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Sir Geoff

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Posts posted by Sir Geoff

  1. 8 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    I too think that's it sra.

    Think back to the Blades we played in the 'Weimann' game and this is a pale imitation. Considering they are a Premier league side, I expected a lot more intensity from them.

    That said, the sags are giving them a go. (Grits teeth) They're doing ok but I would expect the Blades to up their game in the 2nd half (ungrits teeth).

    I'm just waiting for the rugby TBH.

    Not so far....they look worse if anything.

    • Sad 1
  2. So its alright for thousands of people to sit on Bournemouth beach and wander around the town at will. 100's mingling in town centres shopping and from September 30 kids plus a few adults compressed in small classrooms (indoors !!) but sports fans cant be trusted to act responsibly inside a stadium.

    Sorry but from someone who strictly adheres to social distancing I think it is more mixed messages from Government. 

    I would quite happily return to watch live football if every second seat is left unoccupied, concession stands and toilets closed (so no queueing).

    Under the above guidelines I wont be attending if I have to turn up 3 hrs before...especially after a 2 hour journey to get to the ground in the first place.

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  3. Haven't listened to the Talk Sport show but wondering if Big Cheese mentioned the cross I put in for him to score one of his trademark headers when he was playing as a 'ringer' for us in the Somerset Senior League one evening, late 80's.

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  4. 10 hours ago, chinapig said:

    Perhaps Sheikh Mansour could take time out from his brave battle against the terrible injustice suffered by poor little Manchester City to arrange for Etihad to sponsor Bury?

    Why would anyone in their right mind put more money into Steve Dale's bank account.

    2 minutes ago, sephjnr said:

    It also makes me wonder if Steve Dale bought the club literally just to make money from selling Gigg Lane.

    He did. And it has worked, he doesnt give two hoots whether or not Bury survive.

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  5. From Planet Swans re Harries

    He's a bit like Fulton in that he looks heavy-footed and does clumsy/lazy things too often because he doesn't want to/can't shift his feet. He's got a great range of passing but takes time to find his rhythm and when he's put under pressure by faster, stronger players he winds up looking panicked and agricultural instead.

    Seems like the perfect player for the gas.

  6. 1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    I actually think this is one of the lowest ebbs in my lifetime as a Rovers fan. The fact that Mansfield, 18th in League Two have managed to  poach a manager who has-within one calendar year and on a very limited budget- from relegation certs to 4th in the table (we could even go second today) should confirm to every Rovers fan that the current board have absolutely no interest other than their own financial one in the club. It should also be remembered that the manager was employed on the cheap, I didn't even realise he was at the club until his appointment!

    Against all the odds, Coughlan has done a great job, probably too good for the owners who have now been exposed for what they are. Mind you, there are a few who have now turned on our former manager for the way he left (personally I think once he was refused permission to talk to Mansfield, he engineered a situation which forced the boards hand) Those who now  blame Coughlan, remind me of people who blame those on benefits and immigrants  for all of societies ills rather than looking upward to those who created the conditions in the first place.

    Anyway, the point I am eventually trying to get to, is that many people on here have said 'City fans wouldn't take this' and my answer to that is, yes you would, all football fans do.

    Sure there may be a few banners and shouts of 'Sack the board', but there are very, very few occasions this has any effect and even when it has worked (Blackpool for example) it takes years and the damage has already been done.

    There is very little appetite for people to get involved with anything let alone football as long as they are doing reasonably okay.  I saw nothing but scorn thrown at Labours plans to change how football clubs were owned ,bizarrely in my social circle by a few people who go to games in Germany because they love watching games over there, but also in the wider general media.

    The Premier League certainly changed football and there are many, many of those changes that have improved it but it has been at a cost to some and while forums are full of fans crying crocodile tears over the likes of Bury, most of them couldn't give a flying **** as long as their team are okay. City fans have very little to moan about, but if Lansdown's interest did ever wane, any anti board shouts would soon disappear as a couple of wins came along. Tis the way of the world :)


    Reading between the lines of Coughlan's statement, I think he said he had taken the club as far as he can.....In other words he has been told by the board to forget signing anyone in January and prepare to lose your better players. Fair play to him for reaching the heights he did and as you say possibly even 2nd today if he had stayed but it seems there is only one way to go now (Just ask Status Quo).

    Football is cyclical and yes there will come a day when the mighty Teds will be without the Lansdowns but that day is a long way off (John Lansdown being a City fan following them home and away since a boy).

    Sorry to say it Miah but 4th / 2nd in the league and 3rd round of the cup may be as good as it gets for The Gas for many long years to come.

  7. 15 hours ago, Midlands Robin said:

    Forgive the lack of detail but I'm certain there was a post match demo at the rear of the William's stand against the so called "reform group" towards the back end of the 95 season. It was around the time the club got in trouble with the FA over the financing of the Atyeo stand, Osman putting out teams of teenage academy rejects, Europe in 5 years and all that other bollocks. It paved the way for Scott Davidson to buy the club. 

    I'm certain I remember it and the protests calling for the board to quit going on inside the ground as well. 

    All of my old copies of One Team are in a box somewhere otherwise I'd go back and check. 

    Anyone else remember?? 

    Anyhow, the Saggys, the gift that keeps on giving. 

    Remember it clearly. Singing ‘sack the board’ and ‘where’s the money gone.’ Big demo at back of grandstand.

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  8. Skeletel man on Talk shite just now......asked by either Hawksbee or Jacobs about Bristol City being in the play off places......I thought he was going to choke. He did manage a few good words about us and the stadium before stating that Bristol needs a club in the Premier league as City were there for only one season before plummeting down to the 4th division. Gas logic turning 4 into 1 ?... and on national radio

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