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Everything posted by Redrascal2

  1. A few decent tackles might be useful for a midfield player as well.
  2. Am I right in saying FFP does not apply in League 1. Well the way we are going they will be no need to Google it next season.
  3. I think his silence speaks volumes. That he is leaving the football club to get on with it and more funds to strengthen the team are not going to be forthcoming. His back is truly turned to the problems we currently have.
  4. Yes agreed bad analogy. We cannot make Bakinson, for example, a Joe Williams. But you should expect him to work hard and give all he has. A good example is George Tanner a full back from league 2 when he stepped in to the team he clearly was not a ready made Championship player but he gave you a whole hearted performance. He worked his socks off.I think it is reasonable to expect that from all 11 players who wear our shirt even if we lose the game. And I thought Pearson would provide that more regularly than he is.
  5. I struggle with the concept that the absence of 2 or 3 players can prevent the 11 selected from giving their best in a game. Also I think that the Manager has a role in motivating and organising the team and that just does not seem to be happening as I would have thought with a Manager of Pearson's experience.
  6. He had a hard man image. But in reality he seems a soft touch. Can you imagine some of the players who bottled it today going in to see Joe Jordan after playing like that. It seems the players have no concerns about Pearson or his reaction when they put no effort or commitment in to a game.
  7. Transitioning from the Championship to league 1 maybe.
  8. Very good post but the issue for me is not that I'm expecting miracles or quick solutions to long standing problems. But I did expect a Pearson team to be motivated and make the opposition at least have to work hard for the points. Beaten due to inexperience or quality of player or tactically. But beaten due to lack of determination and fight I do not think is acceptable. And clearly Pearson has proven consistently incapable of putting out a team each week that can compete or even show an interest in competing. Tough game away on a snowy day in Sheffield and our lot weren't interested. Not acceptable from Pearson and if you cannot get your team motivated and playing with pride then it doesn't seem to matter who you sign. He has failed.
  9. He is an embarrassment. How he can look himself in the mirror after that spineless gutless display.
  10. Well if that is the case and we do not strengthen in January then we going to be very close to relegation. With Williams .King and James all getting injuries now and Williams only capable of a few games at a time. Along with the minimal impact that Pearson has had, we are really in the shite.
  11. Well done to all those who travelled up to a snowy Sheffield for a mid day kick off. You deserve better then what the gutless wonders gave you. Safe trip back home.
  12. Massengo just stands and watches McGoldrick run in to space. I cannot see what he does except run around a lot. What a bloody shower.
  13. Makes you wonder how stupid our players are for carrying on doing it when the ref was booking players for it. Or at least City players for doing it.
  14. They are not just off their game they don't seem to want to put any effort in. Why are we still bottling it.
  15. How much space are we giving them. No midfield tackling. It was so easy for them. What a surprise they have scored.
  16. When I think of Stoke versus City, I remember two of my favourite goals. A Matt Bryant screamer at the Gate and a Tinnion special at Stoke. It would be great to have one of those type of goals tonight. COYR
  17. Glad he is back to full health. But worried he has got fit in time for another defeat at home!!!!
  18. I hope NP makes a full recovery like all City fans. But I hope while he is off that Curtis is given full control. And not simply be taking calls to implement NP's plans. How can that be effective when he is not at the club. He is off sick so forget football and concentrate on getting better. And leave Curtis to get on with the job and see what he is made of.
  19. The club has lurched from one crisis to another in the last couple of years with results and performance constantly heading downwards. There cannot be a coordinated and coherent plan/project being undertaken. I cannot see how this club is doing anything else but fire fighting at the moment. Desperate for stability and some consistency. When and if we achieve that then would be the time to have some sort of realistic plan to move the club forward. When we reach that point I have no idea and whether it is possible under Lansdown I have considerable doubts.
  20. How do you work that out. Lansdown has pulled the plug on financial support for new signings at City and the Bears. I reckon we will have to get on with what we have.
  21. Why would he join City. Unless he is losing his sanity. Nothing that has happened or will probably happen would attract someone who has been in the Premier League. And Lansdown wouldn't pay the necessary money to get him. He is leaving it all to Pearson and Gould and his son and showing little interest in what is happening and our slide in to league 1.
  22. Probably gone back to playing with his train set or crayons to design a new club badge.
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