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Mr Hankey

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Posts posted by Mr Hankey

  1. 15 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    Wazthat mean?   Come back Alex?

    I posted something, but “couldn’t be assed” with any arguments on a Friday eve, so deleted it & just typed “cba” instead ?……..but yes to Alex coming back, very much yes.

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  2. 11 hours ago, City Rocker said:

    No idea what you're getting at here. Cardiff have no history to speak of, any more than we do.
    Two of my oldest friends are Cardiff City fans and I can assure you they would take a Steve Lansdown equivalent - a locally born and bred rich bloke who has the interests of the football club at heart, rather than chasing profit - over Vincent Tan, in a heartbeat. If such a person exists in Cardiff. But the truth is, Steve Lansdown equivalents are few and far between, for most clubs

    Two out of however many thousands isn’t exactly a large pool to garner a proper opinion.

    My point is that people are terrified of foreign ownership & use Cardiff as some sort of example, but they have been a much more successful club than us since we have had Lansdown and they have had Tan - not saying that i want Vincent Tan at all & i don’t actively want SL gone (but if he decides to boot Pearson out then i certainly will be) but you can’t deny he has had more success than what Lansdown has. Based on their recent Premier league exposure, once Tan is actually serious about selling the club they will find a buyer quite quickly & not end up extinct.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Sleepy1968 said:

    Clubs bigger than us have had poor owners take over. But I expect SL to do his due diligence when handing the reigns over. Only if he dies in situ would I be really concerned. Even then I expect there to be a robust plan in place to dispose of his interest in the club.

    Of course bigger clubs have had poor owners, but it seems as though people think we will go the way of Bury ect and end up extinct! Such an odd way of thinking. As someone earlier mentioned, we always mock and praise the almighty that we aren’t Cardiff with their owners……but do you honestly think Cardiff would swap thier current situation and history for ours?  Not a fooking chance they would!

    People mention other clubs owners sailing close to FFP & sanctions ect…….ummm hello, were we not in this same position a year or so ago!?!?! At least the likes of West Brom, Bournemouth & Cardiff ect actually managed to get some success with thier owners.

    I’m not anti-Lansdown & i do think he has done well for the club and his heart is in the right place, but i am absolutely convinced this club is in need of some fresh ownership if we are to become successful.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, ORANGE500 said:

    To be replaced by some dodgy foreign owner no doubt,what could possibly go wrong? I suspect  Steve Lansdown won't be appreciated until he's gone  although there are some like myself who have the good sense to highly value his contribution.to the club and hope it contiues.



    Why does everybody assume this!?!? Such a wierd mentality to live by. We will be fine. Extremely attractive proposition for any future owner, we aren’t some tinpot backwater club like Bury and Southend ffs.

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  5. If the rumour is true that he is out for the season, & that’s a big if as it isn’t confirmed yet, you would have to think there is something pretty serious going on with this infection, particularly around the quietness regarding it at the club. Hopefully he gets well soon & we can look forward to seeing him on the pitch.

  6. 3 minutes ago, westonred said:

    Yeah i get that but he has been called one of the brightest prospects in the Championship so if he is on low wages (he must be if were interested) then why dont WBA get rid of one of the higher erners and keep him

    Looking at their squad, there isn’t many players that teams would be happy to fork out on, if they can get a couple of million out of us for a player that cost them nothing it could help them balance the books a bit.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, westonred said:

    If TGH is such a talent why would WBA loan him out ? Surely if he is that good he would be in their 1st team plans

    West Brom are financially in the shit, so a loan for a young player who probably isn’t on huge wages is a bit odd from their point of view - perhaps we want a loan, but they may reject that approach and hold out for a permanent move.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Dr Balls said:

    I don’t doubt that Ashton may have profited personally from some of these European transfers. As for Magnússon, my understanding was that we made a profit on his transfer out, while Djuruc was unfortunate with injuries (and what we wouldn’t give to have a player like him now) and Pisano did a more than decent job in the 2 seasons with us 

    Although I am sure Pring and Tanner are on a fraction of Pisano’s wages, I can’t believe that our wage structure is really so tight that no one from a European league wouldn’t consider moving.

    I understand what you are saying & i do agree to an extent (think you are also right that we made a bit of profit on Magnússon) but i would say based on the injuries that the other 2 had along with the high wages would not of meant they would be classed as successful bits of business.

    I think you also have to then factor in the likes of Gieffer, Hegeler, Perreira and even Diony to then make you think that the club would no longer want to scout the European market - of course there are class players that would be value for money out there that other clubs will/have been picking up & we have missed out on, but i can also understand if the club were wanting to steer clear for the time being.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Dr Balls said:

    Sorry but I just don’t buy that argument. We have recruited successfully from Europe in the past for relatively low transfer fees (Magnússon, Djuruc, Pisano). It’s like in going from LJ/Ashton to Pearson we have gone from one extreme to another.

    You would really call Magnússon, Djuric & Pisano “successful” transfers??? I would say they were all part of an extremely expensive failed Mark Ashton/Lee Johnson experiment which was part of the reason we ended up in a financial mess!

    All 3 signed for big wages & transfer fees (apart from Pisano, but im sure he had a wedge of a signing on fee) & 2 had pretty big injuries throughout thier time with us.

    Edit: actually could be wrong on the transfer fee’s being high as i can’t remember, but i still wouldnt class them as successful transfers.

  10. Lansdown won’t back Pearson from here on, i hope i am wrong, but i feel as if he will be looking forward to seeing the back of him. He has sorted the mess and should be fully backed, but as NP seems to call it as he see’s it, then it is completley against what Lansdown likes in a manager (we all know it’s his club and his money so he will do what he wants & no one can question it blah blah blah). Think this time next year our manager will be the one that is currently at Plymouth.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

    It’s easy to say “why don’t we spend some of the 30 off million from S&S sales” if we hadn’t had the farce that came in the years preceding them. 

    When you treble a wage bill and are making losses of 30m a year and paying numerous players upwards of 25k a week you need to reset. Ideally reset within the new boundaries you set yourself. So do I blame SL for not spunking mega millions now? No. Do I blame him for backing the wrong horse. Yes. 

    Curb Your Enthusiasm Bingo GIF by Jason Clarke

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  12. 11 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    Managed to sort. If you go into the PNE ticket and click options/the three dots, unselect automatic updates and hit done. Then go back in, then automatic updates back on and hit done again, then should update to show birmingham

    Nice one , just did this & it's updated to Birmingham, cheers!

  13. 6 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    Anyones ST pass not updated to tomorrows game yet too?

    Was going to ask the same thing.......mine is just in the "Expired Passes" section of the wallet as the Preston game, i assumed it was meant to stay in your wallet & automatically update, but doesn't appear to be the case!

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