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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. They have a pretty good record of finding goalscorers to be fair. Some years back im sure it was Andy Rammell they signed and his goals were the difference in them staying up.
  2. It's not exclusively on the pitch that you are going nowhere. You mention Brentford, who are soon to move in to a new stadium with a capacity around 18k and have a well established system to keep themselves afloat and be competitive at this level. Compared to yourselves, they are going somewhere. Your owners would do well to emulate them. It's probably the only route open to them, seeing as they don't spend much. We've hardly spent peanuts but are still realistically punching above our weight in this league. Seen how much Wolves spent last season? Wish it wasn't all about the money and business like infrastructure these days but it is and you're years behind.
  3. Was that who was co-commentating on Sky? The myth has been perpetuated, amazing support, incredible atmosphere as always, they are known for it blah blah blah. Rover's aside, he was crap, bigging up play when nothing really happened etc. He would of probably passed out had he watched the Real v Ajax match.
  4. Give this one a go mate. https://www.vipleague.lc/1-bristol-rovers-vs-sunderland-live-streaming Might have similar issues but good luck ?
  5. Sunderland clearly have the quality to put this to bed if they step it up. Gas look workman like and basic.
  6. This sag has got it in one.. "I think they might be distracting in our craphole of a ground just because they’ll be the only modern thing in it."
  7. It's a bit like new Dr Who, it looks good and people seem to like it but having grown up with the originals, for better or worse, it's just not the same. They've had to make him more PC and 'real' but in doing so it just looks like they copied Jason Bourne. Casino Royal probably the pick of the Craig movies for me.
  8. Doesn't say a lot for their supporters. Will come out in droves if they are successful and play in a new stadium but rarely fill the current dump as they fight relegation. Massive, passionate, loyal fan base my arse.
  9. If my house was falling apart around me a new huge flat screen would be way down the list. Only going to make the rest of the dump look even worse anyway.
  10. Jesus, BS levels just hit a new height. I mean come on, Barcelona, again, seriously?
  11. Absolutely i agree but none of this side of it should be in the public domain IMO. The famlies and loved ones involved could well do with out it i'd imagine.
  12. Just catching up on the latest on this. Where are your morals at Nantes? Demanding the first payment. That is absolutely disgraceful. Now reading they have just recovered the yet unidentified body from the plane wreckage. What a tragic and sorry state of affairs this is.
  13. Sightings of red flares were reported during a lifeboat and helicopter search, but "nothing of significance was found", a Channel Islands Air Search spokeswoman said. Wonder if there is a slim chance they survived the initial crash. No idea if a plane like that would be kitted with a life raft, perhaps life jackets? Fingers crossed for them both.
  14. Cockman on January window: "Like I say there is one or two players out there I would bring in tomorrow to help out the football club and the CEO and the owners have backed me with everything I have done so far, they put their hand in their pocket for a Nandos the other day." Steady on Wael...Nandos! Well there goes a signing on fee for someone.
  15. Think you are probably right. He will get a memorable draw up at Sunderland at the weekend, followed by a few points at home, get appointed then be helpless to stop them going down.
  16. Do you have a pilots licence? @Robbored
  17. It's ok, it's actually Carl Saunders.
  18. How to get the sack in 5 mins. He's right in what he says but should of saved that for the board. Just goes to show how frustrated he is.
  19. Not quite - 1 Tillson = 370k. Given that Tillson was a good signing for them, for that price, Nicholls must go down as one of their very worst.
  20. Scoreline rather than teamsheet gave that one away!
  21. The server will promptly shred itself if they score.
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