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Everything posted by bcfc01

  1. I foresee lots of added on time this season..
  2. Apparently. Then off for another two weeks.
  3. Boris seems to have upset Mr. Hastings. Water off a ducks back no doubt...
  4. Competitive enough for 16th presumably.? But I largely agree. If we can get an experienced DMF and keep Scott (confident we will) and Semenyo (not as confident) then I'd be fairly optimistic of a top 10 finish. The "if" is the key bit.
  5. Agreed. We've signed two unproven players at this level and another that most will not have heard of. We may lose a couple of influential players like Semenyo or Scott. Keep the powder dry till August imo. Personally more upbeat about the form at the end of the season and hopefully we can replicate it going into this season. Cautiously (very) optimistic at this stage.
  6. Always loved the colours, but that shirt looks a mess.
  7. I remember a lot of white on the shirt sleeves in 2013.. Now That was a hideous shirt.
  8. Love the kit, best in years. That's my nephew's birthday sorted next week.
  9. So. @RedM was right. Arsenal style.
  10. Great sales figures, hopefully a few thousand kids season tickets sold - fans of the future. Also impressive that the numbers are up on last season. Positive stuff.
  11. Me. Coupla tweaks to make it unique to City and jobs a good 'un.
  12. We won 4-1 away as well that season.
  13. Good night. Poland beat Wales and Ukraine show up the Scots.
  14. Yep, a nice cornet on Sunderland beach in December would be nice. Yep, a nice cornet on Sunderland beach in December would be nice.
  15. Me and Mrs. 01 decided to make a weekend of it so stayed in Brighton from Friday to Monday. Travelled up to London on the morning of the game from Brighton, there were about half a dozen City fans on the train. Travelled back to Brighton in silence after the game and when we got back to the hotel she burst into tears. I don't remember too much of the game and I also don't remember watching any highlights since.
  16. I'll be watching in the sun, hopefully in a predominately English bar.
  17. City used to publish this data in detail but stopped after 17/18 season. Shame as it was really informative. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/fanzone/away-days/
  18. Wollacott on the bench - thought he was number one for them ? Not a great watch tbh.
  19. Exactly. Wycombe were screwed last season, be nice to see them take the place of the cheats. Also, Neill and Sunderland - match made in heaven, entitled fans and a gobshite manager. Wycombe every time for me.
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