12 minutes ago, FNQ said:

    Shame that you missed our last league game away versus Hull where we played our first team, we actually played really well. If Hull would have won that game they would have been joint top of the league, their fans though to their credit thought that we looked a great side and that we were really unlucky not to have won.

    I didn't and I thought we played well.  Unfortunately we are not consistent and have one good performance followed by 2 poor ones. I think that's how it will be under Nige.

  6. 39 minutes ago, FNQ said:

    Hang on.. just last week you were (unconvincingly) banging on about giving it a few games before throwing Nige under the bus.. now look at you. 

    I said coaches not manager.

    But as you've mentioned it, those few games are getting closer and things haven't improved yet. 

  7. Overall much better intensity and pace tonight which made it good to watch.

    Looking forward to the next game now, hoping that we can keep this up.

    But, we know how inconsistent we can be and rarely have good performances over 2 or 3 games. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Which clubs and managers have been successful playing fast flowing attacking football recently. I'll give you Kompany and Burnley but other than that. 

    More chance of leaving this division upwardly by playing tight pragmatic football 

    Brentford, Brighton, Bournemouth 

  9. I want to give Nige some more games this season to allow him to get us playing better and challenging for the paly offs.

    I must admit that I do get envious of those clubs who have brought in younger dynamic managers who have got them playing fast flowing attacking football and ultimately made them successful. 

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