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Posts posted by Mattredrobin

  1. 14 hours ago, bcfcfinker said:

    While I'm a bit of a porker, I had no weight loss. Having said that, I've heard that some people can lose weight due to anxiety and depression so maybe there is nothing to read into it (if the weight loss is sustained and dramatic, that's the time to have a chat with your doc, if only to get some reassurance)?

    The problem with the older generation of health care professionals (talking generally because I don't want to tar all older health care professionals with the same brush), they came from a time when once a diagnosis is set, that's it, no more thinking about the problem even when it's obvious the treatments aren't working, also some have become jaded with their jobs. The new generation tend to talk about 'holistic health' and are open to new ideas, thinking and trying new things.

    Doctors are under pressure but this is not an excuse for poor care and 'covid' appears to be used extensively at the moment as an excuse to the point that it's almost becoming cliche. To a certain extent, the onus is then pushed to the patient to take care of themselves and this is to the point people should be thinking of raising a complaint, something that we in the UK tend to avoid as the docs are thought to beyond reproach.

    Personally, I've been clear of issues down there for over 5 years. Yes, I get twinges now and again and this triggers worries, but ultimately, I've had no issues since the different approach to treatment tried over 5 years ago.

    Here's to everything being Ok for you going forward and that this event is but a dropped stitch in life's tapestry (see Only Fools and Horses, Time on our Hands, the lift scene, very poignant, mixed in with a touch of comedy to take the edge off things).

    Finally, and I really do hope that his does not come over as patronising, when I get overwhelming anxiety (among other things) I remind myself of the cheesy song by Baz Luhrmann, Wear Sunscreen, because it helps me to put things into perspective.

    Take care.

    Oh, and start running again when you've recovered. It helps.

    Yeah will keep an eye on the weight loss I just never lose weight unless I run so seemed a bit odd, but like you say just being anxious and paranoid about every little thing at the moment.

    Completely get what you're saying in regards to the older generation of health care, but like you say isn't an excuse for poor care, even the weekend nurses have said I shouldn't be going to them cause they don't take patients from weston so that was a bit confusing. 

    Know not patronising I do need to find something that helps me relax, city is my release at the end of a week but 16 games without a win at home doesn't help. 

    That's great you've been clear for so long hopefully that's it for you, I'm a massive only fools fan so knew exactly that quote as soon as I saw it off to see the musical in London in Feb so can't wait for that. Might have seen a city win at home by then too ?.

  2. 8 hours ago, bcfcfinker said:

    The information below is from someone who knows what you are experiencing. It is brutally honest in the hope that the information is helpful in the case of extended recovery.

    I've had the same problem - the pain is incredible till the point the abscess bursts, then the intense pain is gone. The pus and blood triggers triggers some major anxiety.

    Initially it was suspected I had a fistula and that caused me a fair amount of anxiety in itself.
    I suspect you'll be tempted to try all sorts of 'Internet searches' etc., try all sorts of 'cures' etc. Take it from me, don't as it can make things worse.
    The waiting around for treatment, especially if you get flair ups (I had multiple flair ups but the time to rupture of the abscess became progressively less - the only thing I can think off is the skin around the area became weaker) also causes a hell of a lot of anxiety.

    I had a number of ops, each time no fistula was found and I was sent away and the wound cavity was packed with stringy type of dressing (they don't like to stitch the wound due to the area it's situated at, but prefer the wound to heal from the inside out). Unfortunately the abscesses kept coming back, obviously causing more anxiety.

    In the end, I was seen by the top dog. He checked one more time for a fistula, saw there wasn't one and I believe he just gave the wound a good cleaning out (debridement?), told me it wasn't be be packed out but just left to heal by itself, obviously leaving me to keeping things clean after going to the toilet etc. (basically, I just jumped in the bath and cleaned myself with soap and water) - I wasn't even given any antibiotics this time round. I have not had a problem since.

    If a fistula is mentioned, they will ask you a number of questions and if you don't recognise any of the symptoms they suggest, be insistent they don't apply, it might save time getting a fix in place. Be insistent that the top dog takes a look if you can (a consultant) and that he/she does the repair procedure (easier said than done).

    The bottom line to my ordeal was this:
    It was out of the blue - the pain was excruciating and it conjures up all sorts of worries.
    The being passed from pillar to post by the health care system - just what are the experts up to, couldn't they understand my distress?
    The equally sudden rupture of the abscess - while I was thankful for the sudden pain loss, the puss and blood caused a WTF moment.
    Then more pillar to post stuff, cycles of pain, blood and puss.
    This didn't cause me any depression but it did cause a hell of a lot of anxiety.
    While the health care professionals were doing their best, the 'information' about my condition was confusing and not helpful.
    It took someone to take a step back from the treatment I was receiving and try something different that led to my recovery.

    You might be lucky, this might all be fixed in one go for you and I truly hope that is the case.
    If the packing of your wound doesn't appear to be working, ask about just getting the would well cleaned (while under a general) and not packing it i.e. just leave it open and keeping it clean. This approach worked for me.

    Hey man thanks for the response, yes that pain is something I never ever want to experience ever again, and whilst I'm really glad I'm out of it now, any little pain I get there I think it's coming back, did you find that you lost a lot of weight ? I've was 17st 4 before this ( used to run alot but with my depression lost all motivation for it and eating in lockdown didn't help ) but I'm not 15st 13lb, I do have my appetite back so worried now why I'm losing this weight ( another anxiety thing ).


    Luckily I think my wound has healed quiet nicely and I was meant to have my last appointment with the nurse Friday but it was cancelled so next and hopefully last will be Wednesday, I found some of the nurses were very helpful ( particularly the younger ones) where as the older ones just seemed to want you in and out as quickly as possible and by the time I'd been to the toilet a few hours later the packing had fallen out, felt very let down by the doctors too I appreciate its a very tough time for them atm but every patient is a separate case and just felt like it was easiest just to tell me it was piles and deal with it even though I was telling them it was not right

    Thanks again for the message and hope you're clear of any more experiences like This.


  3. 2 hours ago, Fordy62 said:

    Hey mate. How you getting along?

    Was feeling fine until yesterday have pain again in the same area doctor just keeps telling me to take what they've given me was hoping as this is my last week off work I'd at least be able to drive and get to the shops and get myself to the nurse's appointments and go and see my son on Wednesday but at this moment I won't be able to do that, very thankful to my girlfriend who is driving me about whilst working from home thank you for asking appreciate it 


    • Robin 1
  4. On 27/09/2021 at 00:12, In the Net said:

    Sorry to hear about what you've been through Matt.  A few years ago my son had an operation on his back and they filled the wound with packing, which had to be changed daily.  He was able to go to the local walk in centre to have this done, we only found this out by accident when one of the regular nurses didn't turn up at home, and after several hours he was in a lot of pain because the packing was starting to stick to the wound.  It might be worth you looking into this.  Good luck. 

    Thank you luckily everything seems to be healing well, it's just where it's located making it difficult for them, my packing keeps falling out so not getting stuck thankfully just so glad to be out of pain. Just really hope that's it over, will definitely consider the walk in centre if for what ever reason the nurses can't see me. 

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  5. 45 minutes ago, Vespa Red said:

    Sorry to read this @Mattredrobin.  It sounds horrible and I hope that the pain is now under control.

    I understand how the uncertainty about what is going on is tortuous. Is there a District Nursing service you can approach locally about the bandages?

    Thank you not in much pain anymore thankfully, Yeah saw a nurse on friday got told i don't know what they expext me to do this is impossible, i said oh great so what am i meant to do she said hope it heals on it's own, i have appointments everyday next week with the same person so hopefully she can do it or at least check it's not infected, she also gave me a number for weekend distrct nurse who would'nt see me as i was'nt reffered by my gp 

  6. Hey everyone been really struggling recently already have depression and the last month health wise has been a nightmare, now i'll warn you this is'nt pretty so i apologise in advance, i went to the doctors about 6 weeks ago with pain in my rectal area, they told me nothing to worry about and was abit of constipation and they saw i had pile they gave me some laxitive to take and some cream, a week later i was in excruciating pain even though the powder was working, i rang the doctor again and they told me keep up the treatment a week after that the pain was unbareable calls to the doctor, 111, and a trip to a&e got me no where just got told change you're diet, but i was telling this pain was'nt right, tuesday last week i then started pouring with blood and had mucus and all sorts it was vile, finally 111 tell me go to hospital, to then be told i have blood infection and a burst abcess and would need a operation... this has been the worst month of my life i feel really let down by people who should be able to help even now i need bandages changed and been told by a nurse it's impossible to change and have to hope it does'nt get infected, even nurses in hospital said how bad it's got now with gp's not really caring to much they just want you in and out, have to rest for 2 weeks now and not over do it but i'm struggling emotionally and worry there is more to come with this.  

    • Robin 1
  7. Just heading back to the car not really sure how to feel after that, game was crying out for wells long before he came on, pearson finally came down to the dugout and we seemed to react wether it was his presence or wells introduction but we looked good, then we just get caught out and bang 2-1 and we never recovered thats my small summary of the game but lots of work to do, i felt people saying we would be relegation contenders was a tad harsh but having seen the last 2 league games there are concerning signs. 

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  8. Their owner (lee power )was on talksport today, obviously only his side of the story but it sounds like its quiet easily sorted out, just waiting on the prospected owner passing his fit and proper test, if what lee power was saying sounds like the new owner won' t be much better. 

  9. Hey hard post for me to write but i've only just seen this page, nice to know that i can reach out to the city community, i'm suffering with depression at the moment lots of different things going on one day im fine then i'm struggling for weeks, hoping once we get back to a routine of city matches this will help me lots, sending love and thoughts to anyone going through similar, and as im sure many of you have said before if anyone needs to talk about anything no matter how trivial or silly it may seem to them please drop me a message it may even help me to know there a fellow reds out there that understand ?

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