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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. Indeed. If you put high production values and a snazzy sound track on a turd, it's still a turd.
  2. Sad but true. Struggle to produce anything new bar offices and houses in this part of the world these days.
  3. Quite tidy. That should get them drooling.
  4. That's not Virgina Tech's stadium but the aptly named,162,000 seater, Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee. Not sure why they've photoshoped the football pitch in there, perhaps just to show how huge the place is. 2 of Rovers 'stands' can be seen near the bottom of the picture to also help with the scale.
  5. Sat in one of those newfangled metal tents they hear so much about.
  6. 2nd half was as good defensively as the first was offensively. Excellent away performance.
  7. Exactly, why buy it now when you could pick it up for a quid next year.
  8. Haha yes i had heard that, i think after the Accrington defeat. Something along the lines of it made it too easy for footballing sides to play around them
  9. Lawn looks in good nick, really goes well with the new shed. Could do with a shrubbery here or there though.
  10. Reminded me of this from Big Train. Perhaps the sags could consider renaming the stadium.....
  11. I just spotted the cheeky like from JL as well. Brilliant.
  12. I had to check that wasn't fake. They actually tweeted Bristol Rovers official twitter. Top work, clap it in
  13. It's just like the times when Landsdown said it wasn't legally correct to let us know that we are looking to build a ground at Ashton Vale or when he did it again about the redevelopment of Ashton Gate or even the new training ground. Uncanny. I honestly have no idea how anyone, if they follow Rovers, football or not could listen to that or his interview on Sat and not instantly think "bullshitter".
  14. Good post apart from the Swindon bit,
  15. So says their supporters chauffeur.... They are inconsequential these days but you've been around long enough to remember why we don't like them surely?
  16. He came across in that interview as shifty and not to be trusted. Not a single straight answer. They are on the brink of going under if you ask me.
  17. We've got one they can borrow, takes no time at all to set up...
  18. Apparently their best asset now is not a player, the manager or the ground....its the fans! Your totally fecked if that's the case.
  19. So, 700k in the bank, time to break that transfer record then. At some point some poor sod is going to be announced as their record signing for a paltry 400k or similar. Mind the gap or perhaps careful of the chasm might be more apt as modern football continues to move upwards beyond their reach.
  20. New tents going up at the Disney end very soon.
  21. Peter O'Hanrahwank the redoutable shithead did make me laugh. It's almost a term of endearment bless him.
  22. No idea, but they are almost certain to be related.
  23. If only it was! This one is though....
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